Understanding and Reciting Suratu-Alaq – Primary 5 Islamic Religious Studies Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 2

Suratu-Alaq Recitation and Translation

Week: 2
Topic: Suratu-Alaq (Chapter 96, Verses 1-10)
Sub-topic: Recitation, Translation, and Understanding of Suratu-Alaq
Class: Primary 5
Term: First Term
Age: 10 years
Duration: 40 minutes

Learning Objectives Suratu-Alaq Recitation and Translation

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Recite and memorize the Arabic text of Suratu-Alaq (verses 1-10) correctly.
  2. Read the translation of Suratu-Alaq (verses 1-10) in English.
  3. Relate the purpose and importance of the revelation of Suratu-Alaq.


  • Surah
  • Recitation
  • Revelation
  • Translation
  • Importance

Set Induction

  • Begin the lesson by explaining to the pupils that Suratu-Alaq is one of the most important Surahs in the Quran as it marks the beginning of the Quranic revelation.

Entry Behaviour

  • Pupils have basic knowledge of reciting short Surahs from the Quran.

Learning Resources and Materials

  • Quran
  • Chalkboard and chalk
  • Flashcards with Arabic text and English translation

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge

  • The teacher will ask the pupils about other Surahs they have memorized and discuss the importance of each Surah.

Embedded Core Skills

  • Memorization
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Application of Knowledge

Learning Materials

  • Quran
  • Flashcards with Arabic and English text

Reference Books

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • Islamic Religious Studies Textbook for Primary 5
  • Quran (with translation)

Instructional Materials

  • Chalkboard
  • Quran
  • Flashcards


  1. Recitation of Suratu-Alaq:
    • Pupils will listen to the teacher recite the first 10 verses of Suratu-Alaq.
    • The teacher will then guide the pupils in reciting the verses, focusing on correct pronunciation.
  2. Memorization of Suratu-Alaq:
    • Pupils will practice memorizing the verses in segments, repeating after the teacher.
  3. Translation and Explanation:
    • The teacher will provide the English translation of the verses and explain the meaning.
    • Discussion on the significance of the first revelation to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
  4. Purpose and Importance of the Surah:
    • Explain the purpose of the Surah, highlighting that it was the first revelation and its importance in encouraging the pursuit of knowledge.


  1. Suratu-Alaq is the __________ chapter of the Quran.
    a) 95th
    b) 96th
    c) 97th
    d) 98th
  2. The first verse of Suratu-Alaq begins with the word __________.
    a) Iqra
    b) Alhamdulillah
    c) Bismillah
    d) Allahu Akbar
  3. The Surah was revealed in the __________.
    a) Day
    b) Month of Ramadan
    c) Cave of Hira
    d) City of Medina
  4. The word “Alaq” refers to a __________.
    a) Clot of blood
    b) Mountain
    c) Prophet
    d) Angel
  5. The first revelation was brought by Angel __________.
    a) Jibril
    b) Mikail
    c) Israfil
    d) Azrael
  6. The Surah emphasizes the importance of __________.
    a) Wealth
    b) Knowledge
    c) Fame
    d) Power
  7. The Surah was revealed to Prophet __________.
    a) Musa
    b) Isa
    c) Ibrahim
    d) Muhammad
  8. Suratu-Alaq was the __________ revelation to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
    a) Last
    b) First
    c) Second
    d) Third
  9. The word “Iqra” means __________.
    a) Write
    b) Speak
    c) Read
    d) Listen
  10. The Surah was revealed in the __________.
    a) Month of Shawwal
    b) Night of Qadr
    c) Month of Rajab
    d) Month of Muharram
  11. The Surah teaches the value of seeking __________.
    a) Knowledge
    b) Wealth
    c) Honor
    d) Power
  12. The first command given to the Prophet was to __________.
    a) Preach
    b) Fight
    c) Read
    d) Fast
  13. The verses of Suratu-Alaq were revealed in a __________.
    a) Dream
    b) Battle
    c) Cave
    d) Mosque
  14. Suratu-Alaq encourages mankind to reflect on their __________.
    a) Wealth
    b) Origin
    c) Power
    d) Age
  15. The Surah ends with a warning to those who __________ the truth.
    a) Accept
    b) Reject
    c) Forget
    d) Remember

Class Activity Discussion

  1. Q: Which chapter of the Quran is Suratu-Alaq?
    A: It is the 96th chapter.
  2. Q: What is the significance of the word “Iqra” in Suratu-Alaq?
    A: “Iqra” means “Read,” and it signifies the importance of knowledge and learning.
  3. Q: Where was Suratu-Alaq revealed?
    A: It was revealed in the Cave of Hira.
  4. Q: Who brought the first revelation to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)?
    A: Angel Jibril (Gabriel) brought the first revelation.
  5. Q: What does “Alaq” refer to in the Surah?
    A: “Alaq” refers to a clot of blood, symbolizing the creation of man.
  6. Q: What is the main theme of Suratu-Alaq?
    A: The main theme is the importance of knowledge and the creation of man.
  7. Q: Why is Suratu-Alaq important?
    A: It marks the beginning of the Quranic revelation and emphasizes the pursuit of knowledge.
  8. Q: How many verses are there in Suratu-Alaq?
    A: There are 19 verses in Suratu-Alaq, but the focus is on the first 10.
  9. Q: What does the Surah teach about human creation?
    A: It teaches that man was created from a clot of blood.
  10. Q: What is the first command in the Quran?
    A: The first command is “Read” (Iqra).
  11. Q: Why was Suratu-Alaq revealed first?
    A: It was revealed first to emphasize the importance of knowledge and learning.
  12. Q: What lesson can we learn from Suratu-Alaq?
    A: We learn the value of knowledge and understanding our origins.
  13. Q: What does the Surah warn against?
    A: The Surah warns against arrogance and rejecting the truth.
  14. Q: How does Suratu-Alaq relate to education?
    A: It emphasizes the importance of reading, learning, and acquiring knowledge.
  15. Q: What is the purpose of reciting Suratu-Alaq?
    A: The purpose is to remember the first revelation and the importance of seeking knowledge.


Step 1: Reciting Suratu-Alaq

  • The teacher recites the first 10 verses of Suratu-Alaq and asks the pupils to repeat after him, focusing on proper pronunciation.

Step 2: Memorizing the Verses

  • The teacher breaks down the verses into smaller segments, guiding the pupils through memorization.

Step 3: Understanding the Translation and Purpose

  • The teacher provides the English translation and explains the purpose of the revelation, highlighting the importance of knowledge and the message to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Teacher’s Activities

  • The teacher leads the recitation, helps pupils memorize the verses, and explains the translation and significance of the Surah.

Learners’ Activities

  • Pupils actively participate in reciting, memorizing, and understanding the verses of Suratu-Alaq.


  • The teacher assesses pupils based on their ability to recite, memorize, and explain the verses of Suratu-Alaq.

Evaluation Questions

  1. What is the meaning of “Iqra”?
  2. Where was Suratu-Alaq revealed?
  3. Who brought the revelation of Suratu-Alaq to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)?
  4. What is the significance of the word “Alaq”?
  5. How many verses are there in Suratu-Alaq?
  6. What does the Surah emphasize about knowledge?
  7. Why is Suratu-Alaq considered important?
  8. What command is given in the first verse of Suratu-Alaq?
  9. What lesson does Suratu-Alaq teach about human creation?
  10. What warning does the Surah give?


  • The teacher will go around to check and assess pupils’ recitation and understanding, providing feedback and corrections where necessary.

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