Revision and Review Test Questions English JSS 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week 11

Week 11: Revision of All Topics Covered

Subject: English Grammar
Class: JSS 2
Term: First Term
Week: 11
Age: 12-13 years

Part A: Review and Revision

20 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) with Answers

  1. What is a noun?
    A noun is a word that names a person, place, thing, or idea. Examples include “teacher,” “school,” and “happiness.”
  2. What are transitive verbs?
    Transitive verbs are action verbs that require a direct object to complete their meaning, such as “She reads a book.”
  3. What is the difference between active and passive voice?
    In active voice, the subject performs the action (e.g., “The dog chased the cat”). In passive voice, the subject receives the action (e.g., “The cat was chased by the dog”).
  4. What are adjectives used for?
    Adjectives describe or modify nouns, giving more detail about them (e.g., “The tall building”).
  5. What is the present continuous tense?
    The present continuous tense describes actions that are currently happening. It is formed with “to be” + verb ending in -ing (e.g., “She is reading”).
  6. What is direct speech?
    Direct speech is when we quote someone’s exact words, usually enclosed in quotation marks (e.g., “He said, ‘I am happy'”).
  7. How do we form the past perfect tense?
    The past perfect tense is formed using “had” + past participle (e.g., “She had finished her homework before dinner”).
  8. What is a conjunction?
    A conjunction is a word that connects words, phrases, or clauses (e.g., “and,” “but,” “or”).
  9. What is an adjective clause?
    An adjective clause is a dependent clause that modifies a noun, providing more information about it (e.g., “The book that I borrowed is interesting”).
  10. What is indirect speech?
    Indirect speech reports what someone said without quoting them directly, often changing pronouns and tenses (e.g., “He said that he was tired”).
  11. What are the main types of conjunctions?
    The main types of conjunctions are coordinating (e.g., “and,” “but”), subordinating (e.g., “because,” “although”), and correlative (e.g., “either…or”).
  12. What does a verb express?
    A verb expresses an action, occurrence, or state of being (e.g., “run,” “exist,” “is”).
  13. How do we identify a sentence in passive voice?
    A sentence is in passive voice if the subject receives the action, often indicated by the verb “to be” plus the past participle (e.g., “The cake was eaten”).
  14. What are examples of adverbs?
    Examples of adverbs include “quickly,” “very,” “well,” and “silently,” which modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs.
  15. What is the future tense?
    The future tense indicates actions that will happen, usually formed with “will” or “shall” plus the base form of the verb (e.g., “I will go”).
  16. How do we change tenses in indirect speech?
    When converting to indirect speech, we often shift the tense back one step (e.g., present to past).
  17. What is a declarative sentence?
    A declarative sentence states a fact or opinion and ends with a period (e.g., “The sky is blue.”).
  18. What is a complex sentence?
    A complex sentence contains an independent clause and at least one dependent clause (e.g., “Although it was raining, we went for a walk”).
  19. What is a compound sentence?
    A compound sentence consists of two or more independent clauses joined by a conjunction (e.g., “I wanted to go, but I was too tired”).
  20. What is a pronoun?
    A pronoun is a word that replaces a noun in a sentence (e.g., “he,” “she,” “it”).

Part B: Objective Questions (20 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions with Options)

  1. A word that describes a noun is called a _________.
    a) Verb
    b) Adjective
    c) Pronoun
    d) Adverb
  2. The verb in the sentence “She is running” is in the _________ tense.
    a) Past
    b) Present
    c) Future
    d) Perfect
  3. The word “however” is an example of a _________.
    a) Noun
    b) Pronoun
    c) Conjunction
    d) Adverb
  4. A verb that does not require an object is called an _________.
    a) Transitive verb
    b) Intransitive verb
    c) Linking verb
    d) Helping verb
  5. In indirect speech, the sentence “He said, ‘I am hungry'” becomes _________.
    a) He said he is hungry
    b) He said he was hungry
    c) He said he will be hungry
    d) He said he had been hungry
  6. “To be” is often used in the _________ voice.
    a) Active
    b) Passive
    c) Future
    d) Perfect
  7. The word “very” in “She runs very fast” is an _________.
    a) Adverb
    b) Noun
    c) Adjective
    d) Verb
  8. The main clause in a compound sentence can stand _________.
    a) Alone
    b) Together
    c) In a group
    d) With a phrase
  9. “He can play the piano” is an example of the _________ mood.
    a) Indicative
    b) Imperative
    c) Subjunctive
    d) Conditional
  10. The sentence “The book was written by the author” is in _________ voice.
    a) Active
    b) Passive
    c) Direct
    d) Indirect
  11. The word “if” is a _________.
    a) Noun
    b) Conjunction
    c) Adverb
    d) Pronoun
  12. The future perfect tense is formed using _________.
    a) will + have + past participle
    b) have + past participle
    c) had + past participle
    d) is + past participle
  13. The direct speech of “She asked if I was coming” is _________.
    a) She said, “I am coming.”
    b) She said, “Are you coming?”
    c) She said, “You are coming.”
    d) She said, “I was coming.”
  14. A word that takes the place of a noun is called a _________.
    a) Adjective
    b) Verb
    c) Pronoun
    d) Adverb
  15. The phrase “after I finish my homework” is a _________.
    a) Simple sentence
    b) Complex sentence
    c) Compound sentence
    d) Declarative sentence
  16. “He is taller than she” uses a _________.
    a) Conjunction
    b) Preposition
    c) Adjective
    d) Noun
  17. An imperative sentence gives a _________.
    a) Command
    b) Statement
    c) Question
    d) Description
  18. The word “and” connects _________.
    a) Nouns
    b) Verbs
    c) Adjectives
    d) All of the above
  19. A sentence that expresses strong emotion is called an _________.
    a) Interrogative
    b) Declarative
    c) Exclamatory
    d) Imperative
  20. The past tense of “see” is _________.
    a) See
    b) Saw
    c) Seen
    d) Sighting

Part C: Theory Questions (20 Simple Short Answer Questions)

  1. What is a noun? Give two examples.
  2. Define a verb and give an example.
  3. What is the difference between transitive and intransitive verbs?
  4. Provide an example of a sentence in the passive voice.
  5. What is an adjective? Provide an example.
  6. Explain what a conjunction does in a sentence.
  7. What does a pronoun do? Give an example.
  8. How do you form the present continuous tense?
  9. Give an example of direct speech.
  10. What is the purpose of an adverb? Give an example.
  11. Define indirect speech and provide an example.
  12. What is the function of an adjective clause?
  13. Provide an example of a complex sentence.
  14. What is a compound sentence? Give an example.
  15. How do we change the tense in indirect speech?
  16. What are the different types of conjunctions? Provide examples.
  17. How do you identify an imperative sentence?
  18. Explain the importance of punctuation in direct speech.
  19. What is the present perfect tense? Provide an example.
  20. What is the future tense and how is it formed?

Part D: True or False Questions (20 Questions)

  1. A noun can name a place. (True)
  2. Intransitive verbs require a direct object. (False)
  3. The sentence “The cat chased the mouse” is in passive voice. (False)
  4. Adjectives can describe verbs. (False)
  5. Indirect speech quotes the exact words of a speaker. (False)
  6. Conjunctions connect words or phrases. (True)
  7. “Quickly” is an example of a noun. (False)
  8. The past perfect tense describes an action completed before another past action. (True)
  9. A compound sentence contains only one independent clause. (False)
  10. “The book was read by Mary” is in the active voice. (False)
  11. Pronouns replace nouns in sentences. (True)
  12. The future tense can indicate an action happening now. (False)
  13. Adverbs often answer questions like “how?” or “when?” (True)
  14. The subjunctive mood is used for facts. (False)
  15. The word “but” is a coordinating conjunction. (True)
  16. A declarative sentence asks a question. (False)
  17. A simple sentence has one independent clause. (True)
  18. The word “either” is an example of a correlative conjunction. (True)
  19. A sentence can be both complex and compound at the same time. (True)
  20. The word “is” can function as an auxiliary verb. (True)

Part E: Fill-in-the-Gaps Questions (20 Questions)

  1. A _________ is a word that names a person, place, or thing.
  2. The verb “to be” is often used in the _________ voice.
  3. Adjectives are used to describe _________.
  4. A sentence that gives a command is called an _________ sentence.
  5. The _________ tense is formed with “will” plus the base verb.
  6. The main clause in a compound sentence can stand _________.
  7. An _________ clause provides more information about a noun.
  8. Direct speech is when we quote someone’s _________.
  9. A conjunction connects words, phrases, or _________.
  10. The past tense of “go” is _________.
  11. An adverb modifies a _________ or another adverb.
  12. The present continuous tense uses the verb “to be” plus the _________ form.
  13. In indirect speech, the tense often shifts _________.
  14. A pronoun can replace a _________.
  15. An imperative sentence usually begins with a _________ verb.
  16. The past perfect tense uses “had” plus the _________ participle.
  17. A complex sentence contains an independent clause and a _________ clause.
  18. The word “and” is an example of a _________ conjunction.
  19. The future perfect tense indicates an action that will be _________ by a certain time.
  20. An interrogative sentence is used to ask a _________.

This lesson plan provides a comprehensive revision of English Grammar topics covered in the first term for JSS 2 students, focusing on essential elements to ensure thorough understanding and preparation for assessments

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