Women in Early Islam: Names, Roles, and Importance Explained Islamic Religious Studies Primary 5 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 3

Subject: Islamic Religious Studies

Class: Primary 5

Term: Second Term

Week: 3

Topic: Role of some women in early Islam

Sub-topic: Names, roles, importance, and influence of notable women in early Islam

Duration: 45 minutes

Entry Behaviour: Students should be able to recall some stories about Prophet Muhammad and his companions.

Key Words: Women, Islam, early, Khadijah, Aisha, Fatimah, Umm Salama, roles, importance, influence.

Behavioural Objectives:

  • Students will be able to name some important women in early Islam.
  • Students will be able to state the roles of these women in early Islamic society.
  • Students will be able to relate the importance and influence of these women in shaping early Islamic history.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Reading comprehension
  • Critical thinking
  • Oral communication
  • Empathy and understanding of historical context

Learning Materials:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • The Holy Quran
  • Islamic Textbook Book 5
  • Cardboard with inscriptions of Arabic text (for visual aid)
  • Audio device for listening to relevant stories
  • Audiovisual materials (pictures of notable women in early Islam)


In early Islam, women played various roles that were significant in shaping the Muslim community. Some of these roles include:

  1. Wives of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him): The wives of Prophet Muhammad (known as the Mothers of the Believers) served as role models for Muslim women. They provided support to the Prophet, conveyed his teachings to other women, and contributed to the development of Islamic society.
  2. Scholars and Teachers: Some women in early Islam were renowned scholars and teachers. They imparted knowledge of the Quran, Hadith (sayings of the Prophet), and Islamic jurisprudence to both men and women. Examples include Aisha bint Abu Bakr and Umm Salama.
  3. Businesswomen: Women in early Islam engaged in trade and commerce. They owned businesses, managed markets, and traded goods. Khadijah bint Khuwaylid, the first wife of the Prophet Muhammad, was a successful businesswoman known for her trading ventures.
  4. Community Leaders: Women played active roles in their local communities, serving as mediators, advisors, and social workers. They addressed issues facing women and children, provided support to families in need, and contributed to the welfare of society.
  5. Warriors and Nurses: In times of conflict, some women participated in battles alongside men, providing medical aid and support to injured soldiers. They demonstrated bravery and resilience in defending their communities.
  6. Caretakers: Women in early Islam played crucial roles as caretakers of their families and households. They raised children, managed household affairs, and provided emotional support to their husbands and relatives.

Overall, women in early Islam held diverse roles that contributed to the growth and development of the Muslim community. Their contributions were valued and respected, reflecting the inclusive and egalitarian principles of Islam.

Here are some notable women in early Islam:

  1. Khadijah bint Khuwaylid: The first wife of the Prophet Muhammad and a successful businesswoman who supported the early Muslim community.
  2. Aisha bint Abu Bakr: The daughter of Abu Bakr, the closest companion of the Prophet Muhammad, and one of the most prominent scholars and teachers of Islam.
  3. Umm Salama: Another wife of the Prophet Muhammad, known for her wisdom, knowledge, and contributions to the Muslim community.
  4. Fatimah bint Muhammad: The daughter of the Prophet Muhammad and Khadijah, revered for her piety, devotion, and resilience.
  5. Hafsah bint Umar: One of the wives of the Prophet Muhammad and a custodian of the Quran during the caliphate of Uthman ibn Affan.
  6. Zaynab bint Ali: The granddaughter of the Prophet Muhammad and a prominent figure known for her courage and leadership during challenging times.
  7. Umm Ayman: A companion of the Prophet Muhammad who played a significant role in raising him after the death of his mother, Aminah.
  8. Asma bint Abu Bakr: The sister of Aisha and a notable figure known for her loyalty, resilience, and contributions to the early Muslim community.

These women, among others, played pivotal roles in the early days of Islam and left a lasting legacy of faith, knowledge, and leadership.

Here are the roles of the notable women in early Islam:

  1. Khadijah bint Khuwaylid: Role model for Muslim women, supportive wife of the Prophet Muhammad, successful businesswoman, and one of the first converts to Islam.
  2. Aisha bint Abu Bakr: Prominent scholar, teacher, and narrator of Hadith, contributing to the preservation and dissemination of Islamic knowledge.
  3. Umm Salama: Supportive wife of the Prophet Muhammad, wise counselor, and peacemaker within the Muslim community.
  4. Fatimah bint Muhammad: Daughter of the Prophet Muhammad, symbolizing piety, devotion, and family values in Islam.
  5. Hafsah bint Umar: Custodian of the Quran, ensuring its preservation and accuracy during the early Islamic period.
  6. Zaynab bint Ali: Exemplar of courage and leadership, standing up for justice and righteousness in challenging times.
  7. Umm Ayman: Nurturing figure in the upbringing of the Prophet Muhammad, providing care and support during his childhood.
  8. Asma bint Abu Bakr: Resourceful and resilient, known for her loyalty to Islam and her family, particularly during times of hardship and migration.

These women played diverse and crucial roles in the early Muslim community, contributing to its growth, stability, and spiritual development.

The importance and influence of the notable women in early Islam are significant and multifaceted:

  1. Khadijah bint Khuwaylid: As the first wife of the Prophet Muhammad and one of the earliest converts to Islam, Khadijah’s unwavering support and encouragement played a pivotal role in the early development of the Muslim community. Her business acumen and financial support provided the resources needed for the spread of Islam. Khadijah’s exemplary character and devotion to Islam serve as an inspiration for Muslim women worldwide, highlighting the vital role of women in nurturing faith and supporting their spouses.
  2. Aisha bint Abu Bakr: Aisha’s role as a scholar, teacher, and narrator of Hadith contributed significantly to the preservation and dissemination of Islamic knowledge. Her deep understanding of Islam and keen intellect made her a respected authority on religious matters. Aisha’s influence extended beyond her time, shaping Islamic jurisprudence and providing guidance for future generations of Muslims, particularly in matters related to women’s rights and responsibilities.
  3. Umm Salama: Umm Salama’s wisdom, diplomacy, and peacemaking skills were instrumental in resolving conflicts within the Muslim community. Her role as a trusted advisor to the Prophet Muhammad and her active participation in community affairs demonstrate the leadership and influence that women wielded in early Islamic society. Umm Salama’s legacy of promoting unity, reconciliation, and social harmony serves as a model for Muslim women seeking to make positive contributions to their communities.
  4. Fatimah bint Muhammad: As the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad, Fatimah embodied the values of piety, humility, and devotion to family. Her close relationship with her father and her steadfast commitment to Islam inspire believers to emulate her exemplary character and devotion to God. Fatimah’s influence as a role model for Muslim women highlights the importance of familial bonds, spiritual integrity, and moral rectitude in Islam.
  5. Hafsah bint Umar: Hafsah’s role as the custodian of the Quran during the early Islamic period ensured the preservation and accuracy of the holy scripture. Her dedication to safeguarding the Quranic text underscores the vital role of women in the transmission and preservation of Islamic knowledge. Hafsah’s influence as a guardian of the Quran reinforces the reverence and respect accorded to women in Islamic tradition as protectors of sacred knowledge.
  6. Zaynab bint Ali: Zaynab’s courage, resilience, and unwavering commitment to justice and righteousness exemplify the principles of Islam in action. Her outspoken advocacy for truth and morality during times of political upheaval and adversity earned her respect and admiration among her contemporaries. Zaynab’s legacy as a fearless defender of Islamic principles inspires Muslim women to stand up against oppression and injustice and to uphold the values of compassion, integrity, and social justice.
  7. Umm Ayman: Umm Ayman’s role as a nurturing caregiver to the Prophet Muhammad during his childhood highlights the importance of maternal love and support in shaping the character and development of individuals. Her selfless devotion to the Prophet and his family exemplifies the integral role that women play in providing emotional and spiritual sustenance to their loved ones. Umm Ayman’s influence as a maternal figure underscores the significance of compassion, empathy, and maternal care in Islam.
  8. Asma bint Abu Bakr: Asma’s resourcefulness, resilience, and steadfast commitment to Islam embody the qualities of strength and determination that are cherished in Islamic tradition. Her loyalty to her faith and her family, particularly during times of adversity and hardship, serve as a testament to the resilience and fortitude of Muslim women. Asma’s influence as a role model for perseverance and faithfulness inspires believers to remain steadfast in the face of challenges and to uphold their principles with unwavering conviction.

Discussion about the role of some women in early Islam:

  1. Who were some important women in early Islam?
    • Some important women in early Islam include Khadijah, Aisha, Fatimah, and Umm Salama.
  2. What roles did these women play?
    • They served as wives, scholars, teachers, and community leaders.
  3. Why are these women important in Islamic history?
    • They made significant contributions to the development and spread of Islam.
  4. What was Khadijah’s role?
    • Khadijah was the first wife of the Prophet Muhammad and a successful businesswoman who supported the early Muslim community.
  5. Who was Aisha, and what did she do?
    • Aisha was a prominent scholar and teacher who narrated Hadith and contributed to Islamic jurisprudence.
  6. What about Fatimah?
    • Fatimah was the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad and symbolized piety and devotion in Islam.
  7. Who was Umm Salama, and why is she important?
    • Umm Salama was a wise counselor and peacemaker within the Muslim community, providing guidance and support.
  8. How did these women influence early Islamic society?
    • They played key roles in shaping religious teachings, preserving knowledge, and promoting social harmony.
  9. What lessons can we learn from these women?
    • We can learn about the importance of faith, knowledge, resilience, and leadership from their examples.
  10. Why is it important to study the roles of women in early Islam?
    • Studying their roles helps us appreciate the diversity, contributions, and importance of women in Islamic history and society.
  1. Khadijah was the _____ wife of the Prophet Muhammad.
    • a) first
    • b) second
    • c) third
    • d) fourth
  2. Aisha was known for her role as a _____ in early Islam.
    • a) scholar
    • b) doctor
    • c) farmer
    • d) dancer
  3. Fatimah was the _____ of the Prophet Muhammad.
    • a) sister
    • b) daughter
    • c) cousin
    • d) niece
  4. Umm Salama was respected for her wisdom and _____ in the Muslim community.
    • a) bravery
    • b) kindness
    • c) leadership
    • d) silliness
  5. Khadijah’s role in early Islam included supporting the _____ community.
    • a) Jewish
    • b) Christian
    • c) Muslim
    • d) Hindu
  6. Aisha was known for narrating _____.
    • a) stories
    • b) movies
    • c) Hadith
    • d) poems
  7. Fatimah symbolized _____ and devotion in Islam.
    • a) honesty
    • b) courage
    • c) piety
    • d) laziness
  8. Umm Salama was known for her role as a wise _____.
    • a) counselor
    • b) chef
    • c) athlete
    • d) singer
  9. Khadijah’s importance in Islamic history lies in her support for the early _____ community.
    • a) Christian
    • b) Jewish
    • c) Muslim
    • d) Buddhist
  10. Aisha’s influence in early Islam stemmed from her role as a _____ and teacher.
    • a) scholar
    • b) astronaut
    • c) dancer
    • d) painter
  11. Fatimah was the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad and _____.
    • a) Khadijah
    • b) Aisha
    • c) Umm Salama
    • d) Umm Ayman
  12. Umm Salama was respected for her _____ within the Muslim community.
    • a) silliness
    • b) leadership
    • c) laziness
    • d) rudeness
  13. Khadijah’s role as a _____ was crucial for the early Muslim community.
    • a) businesswoman
    • b) teacher
    • c) doctor
    • d) pilot
  14. Aisha’s contributions to early Islam include her teachings on _____.
    • a) math
    • b) science
    • c) Hadith
    • d) music
  15. Fatimah’s role as the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad symbolizes _____ in Islam.
    • a) honesty
    • b) courage
    • c) piety
    • d) laziness


  1. Introduction (5 minutes):
  2. Presentation (15 minutes):
    • The teacher presents information about notable women in early Islam, such as Khadijah, Aisha, Fatimah, and Umm Salama.
    • The teacher explains the roles these women played in early Islamic society, including as wives, scholars, teachers, and community leaders.
    • The teacher discusses the importance and influence of these women in shaping early Islamic history and values.
  3. Student Participation (10 minutes):
    • The teacher allows students to share their thoughts and ideas about the topic.
    • Students participate in a class discussion, sharing what they have learned about the role of women in early Islam.
  4. Teacher’s Activities (5 minutes):
    • The teacher corrects any misconceptions and reinforces key points about the topic.
    • The teacher provides additional examples or stories to enhance understanding.
  5. Learners’ Activities (5 minutes):
    • Students engage in group activities or role-playing exercises to reinforce their understanding of the topic.
    • Students may work in pairs to create posters or presentations about one of the notable women discussed in class.


  • The teacher evaluates student understanding through oral questioning during the discussion.
  • Students complete a worksheet with ten questions related to the topic, assessing their ability to recall information about the role of women in early Islam.


  • The teacher goes around to mark the worksheets and provides feedback to students on their performance.
  • The teacher evaluates the overall engagement and participation of students during the lesson.


  • The teacher summarizes the key points of the lesson and highlights the importance of recognizing the contributions of women in early Islamic history.
  • The teacher encourages students to continue learning about the lives of these remarkable women and their impact on Islam.
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