Mid Term Assessment: Reviewing Key Concepts in Computer Studies Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 7

Computer Studies Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes – Week 7

Subject: Computer Studies (BST – IT)
Class: Primary 5
Term: First Term
Week: 7
Age: 9 years
Topic: Mid Term Assessment and Break
Sub-topic: Review and Assessment of Previously Covered Topics
Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives

By the end of the assessment, pupils should be able to:

  1. Demonstrate their understanding of topics covered in the first half of the term.
  2. Correctly answer objective, short answer, and true or false questions.
  3. Review and reflect on their learning progress.


  • Assessment
  • Review
  • Objective Questions
  • Theory Questions
  • True or False

Set Induction

Introduce the assessment by briefly reviewing the key topics covered so far. Explain the purpose of the assessment: to gauge understanding and prepare for the next part of the term.

Entry Behaviour

Pupils should be familiar with the content covered in previous weeks, including file exploration, keyboard shortcuts, internet basics, networking, browsers, and programming languages.

Learning Resources and Materials

  • Question papers for the assessment
  • Answer sheets
  • Pencils and erasers

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge

Connect the assessment to prior lessons by summarizing the main topics. Emphasize how the questions will reflect what they have learned throughout the term.

Embedded Core Skills

  • Recall and application of knowledge
  • Critical thinking
  • Written communication

Learning Materials

  • Assessment papers
  • Answer keys for the teacher

Instructional Materials

  • Question papers with objectives, theory, and true/false sections

Part A: Objective Questions (30 Fill-in-the-Blank)

  1. HTML is used for ________.
    • a) Programming
    • b) Styling
    • c) Markup
    • d) Networking
  2. A common browser used to access websites is ________.
    • a) WhatsApp
    • b) Excel
    • c) Chrome
    • d) Word
  3. ________ is a popular programming language used for web development.
    • a) Python
    • b) Photoshop
    • c) Excel
    • d) Illustrator
  4. An app installed on a mobile device is an example of ________.
    • a) Web Development
    • b) App Development
    • c) File Management
    • d) Networking
  5. A server update in ________ development is immediately available to users.
    • a) App
    • b) Web
    • c) System
    • d) File
  6. ________ is used to style web pages.
    • a) HTML
    • b) CSS
    • c) JavaScript
    • d) PHP
  7. The primary function of PHP is ________.
    • a) Designing websites
    • b) Creating dynamic web pages
    • c) Programming games
    • d) Managing files
  8. Swift is used for developing ________ applications.
    • a) Android
    • b) iOS
    • c) Web
    • d) Database
  9. Kotlin is a programming language for ________.
    • a) Web development
    • b) iOS apps
    • c) Android apps
    • d) Game development
  10. JavaScript is commonly used to add ________ to websites.
    • a) Images
    • b) Interactivity
    • c) Music
    • d) Files
  11. The term Networking refers to connecting ________.
    • a) Web pages
    • b) Devices
    • c) Apps
    • d) Files
  12. C++ is often used in ________ programming.
    • a) Web
    • b) App
    • c) System
    • d) File
  13. CSS stands for ________.
    • a) Cascading Style Sheets
    • b) Computer Style Sheets
    • c) Creative Style Sheets
    • d) Common Style Sheets
  14. Python is known for its ________ syntax.
    • a) Complex
    • b) Simple
    • c) Confusing
    • d) Old-fashioned
  15. Java is known for its ________ independence.
    • a) Platform
    • b) Browser
    • c) App
    • d) File
  16. HTML is a ________ language.
    • a) Styling
    • b) Markup
    • c) Programming
    • d) Networking
  17. App updates are usually managed through ________.
    • a) Browsers
    • b) App stores
    • c) Servers
    • d) Websites
  18. MIT App Inventor is an example of a ________ programming tool.
    • a) Text-based
    • b) Visual-based
    • c) Command-line
    • d) System-based
  19. Minecraft is used for ________ programming.
    • a) Text-based
    • b) Visual-based
    • c) Web-based
    • d) App-based
  20. Alice is a ________ programming environment.
    • a) Web-based
    • b) Visual-based
    • c) Text-based
    • d) Command-line
  21. JavaScript is used to make web pages ________.
    • a) Static
    • b) Dynamic
    • c) Unstable
    • d) Slow
  22. C# is a programming language used in ________ development.
    • a) Web
    • b) App
    • c) System
    • d) Network
  23. Networking can be used to ________ data between devices.
    • a) Share
    • b) Hide
    • c) Delete
    • d) Store
  24. Python is widely used for ________ analysis.
    • a) Data
    • b) Web
    • c) Networking
    • d) System
  25. Java applications are known for their ________ compatibility.
    • a) Device
    • b) Platform
    • c) File
    • d) Network
  26. Web Development focuses on creating ________.
    • a) Apps
    • b) Websites
    • c) Games
    • d) Files
  27. Google Chrome is an example of a ________.
    • a) Programming language
    • b) Text editor
    • c) Web browser
    • d) App
  28. App Development involves creating software for ________.
    • a) Websites
    • b) Mobile and desktop devices
    • c) Networks
    • d) Servers
  29. Visual Basic Programming is often used for ________ development.
    • a) Web
    • b) App
    • c) System
    • d) Network
  30. HTML is used to create the ________ structure of a web page.
    • a) Visual
    • b) Interactive
    • c) Basic
    • d) Database

Part B: Theory Questions (20 Short Answer Questions)

  1. Define web development and give an example.
  2. What is app development? Name a common mobile app.
  3. Explain the difference between HTML and CSS.
  4. What is the role of JavaScript in web development?
  5. Describe how updates are handled in web development.
  6. What is the purpose of PHP in web development?
  7. How does Python’s syntax contribute to its popularity?
  8. What are the main features of Swift as a programming language?
  9. How does Java achieve platform independence?
  10. Name and describe one visual-based programming language.
  11. Explain the term “networking” in the context of computer systems.
  12. What distinguishes Kotlin from other programming languages?
  13. How does a web browser differ from a mobile app?
  14. What are the advantages of using CSS for web design?
  15. Describe the use of Java in software development.
  16. What is a key difference between visual and text-based programming languages?
  17. How does HTML contribute to the structure of a website?
  18. What are the typical uses of C++ in programming?
  19. Describe the importance of updates in app development.
  20. How does a web development update differ from an app update?

Part C: True or False Questions (10 True or False)

  1. True or False: Web development creates applications for mobile devices.
  2. True or False: HTML is used for styling web pages.
  3. True or False: Swift is a programming language for iOS app development.
  4. True or False: JavaScript is used to add interactivity to web pages.
  5. True or False: PHP is a text-based programming language used for web development.
  6. True or False: Python is known for its complex syntax.
  7. True or False: Kotlin is used for Android app development.
  8. True or False: Updates for web development need to be manually installed by users.
  9. True or False: Java supports platform independence through its “write once, run anywhere” feature.
  10. True or False: Visual-based programming languages require writing complex code.


Review the answers with the pupils. Discuss common errors and reinforce key concepts. Highlight the importance of understanding both web and app development basics for future learning.

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