Revision Grammar Primary 3 First Term Lesson Notes Week 10

Week 10: Revision and Review Test

Subject: English Grammar

Class: Primary 3

Term: First Term

Week: 10

Age: 8 years


  1. Review and reinforce concepts learned in previous weeks.
  2. Assess understanding of English grammar topics covered so far.


Day 1: Revision Session

  • Morning Session:
    • 1st Period: Revisit Nouns and Pronouns
      • Review definitions and examples of nouns and pronouns.
      • Practice identifying nouns and pronouns in sentences.
    • 2nd Period: Recap Verbs and Adjectives
      • Recap what verbs and adjectives are.
      • Discuss how to use verbs and adjectives in sentences.
  • Afternoon Session:
    • 3rd Period: Refresh Adverbs and Prepositions
      • Review adverbs and their role in sentences.
      • Practice identifying and using prepositions correctly.
    • 4th Period: Consolidate Coordinating Conjunctions
      • Recap the use of “and,” “but,” and “or” in sentences.
      • Practice forming sentences using coordinating conjunctions.

Day 2: Review Test

Section A: Fill-in-the-Blank Questions (15 questions) Choose the correct option (a, b, c, or d) to complete each sentence.

  1. She ___ to the market every Sunday.
    • a) go
    • b) goes
    • c) going
    • d) went
  2. They ___ to the beach yesterday.
    • a) go
    • b) goes
    • c) went
    • d) going
  3. He ___ his homework last night.
    • a) doing
    • b) do
    • c) did
    • d) does
  4. She ___ a good student.
    • a) am
    • b) is
    • c) are
    • d) be
  5. They ___ playing outside when it started raining.
    • a) is
    • b) are
    • c) were
    • d) be
  6. The cat ___ on the mat.
    • a) is
    • b) am
    • c) are
    • d) was
  7. She ___ a book about dinosaurs.
    • a) read
    • b) reads
    • c) reading
    • d) readed
  8. We ___ to the zoo last Saturday.
    • a) go
    • b) goes
    • c) went
    • d) going
  9. He ___ his breakfast every morning.
    • a) eats
    • b) eat
    • c) eating
    • d) eated
  10. They ___ a new car last month.
    • a) buy
    • b) buys
    • c) buying
    • d) bought
  11. She ___ a birthday party next weekend.
    • a) has
    • b) have
    • c) having
    • d) had
  12. The birds ___ in the tree.
    • a) sing
    • b) sings
    • c) singing
    • d) sang
  13. He ___ a big house.
    • a) has
    • b) have
    • c) having
    • d) had
  14. She ___ to the library every Tuesday.
    • a) go
    • b) goes
    • c) going
    • d) went
  15. They ___ their homework yesterday.
    • a) doing
    • b) do
    • c) did
    • d) does

Section B: Theory Questions (10 questions) Answer the following questions briefly.

  1. What is a noun?
  2. Give two examples of pronouns.
  3. What are verbs? Give an example.
  4. Explain what adjectives do in a sentence.
  5. Name two adverbs and how they modify verbs.
  6. What is a preposition? Provide an example.
  7. What are coordinating conjunctions? Give three examples.
  8. Define a singular noun and give an example.
  9. Define a plural noun and give an example.
  10. How do you form the plural of nouns ending in “y”?

Section C: True or False Questions (10 questions) Decide if the following statements are true or false.

  1. A noun names a person, place, thing, or idea. (True/False)
  2. “She” and “he” are examples of pronouns. (True/False)
  3. Verbs show actions or states of being. (True/False)
  4. Adjectives describe nouns. (True/False)
  5. Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs. (True/False)
  6. Prepositions usually come after nouns or pronouns. (True/False)
  7. “And,” “but,” and “or” are examples of prepositions. (True/False)
  8. Singular nouns name more than one person, place, thing, or idea. (True/False)
  9. To form the plural of most nouns, you add “s” to the singular form. (True/False)
  10. Nouns ending in “y” change “y” to “ies” to form the plural. (True/False)


  • Evaluate pupils’ performance based on their responses in the review test.
  • Provide constructive feedback and review any areas of difficulty.
  • Encourage pupils to ask questions and clarify doubts.


  • Summarize the key points reviewed during the week.
  • Highlight areas needing further practice or understanding.
  • Prepare pupils for upcoming topics and continue to build on their grammar skills.


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