Second Term Examination Computer Studies Primary 2 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 11

Subject: Computer Studies

Class: Primary 2

Term: Second Term

Week: 11

Topic: Second Term Examination Primary 2 Computer Studies

Answer the following questions

  1. Mini computers are good for handling ________ tasks. a) Specific b) Random c) Fun d) Heavy
  2. Micro computers are designed to be easy for people to ________. a) Carry b) Play c) Swim d) Climb
  3. A mini computer is like a tiny ________ managing tasks. a) Mountain b) Castle c) Ocean d) Forest
  4. Smartphones are examples of ________ computers. a) Mini b) Giant c) Mainframe d) Super
  5. Mini computers are efficient and can handle tasks ________. a) Slowly b) Quickly c) Loudly d) Silently
  6. Laptops and tablets are examples of ________ computers. a) Giant b) Mini c) Super d) Mainframe
  7. Mini computers are used in stores for handling ________ transactions. a) Cooking b) Sales c) Sleeping d) Playing
  8. Micro computers are designed for ________ use. a) Public b) Personal c) Group d) Team
  9. Mini computers are often used for specific tasks, like managing ________. a) Forests b) Playgrounds c) Money d) Rockets
  10. Supercomputers are known for their super ________. a) Size b) Speed c) Softness d) Colors
  11. Mini computers are small and don’t take up much ________. a) Money b) Time c) Space d) Energy
  12. Micro computers are versatile and used for various ________. a) Colors b) Activities c) Numbers d) Shapes
  13. The trash bin icon on the computer is used to ________ files. a) Organize b) Print c) Delete d) Read
  14. Supercomputers are often used for solving ________ problems. a) Simple b) Complex c) Funny d) Musical
  15. Mainframe computers are like big ________ managing lots of work. a) Gardens b) Castles c) Playgrounds d) Oceans
  16. A mainframe computer is like a big ________ managing lots of work. a) Garden b) Castle c) Playground d) Ocean
  17. Supercomputers are known for their super ________. a) Strength b) Speed c) Softness d) Colors
  18. Mainframe computers are good at handling many tasks at the same ________. a) Week b) Time c) Year d) Month
  19. Supercomputers are often used for solving ________ problems. a) Simple b) Complex c) Funny d) Musical
  20. The trash bin icon on the computer is used to ________ files. a) Organize b) Print c) Delete d) Read
  21. Mainframe computers are like big ________ managing lots of work. a) Gardens b) Castles c) Playgrounds d) Oceans
  22. Supercomputers can solve really tricky problems using their super ________. a) Strength b) Speed c) Softness d) Colors
  23. Mainframe computers are super ________, always ready to work without crashing. a) Fast b) Reliable c) Slow d) Funny
  24. The magnifying glass icon on the computer is used for ________. a) Chatting b) Searching c) Deleting d) Printing
  25. Supercomputers are often used in scientific ________. a) Experiments b) Drawings c) Songs d) Games
  26. Mainframes can store massive amounts of ________, like a giant digital warehouse. a) Food b) Data c) Toys d) Clothes
  27. Supercomputers use the latest and greatest ________ to handle challenging tasks. a) Toys b) Technology c) Books d) Clothes
  28. Mainframes have strong ________, allowing them to handle many tasks at the same time. a) Colors b) Brains c) Wings d) Fins
  29. Supercomputers are like superheroes tackling ________ problems with their superpowers. a) Simple b) Tricky c) Funny d) Colorful
  30. Mainframes are great for teamwork and big companies because many people can use them at ________. a) Once b) Twice c) Thrice d) Four times
  31. A workstation is a special place where people work on ________. a) Toys b) Computers c) Books d) Cars
  32. A workstation is set up to help people do their work more ________. a) Slowly b) Quickly c) Silently d) Loudly
  33. At a workstation, people use a ________ to interact with the computer. a) Pen b) Mouse c) Keyboard d) Eraser
  34. The main tool at a workstation is the ________, used for typing. a) Mouse b) Keyboard c) Monitor d) Printer
  35. People sit on a ________ at a workstation to be comfortable. a) Chair b) Table c) Sofa d) Bed
  36. A workstation can have a special place for a computer ________. a) Book b) Plant c) Monitor d) Toy
  37. The procedure for setting up a workstation involves arranging the ________ on the table. a) Books b) Toys c) Tools d) Components
  38. The computer ________ displays information like pictures and text. a) Mouse b) Keyboard c) Monitor d) Printer
  39. People should sit ________ to the workstation to use it comfortably. a) On the floor b) Under the table c) At the table d) On the roof
  40. A chair at the workstation should be ________ for comfortable sitting. a) Broken b) Small c) Big d) Comfortable
  41. The procedure for setting up a workstation includes turning on the ________. a) Lights b) TV c) Computer d) Fan
  42. People use a ________ to move the cursor on the computer screen. a) Keyboard b) Monitor c) Mouse d) Printer
  43. The procedure for setting up a workstation involves arranging the ________ on the desk. a) Toys b) Books c) Tools d) Plants
  44. A workstation is like a personal ________ for doing computer work. a) Park b) Desk c) Zoo d) Library
  45. The ________ at the workstation allows printing of documents. a) Mouse b) Keyboard c) Printer d) Monitor
  46. The ________ icon on the computer is used to open a file. a) Trash bin b) Book c) Magnifying glass d) House
  47. The ________ icon on the computer is used to adjust settings. a) Trash bin b) Gear c) Book d) Folder
  48. The ________ icon on the computer is used for searching. a) Printer b) Magnifying glass c) Gear d) Folder
  49. The ________ icon on the computer is used to delete files. a) Trash bin b) Book c) House d) Folder
  50. The ________ icon on the computer is used for printing. a) Printer b) Magnifying glass c) Trash bin d) Gear
  51. The ________ icon on the computer is used to open a program. a) Folder b) Book c) House d) Magnifying glass
  52. The ________ icon on the computer is used for organizing files. a) Gear b) Folder c) Magnifying glass d) Printer
  53. The ________ icon on the computer represents a piece of paper with lines. a) Trash bin b) Folder c) Book d) House
  54. The ________ icon on the computer represents a house. a) Book b) Printer c) House d) Folder
  55. The ________ icon on the computer represents a tool for drawing. a) Gear b) Folder c) Pencil d) Printer
  56. The ________ icon on the computer is used for starting a game. a) House b) Book c) Folder d) Game controller
  57. The ________ icon on the computer is used to access the internet. a) Folder b) Globe c) Trash bin d) Magnifying glass
  58. The ________ icon on the computer represents a camera. a) House b) Camera c) Magnifying glass d) Trash bin
  59. The ________ icon on the computer is used for creating and editing documents. a) Gear b) Book c) Pencil d) Folder
  60. The ________ icon on the computer is used for playing music. a) Speaker b) Folder c) Magnifying glass d) Trash bin

Primary 1 Exam Questions ; First Term, Second Term and Third Term Examination


Part B


  1. What is a workstation?
  2. Name two essential components of a workstation.
  3. Why is it important to have a workstation?
  4. What does the power button on the computer do?
  5. How do you connect a keyboard to a computer?
  6. Explain the term “setup” in the context of a workstation.
  7. What is an icon on the computer?
  8. Can you name two functions of a folder icon?
  9. What does the trash bin icon do on the computer?
  10. How do you open a file using the book icon?
  11. Which icon is used for chatting or messaging?
  12. Explain the function of the magnifying glass icon.
  13. How is a supercomputer different from a mainframe?
  14. Why do we say a mainframe is like a king’s castle?
  15. Use one word to describe the size of a supercomputer.
  16. What do you think a supercomputer is good at doing?
  17. Give an example of a mini computer.
  18. What is the role of a micro computer?
  19. How would you describe the size of a mini computer?
  20. Name a personal use of a micro computer.
  21. What kind of tasks is a mini computer good at handling?
  22. Give an example of a micro computer you can carry around
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