Security Education Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes

Weekly Security Education Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes List of Topics Covered Throughout This Term

Subject: Security Education
Class: Primary 5
Term: First Term
Age: 9 years

Week 1: Introduction to Personal Security

Week 2: Types of Personal Security 

Week 3: Importance of Personal Security 

Week 4: Safety at Home

Week 5: Safety at School

Week 6: School Safety

Week 7: First Term Mid Term Test 

Week 8: Preventing Accidents at Home and School

Week 9: School Clubs and Security Education 

Week 10: Dangers of Playing Rough and Safety Measures 

Week 11: Revision of All Topics Covered

Week 12: Examination of the Topics Covered

This list provides a summary of the key topics that have been covered throughout the term in Security Education for Primary 5.

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