Second Term Revision and Readiness Test Physical and Health Education Primary 2 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 1

Lesson Plan Presentation

  • Subject: Physical and Health Education
  • Class: Primary 2
  • Term: Second Term
  • Week: 1
  • Topic: Second Term Revision and Readiness Test
  • Duration: 40 minutes

Entry Behaviour:

  • Ask students about their favorite physical activities.
  • Encourage a short discussion on the importance of being active.

Key Words:

  • Revision, Readiness Test, Physical Activities.

Behavioural Objectives:

  • Review physical education concepts from the first term.
  • Assess students’ readiness for new second-term activities.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Physical activity, communication.

Learning Materials:

  • Space for physical activities.
  • Flashcards or visuals of different exercises.


Safety Rules in Movement for Shooting, Heading, and Bending

  1. Stay Balanced: When shooting, heading, or bending, always ensure you are balanced on both feet.
  2. Proper Foot Placement: Position your non-kicking foot next to the ball for shooting. For heading, use the forehead, and for bending, place your foot close to the ball.
  3. Use the Right Technique: Teach the correct techniques for shooting, heading, and bending to avoid unnecessary strain on the body.
  4. Watch Your Surroundings: Be aware of other players and obstacles to prevent collisions or injuries during movement.
  5. Use Protective Gear: If necessary, wear appropriate protective gear like helmets for heading or knee pads for bending.
  6. Warm-up Exercises: Begin with warm-up exercises to prepare the muscles for the specific movements involved in shooting, heading, or bending.
  7. Practice Coordination: Encourage coordination between eyes, hands, and feet to enhance precision in these movements.
  8. Follow Coach’s Instructions: Always listen to and follow the coach’s instructions to ensure proper execution and reduce the risk of accidents.
  9. Maintain Good Posture: Emphasize the importance of maintaining good posture during these movements to prevent strains or injuries.
  10. Hydration: Remind students to stay hydrated, as proper hydration is essential for optimal performance and reduces the risk of cramps.

Example: For shooting, make sure to plant your non-kicking foot firmly on the ground, aim at the target, and swing your kicking leg in a smooth motion to strike the ball.

Remember, safety is the top priority during physical activities




  1. When shooting in soccer, always maintain __________ on both feet. a) Unbalanced b) Balance c) Running d) Jumping
  2. Proper foot placement is crucial when ________ the ball in soccer. a) Dribbling b) Passing c) Shooting d) Catching
  3. What part of the body is recommended for heading the ball? a) Foot b) Forehead c) Elbow d) Knee
  4. Using the correct ________ is essential to avoid unnecessary strain during movements. a) Speed b) Technique c) Height d) Distance
  5. Being aware of other players and obstacles helps prevent __________ during movement. a) Success b) Injuries c) Celebrations d) Goals
  6. Which protective gear may be recommended for heading? a) Knee pads b) Elbow pads c) Helmets d) Wristbands
  7. Why is it important to begin with warm-up exercises before shooting or heading? a) To cool down b) To prepare muscles c) To rest d) To eat snacks
  8. Coordination between eyes, hands, and feet enhances __________ in soccer. a) Strength b) Power c) Precision d) Speed
  9. What should players be aware of during these movements to avoid accidents? a) The coach’s instructions b) Other players and obstacles c) The weather d) The color of the ball
  10. When executing heading or bending, players should follow __________. a) Their own rules b) The referee’s rules c) Coach’s instructions d) Spectator instructions
  11. What is an essential safety measure during these movements? a) Wearing a cape b) Using protective goggles c) Proper hydration d) Carrying heavy equipment
  12. Good posture is important to prevent __________ during soccer movements. a) Strains or injuries b) Celebrations c) Goals d) Cheers
  13. Players should listen to and follow __________ instructions during soccer activities. a) Teammate’s b) Parent’s c) Coach’s d) Opponent’s
  14. Why is hydration important during physical activities like shooting, heading, and bending? a) To make the ball slippery b) To reduce the risk of cramps c) To attract more players d) To make the field wet
  15. Safety should always be the __________ during physical activities. a) Second priority b) Top priority c) Third priority d) Last priority


  1. Introduction:
    • Discuss the benefits of physical activity for health.
    • Emphasize the importance of being active.
  2. Review First Term Concepts:
    • Briefly revisit key concepts from the first term.
    • Discuss any memorable activities.
  3. Readiness Test:
    • Explain the purpose of the readiness test for new activities.
    • Introduce simple physical tasks to assess readiness.
  4. Physical Activity Demonstration:
    • Demonstrate a few exercises or activities.
    • Encourage students to follow along.
  5. Student Participation:
    • Allow students to perform the demonstrated activities.
    • Observe their movements and engagement.
  6. Discussion:
    • Engage in a brief discussion about the experiences.
    • Ask students about their favorite activities.
  7. Feedback:
    • Provide positive feedback on students’ efforts.
    • Identify areas for improvement.
  8. Readiness Assessment:
    • Assess students based on their participation and understanding.
    • Consider their ability to follow instructions.


  • Thank students for their active participation.
  • Express excitement about the upcoming physical education sessions.


  • Adjust the duration and specific activities based on the students’ energy levels and the specific readiness test activities planned.
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