The Power of Jesus Christ Christian Religious Studies Primary 2 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 9

Lesson Plan Presentation

Subject: Christian Religious Studies

Class: Primary 2

Term: Second Term

Week: 9

Topic: The Power of Jesus: Calming the Sea, Feeding 5000, Great Catch, Water to Wine

Sub-topic: Miracles of Jesus

Duration: 40 minutes

Entry Behaviour:

  • Ask students if they remember any stories about Jesus and miracles from the previous class.

Key Words:

  • Power, Miracles, Calm, Abundance, Trust, Transformation.

Behavioural Objectives:

  • By the end of the lesson, students should understand that Jesus has special powers to perform miracles.
  • Students should be able to recount at least two miracles of Jesus.
  • Students should grasp the importance of trusting Jesus in difficult situations.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Listening (to the stories)
  • Memory (recalling key details)
  • Communication (discussing miracles and expressing thoughts)

Learning Materials:

  • Pictures depicting each miracle.
  • Simple drawings or props to illustrate the stories.
  • Bible verses related to each miracle.


Calming of the Sea:

  1. Biblical Story:
    • Today, we’ll talk about a special story from the Bible called the “Calming of the Sea.”
  2. Stormy Situation:
    • One day, Jesus and His disciples were in a boat, and suddenly, a big storm came up. The wind was blowing, and the waves were crashing against the boat. It was really scary!
  3. Disciples’ Fear:
    • The disciples were afraid. The boat was rocking, and they thought it might tip over. They woke up Jesus, who was sleeping in the boat, and said, “Master, don’t you care that we’re going to drown?”
  4. Jesus’ Power:
    • Jesus stood up and spoke to the wind and the waves. He said, “Quiet! Be still!” And something amazing happened—the wind stopped, and the sea became calm. Jesus showed His power over nature.
  5. Lesson of Trust:
    • After calming the sea, Jesus turned to His disciples and asked, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?” He wanted them to trust Him even in difficult times.
  6. Key Verse:
    • There’s a special verse in the Bible that goes with this story. It says, “Even the wind and the waves obey Him.” It means that Jesus has power over everything, even the storms in our lives.
  7. Reflection:
    • Think about times when you felt scared or worried. Just like Jesus calmed the sea, we can trust Him to help us when things get tough.
  8. Discussion:
    • Let’s talk about how we can trust Jesus, just like the disciples did. What can we do when we’re afraid or facing difficulties?
  9. Application:
    • We can apply this story to our lives by remembering that Jesus is always with us, ready to help and bring calmness to any storm we face.
  10. Activity:
    • As an activity, let’s draw pictures of the sea before and after Jesus calmed it. This will help us remember the special story we learned today.

Remember, just like Jesus helped His disciples, He is there to help and calm the storms in our lives too. Trust Him

Feeding of the 5000:

  1. Biblical Miracle:
    • Today, we’ll explore a wonderful story from the Bible known as the “Feeding of the 5000.”
  2. Crowd and Hunger:
    • Jesus had been teaching a large crowd, and as the day went on, the people became hungry.
  3. Limited Resources:
    • The disciples noticed there were only five loaves of bread and two fish among them—definitely not enough to feed everyone.
  4. Jesus’ Blessing:
    • Instead of worrying, Jesus took the little they had, blessed the food, and miraculously multiplied it.
  5. Abundance from Scarcity:
    • The small amount of food became so much that it fed 5000 men, plus women and children, with leftovers!
  6. Lesson of Sharing:
    • This story teaches us about sharing and the abundance that comes when we trust in Jesus.
  7. Key Verse:
    • There’s a special verse connected to this miracle: “They all ate and were satisfied.”
  8. Reflection:
    • Take a moment to think about how Jesus can turn small things into something big and wonderful.
  9. Discussion:
    • Let’s discuss why sharing is important and how we can share with others in our daily lives.
  10. Activity:
    • As an activity, let’s create a collage or drawing showing the abundance that came from the small offering, just like in the story.

Remember, just as Jesus provided for the crowd that day, He can provide for us too. We learn the importance of sharing and trusting in His abundant grace.


The Great Catch:

  1. Exciting Fishing Story:
    • Today, we’ll delve into an exciting story from the Bible called “The Great Catch.”
  2. Fishing Frustration:
    • Peter and his friends were fishermen. One day, they had been fishing all night and caught nothing. They were tired and disappointed.
  3. Jesus’ Teaching Platform:
    • Jesus saw them and decided to use Peter’s boat as a teaching platform. He asked Peter to row out a bit, and from there, Jesus taught the people on the shore.
  4. Unexpected Miracle:
    • After teaching, Jesus told Peter to go back into the deep water and let down the nets for a catch. Peter hesitated but did as Jesus said. What happened next was amazing—they caught so many fish that their nets began to break!
  5. Overwhelming Catch:
    • The catch was so huge that they needed help from another boat. Both boats were filled to the point of almost sinking.
  6. Peter’s Realization:
    • Witnessing this miracle, Peter realized that Jesus was not just a teacher but someone extraordinary. He fell to his knees, saying, “Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!”
  7. Jesus’ Response:
    • Instead of going away, Jesus reassured Peter and his friends, saying, “Don’t be afraid; from now on, you will fish for people.”
  8. Key Verse:
    • A key verse related to this story is when Jesus says, “Don’t be afraid.”
  9. Reflection:
    • Take a moment to think about how sometimes unexpected and amazing things can happen when we follow Jesus’ guidance.
  10. Discussion:
    • Let’s discuss moments in our lives when things turned out better than expected and how following Jesus can lead to extraordinary outcomes.

Remember, just as Jesus turned a night of fishing frustration into a great catch, He can transform our challenges into blessings when we trust and follow Him

Turning Water into Wine:

  1. Miraculous Wedding Story:
    • Today, we’ll explore a remarkable event from the life of Jesus—when He turned water into wine.
  2. Wedding Celebration:
    • Jesus and His disciples were invited to a wedding in Cana. It was a joyful celebration, but there was a problem—they ran out of wine.
  3. Mary’s Request:
    • Jesus’ mother, Mary, approached Him and said, “They have no more wine.” Mary believed that Jesus could help.
  4. Water into Wine Miracle:
    • Following Jesus’ instructions, the servants filled six stone jars with water. When they drew some out and took it to the master of the banquet, it had miraculously turned into the finest wine!
  5. Abundance and Quality:
    • Not only did Jesus provide more wine, but it was better than what they had at the beginning of the celebration.
  6. Quiet Miracle:
    • Interestingly, Jesus performed this miracle quietly, and only a few people knew about it.
  7. Key Verse:
    • A key verse related to this miracle is Mary’s instruction to the servants: “Do whatever he tells you.”
  8. Reflection:
    • Take a moment to reflect on how Jesus can turn ordinary situations into extraordinary blessings.
  9. Discussion:
    • Let’s discuss moments in our lives where we experienced unexpected blessings or where following simple instructions led to wonderful outcomes.
  10. Activity:
    • As an activity, let’s draw pictures or write about a time when we felt blessed unexpectedly.

Remember, just as Jesus turned water into wine, He can transform our ordinary lives into something extraordinary when we trust in Him and follow His guidance

The Power of Jesus:

  1. Calming the Sea 🌊:
    • Example: Jesus spoke to a storm, and it became calm instantly.
    • Lesson: Jesus has power over nature, bringing peace in tough times.
  2. Feeding 5000 🍞:
    • Example: With just five loaves and two fish, Jesus fed a huge crowd.
    • Lesson: Jesus can provide abundantly, even when resources seem limited.
  3. Great Catch of Fish 🎣:
    • Example: After catching nothing, Jesus guided fishermen to an overwhelming catch.
    • Lesson: Jesus can turn disappointment into abundance when we trust Him.
  4. Turning Water to Wine 🍷:
    • Example: Jesus transformed water into the finest wine at a wedding.
    • Lesson: Jesus can bring joy and richness into our lives unexpectedly.


  • 🌟 Jesus’ power goes beyond what we can imagine.
  • 🙏 Trusting Him brings calm, abundance, and joy.
  • 🌈 His miracles show His love and care for us.


  1. Jesus calmed the __________ when it was stormy. a) Mountain
    b) Sea
    c) Desert
    d) Forest
  2. Feeding 5000 people, Jesus used only __________ loaves and two fish. a) Ten
    b) Five
    c) Three
    d) Two
  3. In the great catch of fish, Jesus helped __________ catch many fish. a) Shepherds
    b) Farmers
    c) Fishermen
    d) Doctors
  4. Turning water to wine, Jesus performed a miracle at a __________. a) Temple
    b) Wedding
    c) Market
    d) School
  5. Jesus has power over __________, bringing peace in tough times. a) Nature
    b) Animals
    c) Machines
    d) People
  6. Feeding 5000 people teaches us that Jesus can provide __________. a) Little
    b) Abundantly
    c) Nothing
    d) Rarely
  7. The great catch of fish shows Jesus can turn __________ into abundance. a) Happiness
    b) Disappointment
    c) Fear
    d) Laughter
  8. Jesus transformed water into __________ at a wedding. a) Juice
    b) Milk
    c) Wine
    d) Soda
  9. Trusting Jesus brings __________, abundance, and joy. a) Sadness
    b) Calm
    c) Anger
    d) Darkness
  10. Jesus’ miracles show His love and care for __________. a) Ourselves
    b) Everyone
    c) No one
    d) Few
  11. In the great catch of fish, Jesus guided __________ to a huge catch. a) Merchants
    b) Farmers
    c) Fishermen
    d) Teachers
  12. Turning water to wine, Jesus brought joy and __________ to a celebration. a) Sorrow
    b) Darkness
    c) Richness
    d) Emptiness
  13. The power of Jesus goes beyond what we can __________. a) Understand
    b) Imagine
    c) Believe
    d) See
  14. Jesus calmed the sea, showing His power over __________. a) Animals
    b) Nature
    c) People
    d) Buildings
  15. Feeding 5000 people teaches us to trust Jesus in times of __________. a) Abundance
    b) Joy
    c) Difficulty
    d) Celebration
  1. Revision (Step 1):
  2. Introduction (Step 2):
    • Introduce the new topic: “The Power of Jesus: Miracles.” Explain that miracles are extraordinary events that show Jesus’ special powers.
  3. Teacher’s Activities (Step 3):
    • Miracles Overview: Briefly discuss each miracle—calming the sea, feeding 5000, great catch of fish, turning water to wine.
    • Storytelling: Narrate each miracle story in simpler terms, using visuals for better understanding.
    • Key Points: Emphasize the lessons learned from each miracle—trust, abundance, transformation.
  4. Learners’ Activities:
    • Discussion: Encourage students to share their thoughts on the miracles.
    • Role Play: Divide students into groups to act out one of the miracles.
    • Questions: Ask open-ended questions to engage students in the stories.
  5. Assessment:
    • Ten Evaluation Questions:
      1. What is a miracle?
      2. Name two miracles of Jesus discussed today.
      3. Why is trusting Jesus important?
      4. Describe the great catch of fish.
      5. What lesson can we learn from feeding 5000 people?
      6. How did Jesus calm the sea?
      7. What happened when Jesus turned water to wine?
      8. Why did the disciples trust Jesus in the miracles?
      9. Illustrate one miracle using drawings or words.
      10. Share a real-life situation where trusting Jesus helped.


  • Go around the class to mark and assess the learners’ understanding.
  • Provide positive feedback and encourage them to remember the lessons from the miracles of Jesus.
  • Assign a simple reflection task or a drawing related to their favorite miracle
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