Safety Rules in Swimming Physical and Health Education Primary 2 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 8

Lesson Plan Presentation

Subject: Physical and Health Education

Class: Primary 2

Term: Second Term

Week: 8

Topic: Safety Rules in Swimming

Duration: 40 minutes

Entry Behaviour:

  • Review basic physical activities learned in previous lessons.
  • Discuss any personal experiences related to swimming.

Key Words:

  • Safety Rules, Swimming, Lifeguards, Signals, Life Jacket.

Behavioural Objectives:

  • Understand and recall safety rules in swimming.
  • Demonstrate awareness of signals and emergency procedures.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Listening, Observation, Following Instructions.

Learning Materials:

  • Visuals of swimming scenarios, Life jacket, Whistle.


Safety Rules in Swimming:

  1. No Running Around the Pool 🚫:
    • Walk slowly to avoid slipping and falling.
  2. Stay in Designated Areas 🏊‍♂️:
    • Swim only where lifeguards can see you.
  3. Always Swim with a Buddy 🤝:
    • Have a friend with you for safety.
  4. Listen to Lifeguards and Teachers 👂:
    • Follow their instructions for a safe swim.
  5. No Diving in Shallow Water 🚫:
    • Dive only in deep sections of the pool.
  6. Use Life Jackets if Needed 🧥:
    • Wear a life jacket if you’re not a strong swimmer.
  7. Know Emergency Signals 🚨:
    • Learn what whistles or signals mean.
  8. Don’t Chew Gum or Eat While Swimming 🍬:
    • It can be dangerous; wait until you’re out of the water.
  9. Keep Poolside Clean and Clear 🧼:
    • No toys or obstacles around the pool.
  10. Learn Basic Floating and Treading Skills 🏊‍♀️:
    • Know how to float or tread water in case of fatigue.

Remember, following these rules keeps everyone safe in the pool! 🌊


  1. Never run around the pool. Walk __________. a) slowly
    b) quickly
    c) loudly
    d) alone
  2. Swim only where __________ can see you. a) lifeguards
    b) friends
    c) toys
    d) teachers
  3. Always swim with a __________ for safety. a) snack
    b) buddy
    c) lifeguard
    d) whistle
  4. Listen to __________ and teachers. a) friends
    b) lifeguards
    c) toys
    d) parents
  5. No __________ in shallow water. a) jumping
    b) diving
    c) floating
    d) walking
  6. Use life jackets if __________. a) needed
    b) hungry
    c) happy
    d) tired
  7. Know __________ signals. a) emergency
    b) fun
    c) quiet
    d) sunny
  8. Don’t chew gum or eat while __________. a) reading
    b) swimming
    c) walking
    d) playing
  9. Keep poolside clean and __________. a) crowded
    b) clear
    c) dark
    d) noisy
  10. Learn basic __________ skills. a) flying
    b) treading
    c) jumping
    d) dancing
  1. Introduction:
    • Begin by discussing the importance of water safety.
    • Recap the previous lesson briefly.
  2. Review Previous Topic:
    • Check students’ understanding of the previous lesson.
    • Relate it to the new topic of safety rules in swimming.
  3. Introduction of New Topic:
    • Introduce the new topic: “Safety Rules in Swimming.”
    • Discuss the relevance of knowing these rules.
  4. Safety Rules Discussion:
    • Present and explain each safety rule in simple terms.
    • Use visuals and examples to enhance understanding.
  5. Demonstration:
    • Demonstrate how to walk around the pool and enter the water safely.
    • Emphasize the importance of following rules.
  6. Learners’ Activities:
    • Have students practice walking around a designated pool area.
    • Discuss and role-play scenarios related to swimming safety.
  7. Assessment:
    • Observe students’ adherence to safety rules during activities.
    • Provide feedback and guidance as needed.
  8. Evaluation Questions:
    • Swim only in __________ sections of the pool. a) deep
      b) shallow
      c) sunny
      d) dark
    • Wear a life jacket if you’re not a __________ swimmer. a) strong
      b) weak
      c) fast
      d) sleepy
    • No __________ around the pool. a) toys
      b) obstacles
      c) snacks
      d) lifeguards
    • Follow lifeguards’ __________ for a safe swim. a) rules
      b) stories
      c) jokes
      d) music
    • Learn what __________ or signals mean. a) whistles
      b) toys
      c) friends
      d) snacks
  9. Conclusion:
    • Summarize key safety rules for swimming.
    • Announce a brief assessment to reinforce learning.

Note: Adjust the duration based on students’ engagement levels, and modify activities as needed.

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