Mid-Term Assessment and Break Civic Education Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 7

Civic Education Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 7

Subject: Civic Education
Class: Primary 5
Term: First Term
Week: 7
Age: 9 years
Topic: Mid-Term Assessment and Break

Assessment Overview:

Part A: Objective Questions
Part B: Theory Questions
Part C: True or False Questions

Part A: Objective Questions

Fill-in-the-Blank Questions (30 questions with options a, b, c, d)

  1. Loyalty to __________ is important for building strong relationships.
    a) Friends
    b) Cars
    c) Food
    d) Entertainment
  2. A leader who listens to others and makes decisions based on group input is using a __________ style of leadership.
    a) Dictatorship
    b) Democratic
    c) Laissez-faire
    d) Autocratic
  3. The main reason many people in Nigeria do not own houses is due to high __________.
    a) Education costs
    b) Food prices
    c) Housing costs
    d) Transportation costs
  4. Disloyalty can lead to __________ in relationships.
    a) Trust
    b) Friendship
    c) Conflict
    d) Cooperation
  5. __________ leadership style involves making decisions with little input from others.
    a) Democratic
    b) Laissez-faire
    c) Autocratic
    d) Participatory
  6. The importance of loyalty includes __________ to family and society.
    a) Disrespect
    b) Neglect
    c) Trust
    d) Conflict
  7. A leader who allows others to make decisions with little interference is known for __________ leadership.
    a) Autocratic
    b) Democratic
    c) Laissez-faire
    d) Charismatic
  8. Rapid __________ growth can increase the demand for housing.
    a) Technological
    b) Population
    c) Educational
    d) Industrial
  9. Lack of access to __________ can prevent people from buying or building homes.
    a) Loans
    b) Jobs
    c) Schools
    d) Transportation
  10. One consequence of disloyalty is __________.
    a) Friendship
    b) Conflict
    c) Cooperation
    d) Harmony
  11. A leader who is not involved in decision-making and lets others take charge is practicing __________ leadership.
    a) Autocratic
    b) Democratic
    c) Laissez-faire
    d) Charismatic
  12. High __________ rates can make it difficult for people to obtain loans for home ownership.
    a) Inflation
    b) Interest
    c) Education
    d) Savings
  13. Government policies can affect home ownership by influencing __________.
    a) Weather
    b) Housing prices
    c) Social norms
    d) Transportation
  14. Loyalty to __________ involves being supportive and trustworthy.
    a) Neighbors
    b) Pets
    c) Technology
    d) Hobbies
  15. Urbanization often leads to increased __________ in city areas.
    a) Prices
    b) Job opportunities
    c) Education levels
    d) Rural areas
  16. Economic challenges can include high __________ costs.
    a) Food
    b) Land
    c) Transportation
    d) Healthcare
  17. One solution to improve home ownership is to provide __________ for first-time buyers.
    a) Loans
    b) Entertainment
    c) Vacations
    d) Scholarships
  18. The _________ style of leadership involves making decisions with input from the group.
    a) Laissez-faire
    b) Democratic
    c) Autocratic
    d) Charismatic
  19. Informal settlements are often a result of the high cost of __________.
    a) Education
    b) Transportation
    c) Housing
    d) Food
  20. Lack of __________ can result in difficulties in saving money for a home.
    a) Savings
    b) Loans
    c) Health
    d) Education
  21. The __________ style of leadership is characterized by making decisions without group input.
    a) Laissez-faire
    b) Autocratic
    c) Democratic
    d) Charismatic
  22. One reason many people do not own homes is __________ in the housing market.
    a) Stability
    b) Affordability
    c) Volatility
    d) Variety
  23. Leadership in __________ involves guiding people based on moral or ethical principles.
    a) Politics
    b) Religion
    c) Sports
    d) Science
  24. Providing __________ can help improve home ownership rates by making housing more affordable.
    a) Loans
    b) Entertainment
    c) Vacations
    d) Technology
  25. The __________ style of leadership allows for minimal intervention from the leader.
    a) Autocratic
    b) Democratic
    c) Laissez-faire
    d) Charismatic
  26. Economic instability can lead to a cycle of __________, affecting home ownership.
    a) Wealth
    b) Education
    c) Poverty
    d) Health
  27. __________ leadership style involves the leader making all decisions and not seeking input.
    a) Democratic
    b) Laissez-faire
    c) Autocratic
    d) Charismatic
  28. High __________ costs make it challenging for many people to save for a home.
    a) Transportation
    b) Land
    c) Food
    d) Healthcare
  29. One impact of disloyalty is the breakdown of __________.
    a) Communication
    b) Cooperation
    c) Friendship
    d) Trust
  30. An example of a leadership style where the leader lets others make decisions is __________.
    a) Autocratic
    b) Democratic
    c) Laissez-faire
    d) Charismatic
  31. The place we live in is called  ______   (a)bridge     (b)garage    (c)house     (d)swimming pool
  32. A good house must be _____   (a)well ventilated    (b)tight   (c)dirty     (d)noise
  33. The two types of houses are:  ________  and  __________  (a)room and parlour    (b)primitive and modern house    (c)mud and cement house    (d)water and plant houswe
  34. _____ houses are built using recent designs and technologies   (a)mud    (b)primitive    (c)old    (d)modern
  35. All of these are examples of modern houses except ______      (a)skyscraper     (b)house on stilt    (c)duplex    (d)mansion
  36. The idea of knowing what is important in life in known as  _____    (a)peace    (b)honesty    (c)value     (d)love
  37. If you value self-reliance, you will be _____   (a)lazy    (b)waek     (c)industrious    (d)tird
  38. Government to the group of ____ who rule a country (a)animal    (b)people   (c)cows  (d)spirit
  39. The three arms of government are executive, judiciary and ______   (a)chairman   (b)legislature   (c)councilor    (d)governors
  40. A good government must be_______   (a)accountable      (b)frustrating    (c)corrupt    (d)weak
  41. If the services offered by the government doesn’t work well, citizens will be  ______   (a)satisfied   (b)happy    (c)dissatisfied   (d)enjoying
  42. Government officials should  _____ people    (a)abuse    (b)serve   (c)fight     (d)hate
  43. _____ rule and give directive to people   (a)leaders    (b)followers   (c)gateman    (d)servant
  44. All of these are problems created by bad leaders   except  ______   (a)dissatisfaction   (b)destruction of lives    (c)insecurity   (d)good health
  45. We can check the excesses of bad leaders through _____   (a)begging   (b)strikes   (c)crying   (d)corruption
  46. A disaster is a very bad, sudden event which causes  __ (a)death (b)wealth (c)health  (d)living
  47. A very violent storm which is made up of air is called _____   (a)earthquake    (b)volcano   (c)tornadoes    (d)tsunamis
  48. One of the effects of disaster is  ______   (a)epidermis    (b)cancer     (c)swift   (d)tuberculosis
  49.  Disasters could be caused by  _____   (a)nature    (b)earth    (c)spirit    (d)angel
  50. _____  is a rainfall in form of hard balls of ice  (a)flood     (b)hail    (c)tsunamis    (d)wind


Part B: Theory Questions (20 Short Answer Questions)

  1. Define loyalty and explain why it is important in relationships.
  2. Describe two consequences of disloyalty.
  3. Explain the term “home ownership” and why it is a significant goal for many people.
  4. List and describe three factors that affect home ownership in Nigeria.
  5. Discuss one solution to improve home ownership rates in Nigeria.
  6. Define “leadership” and provide an example of a leader.
  7. Identify and describe three types of leadership styles.
  8. Explain the impact of economic challenges on home ownership.
  9. Describe how rapid population growth affects housing.
  10. Discuss how government policies can influence home ownership.
  11. What is the importance of having a good leader in a community?
  12. Explain the concept of informal settlements and why they occur.
  13. List and describe two qualities of a good leader.
  14. Compare and contrast democratic and autocratic leadership styles.
  15. Describe one way that urbanization affects housing in cities.
  16. Discuss how community initiatives can help with home ownership.
  17. State four reasons why many people do not own houses
  18. State four ways of making more people own houses
  19. What are Services?
  20. Mention two services given by the government
  21. State four problems created by bad leadership
  22. What are natural disasters?
  23. Mention any two natural disasters.
  24. What is the role of financial planning in achieving home ownership?
  25. How does the lack of access to credit affect home ownership?
  26. Explain the impact of high housing costs on families and individuals.
  27. Discuss how job opportunities can influence home ownership.

Part C: True or False Questions (10 Questions)

  1. True or False: Disloyalty can lead to conflict in relationships.
  2. True or False: An autocratic leader makes decisions based on group input.
  3. True or False: High costs of land and building materials can affect home ownership.
  4. True or False: The democratic leadership style involves minimal input from others.
  5. True or False: Informal settlements are often found in rural areas due to low housing costs.
  6. True or False: Economic instability can make it harder for people to save for a home.
  7. True or False: A laissez-faire leader makes all decisions without consulting the group.
  8. True or False: Providing subsidies or low-interest loans can help increase home ownership rates.
  9. True or False: Urbanization decreases the demand for housing in cities.
  10. True or False: Good leaders are characterized by their ability to listen and make decisions based on input from others.

Note for Teachers:
Use this assessment to gauge students’ understanding of the topics covered in the first half of the term. Ensure that the pupils are familiar with all the topics discussed and provide feedback based on their performance to guide further learning.

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