Joseph and His Brothers Christian Religious Studies Kindergarten First Term Lesson Notes Week 4

Lesson Plan Presentation

Subject: Christian Religious Studies
Class: Kindergarten
Term: First Term
Week: 4
Age: 5 years

Topic: Joseph and His Brothers
Sub-topic: The Story of Joseph

Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Narrate the story of Joseph and his brothers.
  2. Identify Joseph as a favorite son who was given a special coat.
  3. Explain the importance of love and forgiveness.
  4. Understand the consequences of jealousy.


  • Joseph
  • Brothers
  • Coat
  • Dreams
  • Jealousy
  • Forgiveness

Set Induction:
The teacher will show a picture of a colorful coat and ask the pupils if they know any stories about a boy who had a special coat.

Entry Behaviour:
Pupils have basic knowledge of family and siblings.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Picture cards of Joseph, his brothers, and the colorful coat.
  • Storybook of Joseph and His Brothers.
  • Coloring sheets.
  • Crayons.

Building Background / Connection to Prior Knowledge:
Discuss with pupils what they remember from the Cain and Abel story, especially about sibling relationships.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Listening
  • Speaking
  • Observation

Reference Books:
Lagos State Scheme of Work for Kindergarten Christian Religious Studies.

Instructional Materials:

  • Picture cards
  • Storybook
  • Coloring sheets
  • Crayons


Explanation of the Topic:

  1. Joseph and His Family: Joseph was one of twelve brothers, and his father, Jacob, loved him the most. (Genesis 37:3-4)
  2. The Special Coat: Jacob gave Joseph a special colorful coat, making his brothers jealous. (Genesis 37:3)
  3. Joseph’s Dreams: Joseph had dreams that showed he would be greater than his brothers, which made them even more jealous. (Genesis 37:5-11)
  4. Brothers’ Plan: Out of jealousy, Joseph’s brothers planned to harm him and sold him to traders going to Egypt. (Genesis 37:18-28)
  5. Life in Egypt: Joseph was sold as a slave in Egypt but eventually became a powerful leader because God was with him. (Genesis 39-41)
  6. Forgiveness: Years later, during a famine, Joseph’s brothers came to Egypt for help, and Joseph forgave them, showing love and forgiveness. (Genesis 42-45)


  1. Joseph was given a special ______ by his father.
    a) Hat
    b) Coat
    c) Shoes
    d) Bag
  2. Joseph had how many brothers?
    a) Three
    b) Seven
    c) Ten
    d) Eleven
  3. Joseph’s father’s name was ______.
    a) Isaac
    b) Abraham
    c) Jacob
    d) David
  4. Joseph’s dreams made his brothers ______.
    a) Happy
    b) Jealous
    c) Proud
    d) Sad
  5. Joseph’s brothers sold him to traders going to ______.
    a) Canaan
    b) Egypt
    c) Babylon
    d) Jerusalem
  6. In Egypt, Joseph became a ______.
    a) Farmer
    b) Slave
    c) Leader
    d) Carpenter
  7. When Joseph’s brothers came to Egypt, he ______ them.
    a) Punished
    b) Forgave
    c) Ignored
    d) Hated
  8. Joseph’s special coat was ______.
    a) White
    b) Black
    c) Colorful
    d) Plain
  9. Joseph’s brothers were jealous because their father loved him the ______.
    a) Most
    b) Least
    c) Same
    d) None
  10. The lesson from Joseph’s story is the importance of ______.
    a) Jealousy
    b) Forgiveness and love
    c) Anger
    d) Pride

Class Activity Discussion

  1. Who was Joseph? Joseph was one of Jacob’s twelve sons.
  2. Why did Jacob love Joseph the most? Because he was the son of Jacob’s old age and Rachel’s first son.
  3. What did Jacob give Joseph? A special colorful coat.
  4. How did Joseph’s brothers feel about the special coat? They were jealous.
  5. What did Joseph dream about? He dreamt that he would be greater than his brothers.
  6. What did Joseph’s brothers do to him out of jealousy? They sold him to traders going to Egypt.
  7. What happened to Joseph in Egypt? He was sold as a slave but eventually became a powerful leader.
  8. Why did Joseph’s brothers come to Egypt? They came to buy food during a famine.
  9. How did Joseph treat his brothers when they came to Egypt? He forgave them and helped them.
  10. What lesson can we learn from Joseph’s story? The importance of love and forgiveness.


Step 1: The teacher revises the previous topic, “Cain and Abel Story,” discussing sibling relationships and jealousy.

Step 2: The teacher introduces the new topic, “Joseph and His Brothers,” using a storybook and picture cards to illustrate the events.

Step 3: The teacher allows the pupils to share their thoughts and understanding of the story and corrects any misconceptions.

Teacher’s Activities

  • Show picture cards and read the Joseph and His Brothers story.
  • Ask pupils questions to check understanding.
  • Guide pupils in a coloring activity of Joseph’s colorful coat.

Learners’ Activities

  • Listen to the Joseph and His Brothers story.
  • Answer questions about the story.
  • Participate in the coloring activity.


Ten Evaluation Questions:

  1. Who was Joseph’s father?
  2. What did Joseph receive from his father?
  3. Why were Joseph’s brothers jealous?
  4. What did Joseph dream about?
  5. What did Joseph’s brothers do to him?
  6. Where was Joseph taken by the traders?
  7. What happened to Joseph in Egypt?
  8. Why did Joseph’s brothers come to Egypt?
  9. How did Joseph react when he saw his brothers in Egypt?
  10. What important lesson does Joseph’s story teach us?

The teacher goes around to mark the pupils’ work and provides necessary feedback. The pupils will display their coloring sheets and share what they have learned about the story of Joseph and his brothers.

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