Good Citizenship and Respect for National Symbols Civic Education KG Second Term Lesson Notes Week 9

Subject: Civic Education

Class: Kindergarten (KG)

Term: Second Term

Week: 9

Topic: Good Citizenship and Respect for National Symbols

Sub-topic: Being a Good Citizen in Our School, Community, and Country

Duration: 45 minutes

Entry Behavior: Students should be able to identify basic symbols such as the Nigerian flag.

Key Words: Good citizenship, respect, national symbols, school, community, country.

Behavioral Objectives:

  • Students will understand what it means to be a good citizen in different contexts.
  • Students will learn to recognize and respect Nigerian national symbols.
  • Students will demonstrate understanding through participation and discussion.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Social awareness
  • Respect for diversity
  • Understanding of civic responsibilities

Learning Materials:

  • Pictures of national symbols (Nigerian flag, coat of arms)
  • Illustrations of school and community scenes
  • Storybooks about good citizenship

Reference Books:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work for Kindergarten Civic Education
  • Civic Education KG textbook


Qualities of good citizens in our school, community, and country, along with respect for Nigerian national symbols:

  1. Respecting Others: 🤝 Good citizens treat others kindly and with respect, both in school and in our community.
  2. Following Rules: 📜 They obey rules and regulations, like listening to their teachers and following school guidelines.
  3. Helping Others: 🤲 Good citizens lend a helping hand to those in need, whether it’s a classmate struggling with homework or a neighbor carrying groceries.
  4. Keeping Our Environment Clean: 🌳 They take care of our school and community by picking up litter and planting trees to make our surroundings beautiful.
  5. Being Honest: 🙌 Good citizens tell the truth and admit when they make mistakes, showing integrity and trustworthiness.
  6. Respecting National Symbols: 🇳🇬 They show respect for Nigerian national symbols like the coat of arms and flag by treating them with care and understanding their importance.
  7. Participating in Activities: 🎨 Good citizens actively participate in school and community events, showing enthusiasm and support.
  8. Celebrating Diversity: 🌍 They appreciate and respect people from different cultures and backgrounds, making everyone feel welcome and valued.
  9. Being Responsible: 🎒 Good citizens take responsibility for their actions and their belongings, showing maturity and accountability.
  10. Promoting Peace: ☮️ They resolve conflicts peacefully and avoid violence or harm towards others, promoting harmony and unity in our school, community, and country.

Remember, by being good citizens and respecting national symbols, we can all contribute to making our school, community, and country a better place for everyone.

Class Discussions

  1. What does it mean to be a good citizen in our school?
    • Being a good citizen in our school means following rules, respecting teachers and classmates, helping others, and participating in school activities.
  2. How can we show respect for our community as good citizens?
    • We can show respect for our community by keeping it clean, helping neighbors, obeying laws, and participating in community events.
  3. Why is it important to respect Nigerian national symbols like the coat of arms and flag?
    • Respecting Nigerian national symbols shows patriotism, unity, and pride in our country’s identity and heritage.
  4. What are some ways we can help keep our school environment clean?
    • We can help keep our school environment clean by picking up trash, properly disposing of waste, and taking care of school property.
  5. How can we promote peace and harmony in our community as good citizens?
    • We can promote peace and harmony by resolving conflicts peacefully, showing kindness to others, and respecting differences.
  6. Why is honesty an important quality for good citizenship?
    • Honesty is important because it builds trust, integrity, and accountability, which are essential for a strong and cohesive community.
  7. What activities can we participate in to show support for our school and community?
    • We can participate in activities such as volunteering, fundraising events, community clean-ups, and school clubs to show support and make a positive impact.
  8. What does it mean to be responsible as a citizen in our country?
    • Being responsible as a citizen in our country means obeying laws, paying taxes, voting in elections, and contributing positively to society.
  9. How can we celebrate diversity in our school and community?
    • We can celebrate diversity by learning about different cultures, traditions, and languages, and by respecting and embracing people from all backgrounds.
  10. What rewards come from being good citizens and respecting national symbols?
    • The rewards include a sense of pride and belonging, a stronger community bond, and a positive reputation for our school, community, and country.
  1. Being a good citizen in our school means following _____.
    • a) rules
    • b) dreams
    • c) clouds
    • d) toys
  2. Respecting our community involves helping _____.
    • a) friends
    • b) trees
    • c) books
    • d) strangers
  3. Respecting Nigerian national symbols like the coat of arms shows _____.
    • a) unity
    • b) division
    • c) sadness
    • d) anger
  4. Keeping our school environment clean means picking up _____.
    • a) trash
    • b) flowers
    • c) clouds
    • d) toys
  5. Promoting peace and harmony in our community involves resolving conflicts _____.
    • a) peacefully
    • b) aggressively
    • c) loudly
    • d) quickly
  6. Honesty is important because it builds _____.
    • a) trust
    • b) lies
    • c) walls
    • d) toys
  7. Participating in community events shows support for our _____.
    • a) community
    • b) school
    • c) books
    • d) toys
  8. Being responsible as a citizen means obeying _____.
    • a) laws
    • b) wishes
    • c) clouds
    • d) toys
  9. Celebrating diversity means respecting people from different _____.
    • a) cultures
    • b) planets
    • c) books
    • d) toys
  10. Respecting Nigerian national symbols shows _____ in our country.
    • a) pride
    • b) sadness
    • c) anger
    • d) disappointment
  11. Being a good citizen means showing respect for our _____.
    • a) community
    • b) books
    • c) toys
    • d) clouds
  12. Keeping our school environment clean helps create a _____ place for learning.
    • a) tidy
    • b) messy
    • c) noisy
    • d) dirty
  13. Promoting peace and harmony in our community means treating others with _____.
    • a) kindness
    • b) anger
    • c) aggression
    • d) toys
  14. Celebrating diversity involves appreciating people’s _____.
    • a) differences
    • b) similarities
    • c) toys
    • d) clouds
  15. Showing respect for Nigerian national symbols like the flag demonstrates our _____.
    • a) patriotism
    • b) disrespect
    • c) anger
    • d) disappointment


  1. Step 1: Revision (5 minutes)
  2. Step 2: Introduction of New Topic (5 minutes)
    • The teacher introduces the new topic: Good Citizenship and Respect for National Symbols.
    • The teacher explains that being a good citizen means showing respect, kindness, and responsibility in different places like school, community, and country.
  3. Step 3: Teacher’s Activities (10 minutes)
    • The teacher shows pictures of national symbols such as the Nigerian flag and coat of arms.
    • The teacher explains the significance of each symbol and why it’s important to respect them.
  4. Learners’ Activities (15 minutes)
    • Students observe the pictures and listen attentively to the teacher’s explanations.
    • Students discuss and share examples of how they can be good citizens in school, at home, and in their community.
    • Students participate in a coloring activity where they color pictures of national symbols.
  5. Assessment (5 minutes)
    • The teacher assesses students’ understanding through questioning and observation.
    • Students demonstrate their understanding by answering questions about good citizenship and national symbols.


  1. What does it mean to be a good citizen in our school?
  2. Can you name one Nigerian national symbol?
  3. Why is it important to respect national symbols like the Nigerian flag?
  4. How can you show respect for our community as a good citizen?
  5. Can you describe one way to help others in our community?
  6. Why is it important to follow rules in school?
  7. What are some qualities of a good citizen?
  8. What do national symbols represent?
  9. How can we celebrate Nigerian national symbols?
  10. What rewards come from being a good citizen?


  • The teacher goes around to mark students’ participation and understanding of the topic.
  • The teacher reinforces the importance of being a good citizen and respecting national symbols in creating a harmonious and proud community.
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