Class: K-G2. Subject: Social_Norms. 1) Is it good to flight one another. (a)yes (b)no. 2) Is it good to show love to one another. (a) yes (b)no. 3) Is it good to say sorry when needed. (a)yes (b) no. 4) We must speak the truth always. (a) yes (b) no. 5) Is it good
CLASS: Nursery 1 SUBJECT:: Social norms TOPIC: Safety at home (sharp objects) Home -work Re-write the following sharp objects. 1. B l a d e ______________ 2. S c i s s o r s _________________ 3. N e e d l e ________________ 4. N
CLASS: Nursery 1 SUBJECT:: Reading this Readiness TOPIC: Reading and Identification of words starting with letter “G” Home -work Re-write the following words starting with letter “G” 1. G o o d ____________ 2. G o a t _____________ 3. G o _________ 4. G
CLASS: Nursery 1 SUBJECT:: Number Readiness TOPIC: Colours and their spellings Home -work Re- write the names of the following at primary school colours. B l u e R e d Green Yellow Colours and their spellings
Class:KG 2. Subject: Number Readiness. Topic: Learn Number 1-5 with spelling. 1= one 2= two 3= three 4= four 5= five Home work. 1= one. 2= two __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________
Class: Nursery 1 Subject: Number readiness Topic: spelling of number (11–15) 11=eleven 12=twelve 13=thirteen 14=fourteen 15=fifteen Homework Write in words Number (10–15) 10= 11= 12= 13= 14= 15=
Class: k g 2 Subject: Reading Readiness Topic: Reading of letter a __z and Identification of letter of letter a __p Identification of letter a __ p b c a d f h g e i k j m l n p o Re arrange the letters
Class:KG 1 Subject: Science Topic: Identification of objects at home. Objects at home are; -)Bed -)fan -)chair -) Table -) Television Dinning table Pressing iron Flask Radio Blender Washing machine
Class: K-G2. Subjec: Number-Readiness. Topic: Counting of figure 1-50, Fill in the missing number 1-20. 1____3____5___7___9____ 11___13___15___17___19___.
Date: Monday, 4th May, 2020. Class: K.G.1 Subject: Reading Readiness Topic: writing of letter a – c -)write letter a -)write letter b -)write letter c. Date: Monday, 4th May, 2020. Class: K.G.1 Subject: Reading Readiness Topic: writing of letter a – c -)write letter a -)write letter b -)write letter c.
Date: Wednesday, 29th April, 2020. Class: K. G. 1 Subject: Number Readiness Topic: Identification and writing of figure 3 -) Write figure 3 Date: Wednesday, 29th April, 2020. Class: K. G. 1 Subject: Number Readiness Topic: Identification and writing of figure 3 -) Write figure 3