Second Term Mid Term Test Physical and Health Education Primary 2 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 7

Lesson Plan Presentation: Physical and Health Education

Subject: Physical and Health Education

Class: Primary 2

Term: Second Term

Week: 7

Topic: Review – Swimming Skills, Basketball Safety Rules, Movement Patterns


  1. Identification and Explanation of Skills in Swimming
  2. Safety Rules in Basketball
  3. Different Movement Patterns Made by People, Animals, and Machines

Duration: 45 minutes

Entry Behaviour: Ask students to share one thing they remember about swimming, basketball, or movement patterns.

Key Words: Swimming, Skills, Basketball, Safety Rules, Movement Patterns, People, Animals, Machines.

Behavioral Objectives:

  1. Recall and explain swimming skills, basketball safety rules, and movement patterns.
  2. Demonstrate understanding through discussion and activities.

Embedded Core Skills: Listening, Communication, Motor Skills, Critical Thinking.

Learning Materials: Visuals of swimming skills, basketball court, pictures of people, animals, and machines in motion.


Section A: Identification and Explanation of Skills in Swimming

  1. What is the purpose of the skill “floating” in swimming? a) Jumping
    b) Staying on the water without sinking
    c) Climbing
    d) Running
  2. How does “kicking” help you in swimming? a) Moving your arms
    b) Moving backward
    c) Moving forward
    d) Floating
  3. Describe the arm movement in swimming and its importance. a) Moving your legs
    b) Turning in circles
    c) Using arms to pull and push through water
    d) Standing still
  4. Why is breathing essential while swimming? a) Helps you sing
    b) Helps you float
    c) Helps you breathe underwater
    d) Allows you to turn in the water
  5. What does “treading water” mean, and why is it valuable? a) Staying in one place by moving arms and legs
    b) Floating without moving
    c) Swimming fast
    d) Running on water

Section B: Safety Rules in Basketball

  1. Why is it important to follow safety rules in basketball? a) To have more fun
    b) To break the rules
    c) To get tired
    d) To eat snacks
  2. Name one safety rule related to movement on the basketball court. a) Running fast
    b) Pushing others
    c) Staying on the court
    d) Hiding behind the hoop
  3. Explain the importance of wearing proper shoes for basketball. a) Makes you look good
    b) Helps prevent slipping on the court
    c) Matches your outfit
    d) Helps you sing better
  4. What is the significance of fair play in a basketball game? a) Winning at any cost
    b) Playing games quickly
    c) Playing by the rules and being fair
    d) Cheating
  5. What action should be taken if someone gets hurt during a basketball game? a) Ignore them
    b) Tell an adult or coach immediately
    c) Laugh at them
    d) Keep playing

Section C: Different Movement Patterns Made by People, Animals, and Machines

  1. Name three different ways people can move. a) Flying, swimming, climbing
    b) Running, hopping, crawling
    c) Jumping, singing, dancing
    d) Sleeping, eating, reading
  2. Give an example of an animal that flies in the sky and explain how it moves. a) Dog – by running
    b) Fish – by swimming
    c) Bird – by flying
    d) Elephant – by crawling
  3. Mention a machine that moves on tracks and describe its movement. a) Car – by floating
    b) Train – by rolling on tracks
    c) Boat – by swimming
    d) Plane – by flying
  4. How do fish typically move in the water? a) By walking on the water
    b) By hopping on the water
    c) By running in the water
    d) By swimming in the water
  5. Explain how a helicopter moves in the sky. a) By crawling
    b) By hopping
    c) By soaring and flying
    d) By floating


Identification and Explanation of Skills in Swimming:

  1. Floating is when you lie on your __________. a) stomach b) head c) back d) knees
  2. Moving your legs up and down helps you move forward in the water. It’s called __________. a) hopping b) gliding c) kicking d) crawling
  3. When you use your arms to pull and push through the water, it’s the __________. a) arm swing b) arm movement c) arm dance d) arm jump
  4. Turning your head to take a breath while swimming is an important skill called __________. a) dancing b) breathing c) singing d) laughing
  5. Staying in one place by moving your arms and legs gently is called __________. a) water treading b) water hopping c) water dancing d) water sleeping
  6. Pushing off the pool’s edge and moving smoothly through the water is __________. a) diving b) gliding c) floating d) crawling
  7. Floating helps you stay on the water without __________. a) sinking b) flying c) jumping d) crawling
  8. Moving your legs up and down in the water is called __________. a) running b) hopping c) kicking d) jumping
  9. When you use your arms to pull and push through the water, it’s called __________. a) arm swing b) arm dance c) arm movement d) arm crawl
  10. Turning your head to take a breath while swimming is known as __________. a) floating b) breathing c) gliding d) hopping

Safety Rules in Basketball:

  1. It’s important to avoid __________ others during the game. a) hugging b) pushing c) tickling d) clapping
  2. Players should stay on the __________ during the game. a) court b) bench c) grass d) sidelines
  3. Suitable shoes with proper grip help prevent __________ on the court. a) dancing b) slipping c) flying d) singing
  4. Playing by the rules ensures __________ play in basketball. a) fun b) fair c) fast d) furry
  5. Rough actions like grabbing or hitting are not allowed for __________ play. a) fun b) fair c) fast d) furry
  6. Treat basketballs and hoops with __________ to prevent damage. a) respect b) anger c) fear d) laughter
  7. Drinking water during the game helps __________. a) dance b) dehydrate c) stay refreshed d) disappear
  8. Players should follow the coach’s __________ for a safer game. a) recipe b) instructions c) story d) dance moves
  9. Talking to your teammates helps avoid __________ on the court. a) collisions b) celebrations c) naps d) picnics
  10. If someone gets hurt, it’s important to tell a __________ or coach. a) friend b) pet c) coach d) superhero

Different Movement Patterns Made by People, Animals, and Machines:

  1. People move by walking, running, and __________. a) hopping b) flying c) swimming d) crawling
  2. Birds move through the air by __________. a) walking b) swimming c) flying d) crawling
  3. Cars and buses are examples of __________. a) animals b) machines c) trees d) clouds
  4. Fish move in the water by __________. a) running b) hopping c) swimming d) crawling
  5. Monkeys are good at __________ from tree to tree. a) hopping b) crawling c) flying d) swinging
  6. Kangaroos move by __________ on their hind legs. a) hopping b) swimming c) climbing d) flying
  7. Dolphins move and leap in the __________. a) sky b) water c) land d) desert
  8. Spiders crawl or walk with __________ legs. a) two b) four c) six d) eight
  9. Giraffes walk with a unique, long-__________ gait. a) stride b) jump c) hop d) crawl
  10. Frogs move by hopping on their __________ legs. a) front b) hind c) left d) right
  11. Cars and trucks move on __________. a) clouds b) roads c) water d) trees
  12. Airplanes soar in the __________. a) ocean b) land c) sky d) desert
  13. Helicopters can __________ in the sky. a) swim b) soar c) crawl d) climb
  14. Scooters glide on roads, powered by an engine or __________. a) walking b) running c) pedaling d) flying


Identification and Explanation of Skills in Swimming:

  1. What is the purpose of the skill “floating” in swimming?
  2. Explain how “kicking” helps you in swimming.
  3. Describe the arm movement in swimming and its importance.
  4. Why is breathing essential while swimming?
  5. What does “treading water” mean, and why is it valuable?
  6. Briefly explain the gliding movement in swimming.

Safety Rules in Basketball:

  1. Why is it important to follow safety rules in basketball?
  2. Name one safety rule related to movement on the basketball court.
  3. Explain the importance of wearing proper shoes for basketball.
  4. What is the significance of fair play in a basketball game?
  5. Why should players respect equipment during basketball activities?
  6. What action should be taken if someone gets hurt during a basketball game?

Different Movement Patterns Made by People, Animals, and Machines:

  1. Name three different ways people can move.
  2. Give an example of an animal that flies in the sky and explain how it moves.
  3. Mention a machine that moves on tracks and describe its movement.
  4. How do fish typically move in the water?
  5. Describe the movement pattern of a frog.
  6. Explain how a helicopter moves in the sky.

Identification and Explanation of Skills in Swimming Physical and Health Education Primary 2 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 6


  • Step 1: Revise the previous topics: Identification and Explanation of Skills in Swimming, Safety Rules in Basketball, and Different Movement Patterns Made by People, Animals, and Machines.
  • Step 2: Introduce the Mid-Term Test, highlighting the importance of reviewing what they’ve learned so far.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Display visuals for each topic and ask questions to refresh their memory.
  • Discuss key points of swimming skills, basketball safety rules, and movement patterns.
  • Provide a brief overview of the mid-term test format.

Learners Activities:

  • Engage in discussions and share their understanding of the topics.
  • Participate in a quick review quiz to recall important concepts.


  • Observe students’ participation in discussions and quizzes.
  • Ask impromptu questions to check individual understanding.

Ten Evaluation Questions:

  1. What is the purpose of floating in swimming?
  2. Name one safety rule in basketball related to movement on the court.
  3. Give an example of an animal that flies in the sky and explain its movement.
  4. Why is it important to wear proper shoes in basketball?
  5. Describe the arm movement in swimming.
  6. How do fish typically move in the water?
  7. What is the significance of fair play in basketball?
  8. Explain the gliding movement in swimming.
  9. Mention a machine that moves on tracks and describe its movement.
  10. How can treading water be beneficial while swimming?

Conclusion on the Topic:

  • Summarize key concepts and express excitement for the upcoming mid-term test.
  • Remind students to review their notes and practice recalling information.

Teacher’s Assessment:

  • Circulate and observe students’ confidence and engagement during the review.
  • Provide positive reinforcement and address any questions or concerns.
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