Second Term Examination Christian Religious Studies Primary 2 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 12

Subject: Christian Religious Studies
Class: Primary 2
Term: Second Term
Week: 12
Age: 7 years

Topic: Examination of Topics Covered in the First Term

Exam Instructions for Teachers

  1. Ensure the examination environment is quiet and free from distractions.
  2. Explain the exam rules to the students clearly before starting the exam.
  3. Make sure every student has the necessary materials (pen/pencil, eraser).
  4. Give clear and simple instructions for each part of the exam.
  5. Encourage students to do their best and remind them not to rush.
  6. Monitor students during the exam to prevent cheating.
  7. Remind students that there is no talking during the exam.
  8. Do not allow students to share answers.
  9. Students must answer each question by themselves.
  10. Ensure the exam papers are collected at the end of the session.

Exam Instructions for Students

  1. Read each question carefully before answering.
  2. Answer all questions. Do not leave any question blank.
  3. Do not talk to your friends during the exam.
  4. If you do not understand a question, raise your hand, and the teacher will help you.
  5. Write clearly and neatly.
  6. Do not copy answers from your friends.
  7. Use only the materials given to you for the exam.
  8. Stay seated until you are told to finish the exam.
  9. Do not peek at anyone else’s paper.
  10. When you are done, check your answers before submitting your paper.

Part A: Objective Questions (30 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions)

  1. Jesus was born in _______.
    a) Jerusalem
    b) Bethlehem
    c) Nazareth
    d) Egypt
  2. The first miracle of Jesus was when He turned _______ into wine.
    a) water
    b) milk
    c) juice
    d) wine
  3. Jesus healed the _______ man who could not see.
    a) blind
    b) sick
    c) deaf
    d) paralyzed
  4. Jesus fed _______ people with five loaves and two fish.
    a) 200
    b) 500
    c) 1000
    d) 5000
  5. Jesus calmed the _______ when the disciples were afraid.
    a) storm
    b) boat
    c) crowd
    d) sea
  6. The wise men brought _______ to Jesus.
    a) gold, silver, and jewels
    b) gold, frankincense, and myrrh
    c) bread, water, and fish
    d) bread, meat, and oil
  7. Jesus raised _______ from the dead.
    a) Peter
    b) Lazarus
    c) John
    d) James
  8. Jesus walked on _______ to reach His disciples.
    a) water
    b) land
    c) fire
    d) clouds
  9. Jesus healed a woman who had been bleeding for _______ years.
    a) 3
    b) 10
    c) 12
    d) 30
  10. Jesus taught in _______ to make His message clearer.
    a) songs
    b) parables
    c) poems
    d) letters
  11. Jesus’ disciples were mainly _______.
    a) farmers
    b) fishermen
    c) carpenters
    d) teachers
  12. Jesus raised a girl named _______ from the dead.
    a) Mary
    b) Ruth
    c) Martha
    d) Jairus’ daughter
  13. Jesus healed a _______ who was lying by the pool.
    a) blind man
    b) lame man
    c) deaf man
    d) sick woman
  14. Jesus taught that we should love _______ as ourselves.
    a) our friends
    b) our family
    c) our neighbors
    d) our enemies
  15. Jesus was born to _______ and Joseph.
    a) Mary
    b) Anna
    c) Ruth
    d) Rachel
  16. The disciples were afraid when they saw Jesus walking on _______.
    a) water
    b) land
    c) fire
    d) air
  17. Jesus performed miracles to show His _______ over nature.
    a) fear
    b) power
    c) love
    d) kindness
  18. _______ was the first person to recognize Jesus as the Son of God.
    a) John
    b) Peter
    c) Mary
    d) Joseph
  19. Jesus called His disciples to be _______ of men.
    a) healers
    b) teachers
    c) fishermen
    d) followers
  20. Jesus made _______ walk on water with Him.
    a) Peter
    b) James
    c) John
    d) Matthew
  21. The _______ followed the star to find the baby Jesus.
    a) angels
    b) wise men
    c) shepherds
    d) disciples
  22. Jesus healed a _______ man by touching his eyes.
    a) blind
    b) deaf
    c) paralyzed
    d) lame
  23. Jesus healed a _______ man who had been sick for 38 years.
    a) blind
    b) sick
    c) lame
    d) paralyzed
  24. Jesus’ mother was _______.
    a) Sarah
    b) Mary
    c) Anna
    d) Rachel
  25. The parable of the _______ teaches us to forgive others.
    a) Lost son
    b) Good Samaritan
    c) Sower
    d) Talents
  26. Jesus taught that it is more blessed to give than to _______.
    a) pray
    b) receive
    c) preach
    d) sing
  27. Jesus showed His power over death by raising _______ from the dead.
    a) Peter
    b) Lazarus
    c) James
    d) John
  28. Jesus’ power is shown when He heals the _______ man.
    a) sick
    b) blind
    c) paralyzed
    d) lame
  29. Jesus’ first miracle took place at a _______.
    a) wedding
    b) birthday
    c) festival
    d) feast
  30. Jesus asked His disciples to follow Him and become _______.
    a) kings
    b) farmers
    c) fishermen
    d) teachers

Part B: Theory Questions (30 Short Answer Questions)

  1. What was the first miracle that Jesus performed?
  2. Why did Jesus perform miracles?
  3. Who were the first visitors to Jesus when He was born?
  4. Who did Jesus heal in the story of the Good Samaritan?
  5. What happened when Jesus calmed the storm?
  6. What did the wise men bring to Jesus?
  7. What did Jesus teach about loving our neighbors?
  8. What was Jesus’ message about forgiving others?
  9. How did Jesus heal the blind man?
  10. What did Jesus do when the disciples were in a storm?
  11. What was the parable of the lost son about?
  12. Who were Jesus’ first disciples?
  13. What miracle did Jesus perform at the wedding in Cana?
  14. What did Jesus do to heal a paralyzed man?
  15. What was Jesus’ main message?
  16. What did Jesus do for Jairus’ daughter?
  17. How did Jesus show His power over death?
  18. What lesson did the people learn from Jesus’ miracles?
  19. Why did Jesus teach in parables?
  20. How did the disciples react when they saw Jesus walking on water?
  21. What did Jesus do for the sick and the poor?
  22. How did Jesus show His love for others?
  23. What was the lesson from the parable of the sower?
  24. Why did Jesus perform miracles in front of people?
  25. What do we learn from the feeding of the 5000?
  26. How did Jesus heal the woman who had been sick for 12 years?
  27. What happened when Jesus called Peter to walk on water?
  28. How did Jesus show His power over demons?
  29. What did Jesus teach about prayer?
  30. How did the people respond to Jesus’ miracles?

Part C: True or False Questions (30 Questions)

  1. Jesus was born in Nazareth. (True/False)
  2. Jesus healed a man who had been blind from birth. (True/False)
  3. The disciples were afraid when they saw Jesus walking on water. (True/False)
  4. Jesus calmed a storm with just His words. (True/False)
  5. Jesus raised a man named Lazarus from the dead. (True/False)
  6. The wise men came to see Jesus after His baptism. (True/False)
  7. Jesus performed His first miracle at a wedding. (True/False)
  8. Jesus healed a paralyzed man by telling him to get up. (True/False)
  9. Jesus taught people with parables. (True/False)
  10. Jesus performed miracles to show His power. (True/False)
  11. Jesus taught people to forgive others. (True/False)
  12. Jesus never performed any miracles. (True/False)
  13. The parable of the Good Samaritan is about helping others. (True/False)
  14. Jesus called His disciples to be His followers. (True/False)
  15. Jesus walked on water to scare His disciples. (True/False)
  16. Jesus showed kindness to everyone. (True/False)
  17. The feeding of the 5000 is a miracle Jesus performed. (True/False)
  18. Jesus healed a man who was blind by anointing his eyes. (True/False)
  19. Jesus taught that we should love our enemies. (True/False)
  20. Jesus performed miracles for show and did not care about people’s faith. (True/False)
  21. Jesus’ disciples learned from His miracles. (True/False)
  22. The parable of the lost son teaches us about forgiveness. (True/False)
  23. Jesus raised Jairus’ daughter from the dead. (True/False)
  24. Jesus healed the sick with just a touch. (True/False)
  25. Jesus used parables to make His teachings easier to understand. (True/False)
  26. Jesus was born in Jerusalem. (True/False)
  27. Jesus walked on water during a storm. (True/False)
  28. Jesus showed His power by healing the sick. (True/False)
  29. Jesus taught His disciples to be kind and loving. (True/False)
  30. Jesus never performed any miracles for His disciples. (True/False)

Part D: Fill in the Gaps Questions (30 Questions)

  1. Jesus turned _______ into wine at a wedding.
  2. Jesus calmed the _______ on the sea.
  3. The disciples were in a _______ when they saw Jesus walking on water.
  4. Jesus raised _______ from the dead.
  5. The _______ brought gifts to baby Jesus.
  6. Jesus healed a _______ man who could not see.
  7. Jesus taught about loving our _______.
  8. The disciples _______ when they saw Jesus walking on water.
  9. Jesus performed miracles to show His _______ over nature.
  10. Jesus healed the sick with a _______.
  11. The _______ son taught about forgiveness.
  12. Jesus asked Peter to walk on _______ with Him.
  13. Jesus _______ five loaves and two fish to feed 5000 people.
  14. Jesus healed a woman who had been sick for _______ years.
  15. Jesus used _______ to teach lessons.
  16. The wise men followed the _______ to find Jesus.
  17. Jesus healed a _______ man at the pool.
  18. Jesus raised _______ from the dead in front of His disciples.
  19. The _______ man was healed by Jesus on the Sabbath.
  20. Jesus taught that it is more blessed to _______ than to receive.


Review all answers with the class, offering feedback and explanations. Provide praise for effort and understanding. Remind students that the miracles and teachings of Jesus guide us in our lives and faith.

SEO Elements

  • Captivating Title: Christian Religious Studies Primary 2 Examination Guide
  • Focus Keyphrase: Primary 2 Examination Revision
  • SEO Title: Primary 2 Christian Religious Studies Examination Guide: Revision Questions
  • Slug: primary-2-crs-examination-revision-guide
  • Meta Description: A comprehensive exam revision guide for Primary 2 Christian Religious Studies covering all key topics, including Jesus’ miracles and teachings. Perfect for exam preparation!

  1. Answer the following questions 
    1. When we say grace before meals, we usually stand and __________ our hands. a) Clap
      b) Fold
      c) Shake
      d) Wave
    2. During special prayers, we show humility and respect by __________. a) Standing
      b) Kneeling
      c) Jumping
      d) Dancing
    3. __________ is a position where we bend our knees to talk to God. a) Sitting
      b) Prostrating
      c) Kneeling
      d) Lying down
    4. We can choose a prayer position that feels most __________ to us. a) Uncomfortable
      b) Fun
      c) Exciting
      d) Comfortable
    5. While in church, we often kneel to ask God for __________. a) Toys
      b) Help
      c) Candy
      d) Presents
    6. When we want to have a conversation with God before sleep, we may pray while __________. a) Sitting
      b) Lying down
      c) Running
      d) Jumping
    7. The prayer position where we bow down to the ground is called __________. a) Standing
      b) Prostrating
      c) Sitting
      d) Lying down
    8. Kneeling is a way of showing __________ during prayer. a) Happiness
      b) Humility
      c) Anger
      d) Laziness
    9. We sit comfortably and pray during __________. a) Playtime
      b) Church service
      c) TV time
      d) Mealtime
    10. Lying down is a suitable position for prayer, especially when __________. a) Playing
      b) Reading
      c) Resting
      d) Singing
    11. When we pray, God can do __________ things. a) Boring
      b) Exciting
      c) Difficult
      d) Simple
    12. David is known for his __________ and talking to God. a) Singing
      b) Dancing
      c) Praying
      d) Cooking
    13. Solomon prayed for __________ to be wise. a) Money
      b) Toys
      c) Wisdom
      d) Food
    14. Mary is remembered for being the mother of __________. a) David
      b) Jesus
      c) Solomon
      d) Moses
    15. Peter prayed while __________ on a boat. a) Running
      b) Lying down
      c) Sitting
      d) Fishing
    16. Paul wrote letters and __________ to God. a) Danced
      b) Sang
      c) Prayed
      d) Slept
    17. Jesus often found time to __________. a) Play
      b) Eat
      c) Rest
      d) Pray
    18. Daniel prayed even when __________ said not to. a) Friends
      b) Teachers
      c) Kings
      d) Parents
    19. Hannah prayed to God for a __________. a) Child
      b) Pet
      c) House
      d) Car
    20. When we pray, it’s like having a __________ with God. a) Conversation
      b) Race
      c) Party
      d) Journey
    21. Forgetting to say “thank you” can be a __________ in our prayers. a) Help
      b) Blessing
      c) Gratitude
      d) Hindrance
    22. Ignoring the needs and feelings of others can __________ our prayers. a) Strengthen
      b) Enhance
      c) Unblock
      d) Hinder
    23. Asking for help with school is something we can request from God in __________. a) Play
      b) Prayer
      c) Work
      d) Study
    24. Seeking guidance in decisions is a __________ we can ask God in prayer. a) Support
      b) Request
      c) Prayer
      d) Pleasure
    25. God can answer our prayers with a __________ when it’s not the right time. a) Yes
      b) Wait
      c) No
      d) Maybe
    26. Expressing love for family is something we can ask God for in __________. a) Prayer
      b) Play
      c) Work
      d) School
    27. Safety for friends is a __________ we can seek from God in prayer. a) Joy
      b) Pleasure
      c) Blessing
      d) Request
    28. God can answer our prayers by guiding us __________ different ways. a) In
      b) Through
      c) With
      d) Within
    29. Forgiveness for mistakes is something we can ask from God in __________. a) Play
      b) Work
      c) Study
      d) Prayer
    30. God can answer our prayers with __________ surprises. a) Ordinary
      b) Common
      c) Expected
      d) Unexpected
    31. The angel said Mary’s baby was __________. a) Ordinary
      b) Special
      c) Small
      d) Funny
    32. Wise men brought gifts to Jesus from the __________. a) North
      b) South
      c) East
      d) West
    33. The gifts were __________, frankincense, and myrrh. a) Silver, gold, and bronze
      b) Gold, silver, and diamonds
      c) Gold, frankincense, and myrrh
      d) Wood, silver, and gold
    34. The wise men followed a bright __________ to find Jesus. a) Cloud
      b) Star
      c) Moon
      d) Sun
    35. Mary and Joseph were in __________ when the wise men visited. a) Jerusalem
      b) Bethlehem
      c) Nazareth
      d) Egypt
    36. The Bible passage about Jesus’ birth is found in __________. a) Matthew 3
      b) Luke 2
      c) Mark 1
      d) John 4
    37. The angel told Joseph that Mary’s baby’s name would be __________. a) Isaac
      b) David
      c) Jesus
      d) Elijah
    38. Angels sang about Jesus’ birth in the __________. a) Night
      b) Morning
      c) Afternoon
      d) Evening
    39. The wise men presented their gifts to Jesus in a __________. a) House
      b) Castle
      c) Stable
      d) Tent
    40. The message to Joseph is found in the book of __________. a) Genesis
      b) Exodus
      c) Matthew
      d) Luke
    41. Myrrh foreshadows Jesus’ __________. a) Miracles
      b) Teaching
      c) Sacrificial death
      d) Resurrection
    42. Gold emphasizes Jesus’ royal __________. a) Authority
      b) Humility
      c) Simplicity
      d) Playfulness
    43. Frankincense represents an attitude of __________ towards Jesus. a) Disrespect
      b) Worship
      c) Criticism
      d) Indifference
    44. Myrrh is associated with __________ in burial rituals. a) Celebration
      b) Joy
      c) Sorrow
      d) Festivity
    45. The wise men presented __________ as a gift to Jesus. a) Jewelry
      b) Gold
      c) Silver
      d) Wood
    46. The gift of frankincense signifies Jesus’ __________ nature. a) Ordinary
      b) Humble
      c) Divine
      d) Earthly
    47. Myrrh symbolizes Jesus’ __________ sacrifice. a) Joyful
      b) Playful
      c) Sacrificial
      d) Ordinary
    48. Gold is a representation of Jesus’ __________ as a king. a) Simplicity
      b) Servanthood
      c) Royalty
      d) Ordinary life
    49. Frankincense reflects the wise men’s __________ of Jesus. a) Critique
      b) Worship
      c) Disapproval
      d) Indifference
    50. Myrrh suggests a connection with Jesus’ __________ and burial. a) Birth
      b) Teaching
      c) Miracles
      d) Death
  2. Theory Questions 
    1. Name three prayer positions.
    2. How do we show respect during prayer?
    3. Why do people use different prayer positions?
    4. Can you demonstrate the standing prayer position?
    5. Mention a situation where we might use the lying down position for prayer.
    6. What is the term for bending our knees during prayer?
    7. Name one person from the Bible who prayed for rain.
    8. Why is saying “thank you” a form of prayer?
    9. Mention a story from the Bible where prayer showed its power.
    10. Who prayed for wisdom in the Bible?
    11. Mention a prayer request you can ask God for.
    12. How can God answer our prayers?
    13. Can you recall a hindrance to prayer mentioned in the previous lesson?
    14. Share one thing you would like to ask God in prayer.
    15. How many ways did we discuss that God can answer prayers?
    16. Why did Mary and Joseph take baby Jesus to the temple?
    17. Can you name one person who was at the temple when Jesus was presented?
    18. What did Simon say about baby Jesus?
    19. Why do you think presenting babies in the temple was important?
    20. Who was happy when they saw baby Jesus at the temple?
  3. Quiet Examination Environment:
    • Maintain a quiet and focused atmosphere during the exam.
    • Monitor to prevent any form of malpractice.
  4. Answering Questions:
    • Remind students to read each question carefully.
    • Encourage them to answer all questions.
  5. Time Management:
    • Remind students of the allocated time for the exam.
    • Encourage them to manage their time wisely.
  6. Collection of Answer Sheets:
    • Collect answer sheets at the end of the allotted time.
    • Ensure each paper is labeled with the student’s name.
  7. Review (Optional):
    • If time permits, review challenging questions.
    • Clarify any misunderstandings.
  8. Assessment:
    • Evaluate each student’s performance based on provided guidelines.
    • Provide constructive feedback.


  • Thank students for their efforts.
  • Emphasize the importance of continuous learning.


  • Adjust the duration and specific activities based on the structure of the examination and the policies of the educational institution.