First Term Examination Questions Security Education Primary 6 First Term Lesson Notes Week 12

First Term Examination Questions Security Education Primary 6 First Term Lesson Notes Week 12: Examination of Topics Covered in the First Term

Instructions for Teachers:

  1. Ensure Integrity: Make sure the examination environment is free from any form of cheating or malpractice. Explain the importance of honesty and fairness to the students before the exam starts.
  2. Prepare Materials: Provide all necessary materials such as question papers, answer sheets, and writing tools. Ensure that no additional materials are allowed.
  3. Monitor the Exam: Supervise the examination closely to prevent any form of dishonesty. Address any issues immediately and ensure all students follow the rules.
  4. Clarify Instructions: Clearly explain the exam instructions and format to the students. Make sure they understand how to answer each type of question.
  5. Post-Exam Review: Collect all papers and review them promptly. Ensure that all papers are marked fairly and consistently.

Instructions for Students:

  1. Follow the Rules: Do not engage in any form of cheating. Use only the materials provided and follow all instructions given.
  2. Answer Honestly: Show what you know and understand by answering questions based on your own knowledge.
  3. Stay Calm: Read each question carefully and manage your time effectively. If you are unsure about a question, move on and return to it later if time allows.
  4. Respect Others: Do not disturb your classmates during the exam. Work quietly and focus on your own paper.

Part A: Objective Questions (30 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions with Options)

  1. Personal security helps to __________ oneself from harm.
    • (a) Protect
    • (b) Ignore
    • (c) Avoid
    • (d) Increase
  2. Emergency contact numbers should be __________.
    • (a) Memorized
    • (b) Forgotten
    • (c) Hidden
    • (d) Ignored
  3. A precautionary measure includes __________.
    • (a) Installing a CCTV camera
    • (b) Ignoring safety rules
    • (c) Avoiding safety drills
    • (d) Skipping class
  4. Reporting an unsafe situation should include __________.
    • (a) Clear details
    • (b) Vague descriptions
    • (c) Ignoring details
    • (d) Avoiding details
  5. Staying calm during an emergency helps __________ decisions.
    • (a) Make clear
    • (b) Panic
    • (c) Ignore
    • (d) Confuse
  6. An example of an emergency number is __________.
    • (a) 112
    • (b) 123
    • (c) 999
    • (d) 411
  7. Effective reporting should be __________.
    • (a) Detailed
    • (b) Vague
    • (c) Ignored
    • (d) Hidden
  8. The role of security personnel includes __________.
    • (a) Managing the situation
    • (b) Ignoring
    • (c) Creating confusion
    • (d) Avoiding
  9. Personal security education helps __________ awareness.
    • (a) Increase
    • (b) Ignore
    • (c) Decrease
    • (d) Avoid
  10. Precautionary measures include using __________.
    • (a) Technology
    • (b) Ignoring rules
    • (c) Avoiding drills
    • (d) Skipping class
  11. Reporting procedures should be __________.
    • (a) Detailed
    • (b) Vague
    • (c) Ignored
    • (d) Hidden
  12. Technology like __________ can improve personal security.
    • (a) CCTV cameras
    • (b) Ignoring rules
    • (c) Avoiding safety drills
    • (d) Skipping class
  13. Personal security education is important for __________.
    • (a) Safety
    • (b) Risk
    • (c) Harm
    • (d) Danger
  14. Emergency contact information should be __________.
    • (a) Accessible
    • (b) Hidden
    • (c) Forgotten
    • (d) Ignored
  15. In dangerous situations, staying calm helps __________.
    • (a) Make clear decisions
    • (b) Panic
    • (c) Ignore safety rules
    • (d) Create confusion
  16. Role-playing scenarios help with __________.
    • (a) Understanding security
    • (b) Ignoring safety
    • (c) Skipping drills
    • (d) Avoiding rules
  17. Not knowing emergency contact information can lead to __________.
    • (a) Delayed help
    • (b) Increased safety
    • (c) Avoiding risk
    • (d) Creating awareness
  18. Reporting an unsafe situation helps to __________ safety.
    • (a) Ensure
    • (b) Increase risk
    • (c) Create confusion
    • (d) Ignore
  19. Effective communication in reporting should be __________.
    • (a) Clear
    • (b) Vague
    • (c) Ignored
    • (d) Hidden
  20. Personal security education helps in __________ life.
    • (a) Daily
    • (b) Risky
    • (c) Harmful
    • (d) Dangerous
  21. The purpose of personal security education is to __________.
    • (a) Educate
    • (b) Ignore
    • (c) Harm
    • (d) Confuse
  22. Precautionary measures at home include __________.
    • (a) Locking doors
    • (b) Ignoring safety rules
    • (c) Avoiding safety
    • (d) Skipping drills
  23. Emergency phone numbers should be __________ memorized.
    • (a) Clearly
    • (b) Vaguely
    • (c) Hidden
    • (d) Forgotten
  24. Personal security education includes understanding __________.
    • (a) Safety measures
    • (b) Ignoring safety
    • (c) Avoiding rules
    • (d) Creating risks
  25. Security personnel help to __________ during emergencies.
    • (a) Manage
    • (b) Ignore
    • (c) Confuse
    • (d) Avoid
  26. Technology like __________ can help monitor safety.
    • (a) Alarms
    • (b) Ignoring safety
    • (c) Skipping drills
    • (d) Avoiding rules
  27. Role-playing helps with __________ in emergencies.
    • (a) Practice
    • (b) Ignoring
    • (c) Skipping drills
    • (d) Avoiding
  28. Emergency contact information should be __________ available.
    • (a) Easily
    • (b) Hidden
    • (c) Ignored
    • (d) Forgotten
  29. Staying calm helps to __________ in dangerous situations.
    • (a) Make decisions
    • (b) Panic
    • (c) Avoid
    • (d) Confuse
  30. Precautionary measures include __________ safety.
    • (a) Ensuring
    • (b) Ignoring
    • (c) Avoiding
    • (d) Creating

Part B: Theory Questions (30 Short Answer Questions)

  1. What is the primary goal of personal security education?
  2. How can technology such as CCTV cameras help with personal security?
  3. Why should emergency contact numbers be memorized?
  4. What details should you include when reporting an unsafe situation?
  5. Give an example of a precautionary measure that can be taken at home.
  6. How does staying calm during an emergency aid decision-making?
  7. Name three essential emergency phone numbers.
  8. What are the responsibilities of security personnel during an emergency?
  9. Describe how role-playing scenarios can assist in learning about personal security.
  10. Why is personal security education crucial for students?
  11. What is one example of a precautionary measure you can take at school?
  12. How can you enhance your awareness of personal security?
  13. What should you do if you are unsure how to report an unsafe situation?
  14. How should emergency contact information be stored and accessed?
  15. Why is it important to practice safety drills regularly?
  16. What consequences might arise from not knowing emergency contact information?
  17. How can you prepare effectively for potential emergencies?
  18. What steps should you take if you observe suspicious behavior?
  19. Explain how alarms and other technology can improve security.
  20. Why is it essential to regularly review personal security knowledge?
  21. How can reporting procedures be made more effective?
  22. Why is understanding safety measures important for personal security?
  23. Describe how you can use role-playing to improve your emergency response skills.
  24. What are some benefits of having emergency contact information readily accessible?
  25. How can technology like alarms contribute to personal security?
  26. In what ways can personal security education impact daily life?
  27. Why is it necessary to provide clear details when reporting an emergency?
  28. What should be included in your personal security plan at home?
  29. How can security personnel assist in managing emergency situations?
  30. What are the advantages of being prepared for emergencies?

Part C: True or False Questions (30 Questions)

  1. Personal security education is only important for adults.
    • True
    • False
  2. Emergency contact numbers should be memorized and easily accessible.
    • True
    • False
  3. Installing a CCTV camera is an example of a precautionary measure.
    • True
    • False
  4. Reporting an unsafe situation should include detailed information.
    • True
    • False
  5. Staying calm in emergencies helps in making clear decisions.
    • True
    • False
  6. Personal security education is not necessary for young students.
    • True
    • False
  7. Technology like alarms can help improve personal security.
    • True
    • False
  8. Precautionary measures are unnecessary if you are careful.
    • True
    • False
  9. Memorizing emergency contact information is important.
    • True
    • False
  10. Role-playing scenarios do not help with understanding personal security.
    • True
    • False
  11. Security personnel have a role in managing emergency situations.
    • True
    • False
  12. Effective communication is essential when reporting unsafe situations.
    • True
    • False
  13. Personal security education helps with recognizing and responding to dangers.
    • True
    • False
  14. Ignoring safety rules is a good precautionary measure.
    • True
    • False
  15. Emergency contact information should be easily accessible.
    • True
    • False
  16. Not knowing emergency numbers can delay assistance.
    • True
    • False
  17. Technology like alarms can enhance personal security.
    • True
    • False
  18. Reporting procedures should be unclear and vague.
    • True
    • False
  19. Personal security education is valuable for everyday life.
    • True
    • False
  20. Role-playing helps practice responses to dangerous situations.
    • True
    • False
  21. Personal security education is only about physical safety.
    • True
    • False
  22. Emergency numbers are not necessary if you have a safety plan.
    • True
    • False
  23. A CCTV camera is an example of a security device.
    • True
    • False
  24. Reporting an emergency should be done with as little detail as possible.
    • True
    • False
  25. Knowing how to stay calm can help in dangerous situations.
    • True
    • False
  26. Personal security education should be ignored after a certain age.
    • True
    • False
  27. Technology can help monitor and improve personal security.
    • True
    • False
  28. Precautionary measures include both physical and procedural safeguards.
    • True
    • False
  29. Emergency contact numbers are not needed if you have a plan.
    • True
    • False
  30. Effective reporting involves providing as many details as possible.
    • True
    • False

Part D: Fill in the Gaps Questions (30 Questions Without Options)

  1. Personal security aims to __________ oneself from harm.
  2. Emergency contact numbers should be __________ memorized.
  3. Using __________ is an example of a precautionary measure.
  4. Effective reporting includes providing __________ information.
  5. Staying calm in emergencies helps to __________ decisions.
  6. Personal security education is important for __________.
  7. Emergency contact information should be __________ accessible.
  8. Role-playing scenarios help to __________ understanding of security.
  9. Technology like __________ can enhance personal safety.
  10. Reporting an unsafe situation requires __________ details.
  11. Precautionary measures include using __________ devices.
  12. Memorizing emergency numbers helps __________ assistance.
  13. Security personnel are responsible for __________ safety.
  14. Personal security education involves understanding __________.
  15. Effective communication is crucial in __________ situations.
  16. Not knowing emergency numbers can lead to __________ delays.
  17. Technology can aid in __________ personal security.
  18. Personal security education impacts __________ life.
  19. Role-playing improves __________ to dangerous situations.
  20. Emergency contact information should be __________ in case of need.
  21. Precautionary measures include __________ drills.
  22. Reporting procedures should be __________ and clear.
  23. Understanding safety measures is important for __________ security.
  24. The role of security personnel includes __________ emergencies.
  25. Emergency contact information should be __________ available.
  26. Technology like __________ can monitor safety.
  27. Personal security education helps with __________ awareness.
  28. Staying calm aids in __________ decision-making during emergencies.
  29. Role-playing helps practice __________ responses.
  30. Effective reporting involves __________ communication.

This examination and review session will help consolidate students’ knowledge and understanding of personal security, ensuring they are well-prepared for their assessments and real-life situations.

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