First Term Examination Letter Work Nursery 1 Age 3 First Term Lesson Notes Week 10

Subject: Letter Work
Class: Nursery 1
Term: First Term
Week: 10 (Second Term Examination)
Topic: Letter Sounds and Pre-writing Skills
Duration: 60 minutes

Behavioural Objectives:

  • Students will demonstrate the ability to recognize and identify letter sounds /a/, /b/, /c/, and /d/.
  • Students will show proficiency in tracing horizontal, vertical, slanting strokes, and curves.
  • Students will exhibit improved fine motor skills in letter formation and pre-writing activities.

Key Words: Letter Sounds, Pre-writing Skills, Recognition, Tracing, Strokes, Curves, Fine Motor Skills.

Entry Behaviour: Students have been introduced to basic letter sounds and pre-writing activities throughout the term.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Flashcards with letters /a/, /b/, /c/, /d/.
  • Worksheets for tracing strokes and curves.
  • Chalkboard/whiteboard and chalk/markers.
  • Pictures of objects corresponding to letter sounds.

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge:

  • Recap of previous letter sound lessons and pre-writing activities.
  • Relate new letter sounds to familiar words and objects.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Phonemic awareness through letter sounds recognition.
  • Fine motor skills development through tracing and pre-writing tasks.

Learning Materials:

  • Flashcards, worksheets, chalkboard/whiteboard, writing materials.

Reference Books: Lagos State Scheme of Work for Nursery 1 Letter Work.

Instructional Materials:

  • Introduction of letter sounds using flashcards.
  • Demonstration of tracing strokes and curves.
  • Guided practice on worksheets.


  1. Revision (10 minutes): Review previously learned letter sounds and pre-writing skills.
  2. Introduction of New Letter Sounds (15 minutes): Present flashcards with letters /a/, /b/, /c/, and /d/. Have students identify and repeat the sounds.
  3. Tracing Practice (15 minutes): Demonstrate tracing horizontal, vertical, slanting strokes, and curves on the board. Provide worksheets for guided practice.
  4. Letter Formation (10 minutes): Show how to write letters /a/, /b/, /c/, and /d/ on the board. Guide students in practicing on their worksheets.
  5. Application Activities (5 minutes): Ask students to identify objects starting with the letter sounds introduced and draw them.


  • Use engaging and age-appropriate language.
  • Incorporate visual aids and hands-on activities.
  • Encourage active participation and questions.

1st Term Examination HEALTH HABIT NURSERY 1

Step 1: The teacher revises the previous letter sounds and pre-writing skills learned during the term.

Step 2: The teacher introduces new letter sounds /a/, /b/, /c/, and /d/ through interactive activities and visuals.

Step 3: The teacher guides students in tracing strokes, forming letters, and applying their knowledge in related activities.

Teacher’s Activities: Presenting materials, demonstrating, guiding practice, assessing.

Learners’ Activities: Listening, repeating sounds, tracing, writing, identifying objects.

Assessment: Observing students’ ability to recognize letter sounds, trace strokes accurately, form letters correctly, and participate in application activities.


Evaluation Questions:

  1. What sound does the letter “a” make?
  2. Trace a vertical stroke on your worksheet.
  3. Write the letter “c” on the board.
  4. Identify a word that starts with the sound “d.”
  5. Draw a curve to the left on your paper.
  6. Which letter comes after “b” in the alphabet?
  7. What object starts with the sound “a”?
  8. Circle the correct letter sound: (a) /f/ (b) /a/ (c) /s/ (d) /m/
  9. Show the sound of the letter “b” using actions.
  10. Write the letter that comes before “c” in the alphabet.

Conclusion: The teacher circulates to assess students’ work, provides feedback, and reinforces learning before the examination.

1st Term Examination 


Subject:   RHYMES Class: K.G 1

Name:    __________________________________ Time: 1 Hour

Instruction: Answer all questions in this section


  1. Early to bed 


  1. Toys     toys       toys 


  1. Tick says the clock


  1. Elephant the elephant


  1. A Lion   A Lion


1st Term Examination 


Subject:   MUSIC Class: K.G 1

Name:    __________________________________ Time: 1 Hour

Instruction: Answer all questions in this section


  1. I love Jesus 


  1. My head, my shoulder my knees and toes


  1. I am a blessed child 


  1. Point to the window


  1. I love to clap


 1st Term Examination 


Subject:   C.R.S Class: K.G 1

Name:    __________________________________ Time: 1 Hour

SECTION A:  Objective 

Instruction: Answer all questions in this section


  1. Should you pray before eating your food      Yes/No
  2. God created heaven and earth  Yes/No
  3. All animals and birds were created by God   Yes/No
  4. Eve was the first woman created by God   Yes/No
  5. The first man created by God was Adam   Yes/No
  6. The gift of seeing was given to us by God   Yes/No
  7. Mary was the mother of Jesus Christ  Yes/No
  8. Joseph was the father of Jesus Christ Yes/No
  9. Jesus was born in Bethlehem  Yes/No
  10. God is our Creator   Yes/No


1st Term Examination 


Subject:   HEALTH SCIENCE Class: K.G 1

Name:    __________________________________ Time: 1 Hour

SECTION A:  Objective 

Instruction: Answer all questions in this section


  1. Should you tidy up your room when wake up    yes/No
  2. Should you brush your teeth when you wake up    yes/No
  3. Do you bath with soap sponge and water?   Yes/No
  4. Is it good to put on a dirty clothes after bathing?   Yes/No
  5. Who should cut your nails for you    (a)mummy     (b)teacher
  6. Is it good to defecate on your body   Yes/No
  7. Is it good to clean your buttocks after going to the toilet  Yes/No
  8. A good child should wash his/her hands after going to the toilet  Yes/No
  9. It is good to cover your mouth when you are coughing    Yes/No
  10. Should you put on dirty shoes  Yes/No


1st Term Examination 


Subject:   NUMBER WORK Class: K.G 1

Name:    __________________________________ Time: 1 Hour

Instruction: Answer all questions in this section


Count number 1 – 10  


1   2 3 4 5 6 7    8

9 10 11 12 13 14 15


Write number   1-5


Identify these numbers 


Circle number 2

3 2


Circle number 4

3 4


Circle number 5

5 6


Circle number 3

3 6


Circle number 1

0 1


Match the same number of objects 


1st Term Examination 


Subject:   LETTER WORK Class: K.G 1

Name:    __________________________________ Time: 1 Hour

SECTION A:  Objective 

Instruction: Answer all questions in this section


Read letter A – Z 


A   B C D E F G H I J K L

M     N O P Q R S T U V W



Write letter A –E



Identify these objects 


  1. Circle letter  A


  1. Circle letter  E


  1. Circle letter  C


  1. Circle letter  D


  1. Circle letter  O





1st Term Examination 


Subject:   ELEMENTARY SCIENCE Class: K.G 1

Name:    __________________________________ Time: 1 Hour

SECTION A:  Objective 

Instruction: Answer all questions in this section


  1. People around me in the home are father and mother Yes/No
  2. People who lives near us are our neighbors   Yes/No
  3. We can see dog around the home  Yes/No
  4. A lion lives in the forest   Yes/No
  5. Example of food we eat are rice and beans   Yes/No
  6. Examples of birds are chicken and turkey   &Yes/No
  7. Examples of insects are cockroach and ant    Yes/No
  8. Can a bird fly?    Yes/No
  9. A goat lives around us   Yes/No
  10. Cow and fish are examples of meat we eat   Yes/No


1st Term Examination 


Subject:   SOCIAL STUDIES Class: K.G 1

Name:    __________________________________ Time: 1 Hour

SECTION A:  Objective 

Instruction: Answer all questions in this section


  1. We write with pencil  Yes/No
  2. We sit on the chair    Yes/No
  3. We clean the board with duster   Yes/No
  4. Members of the family are father, mother  and   ________   (c)children    (b)puppies 
  5. Is it good to talk when eating   Yes/No
  6. Is it good to eat with dirty hand     Yes/No
  7. Is it good to pick food that fell on the ground    Yes/No
  8. Should you drink dirty water   yes/No
  9. Should you beg for other people’s food    Yes/no
  10. Is it good to play with fire?    Yes/No


1st Term Examination 


Subject:   MORAL INSTRUCTION Class: K.G 1

Name:    __________________________________ Time: 1 Hour

SECTION A:  Objective 

Instruction: Answer all questions in this section


  1. You learn to read and write in the school    Yes/No
  2. A good child should always greet in the morning  Yes/No
  3. Greeting our parent is a good habit   Yes/No
  4. To show kindness to other is good  Yes/No
  5. God wants us to be kind to other  Yes/No
  6. Always say thank you when you receive a gift  Yes/No
  7. Obeying our parents and teachers instructions is good   Yes/No
  8. Is it good to tell lies    Yes/No
  9. It is good to say the truth    Yes/No
  10. Is it good for children to fight     Yes/No


1st Term Examination 


Subject:   HANDWRITING Class: K.G 1

Name:    __________________________________ Time: 1 Hour

SECTION A:  Objective 

Instruction: Pattern Making






Trace horizontal strokes 


1st Term Examination 


Subject:   Fine Art Class: K.G 1

Name:    __________________________________ Time: 1 Hour

SECTION A:  Objective 

Instruction: Color these objects



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