Examination Second Term Primary 1 Christian Religious Studies

Lesson Plan Presentation

Subject: Christian Religious Studies

Class: Primary 1 Primary 1 Christian Religious Studies

Term: Second Term

Week: 11

Topic: Examination Second Term Primary 1 Christian Religious Studies

Duration: 30 minutes

Objective Questions:
  1. Obey means _______ and doing what someone tells us. a) Playing b) Listening c) Eating d) Sleeping
  2. When your teacher says, “Sit down,” and you do, you are _______. a) Disobeying b) Crying c) Obeying d) Jumping
  3. Jesus showed love and kindness, and He _______ God’s rules. a) Broke b) Ignored c) Obeyed d) Hid
  4. Jesus said, “Love one another,” so we should be kind to _______. a) Animals b) Parents c) Friends d) Toys
  5. Obeying means listening and doing what someone, like a teacher or parent, _______ us. a) Asks b) Ignores c) Scolds d) Scares
  6. We learn to obey by following _______ examples like Jesus. a) Bad b) Good c) Funny d) Strange
  7. We can pray and ask God for help to obey and be _______. a) Sad b) Angry c) Good d) Confused
  8. Jesus respected everyone, and we should _______. a) Ignore b) Scare c) Respect d) Tease
  9. Saying “please” and “thank you” is being _______ like Jesus. a) Disrespectful b) Naughty c) Respectful d) Funny
  10. Obeying means doing good, _______ and showing love like Jesus. a) Listening b) Sleeping c) Ignoring d) Eating
  11. Jesus loved everyone, and we should show _______ to others. a) Hate b) Fear c) Love d) Anger
  12. When you obey, you make God and Jesus _______. a) Angry b) Sad c) Happy d) Confused
  13. Sharing and caring for friends is obeying with _______. a) Fun b) Love c) Anger d) Ignorance
  14. Jesus showed _______ and kindness. a) Hate b) Love c) Fear d) Sadness
  15. Saying, “God, help me be kind,” is obeying _______ prayer. a) Funny b) Sleepy c) Sad d) Through
  16. Personal prayers are when we talk to God _______. a) With friends b) Alone c) In school d) With toys
  17. Prayers are important because they help us talk to _______. a) Friends b) Family c) God d) Teachers
  18. Thank you prayers show _______ to God. a) Anger b) Gratitude c) Sadness d) Happiness
  19. We pray to ask God to help our friends and _______. a) Toys b) Animals c) Family d) School
  20. Different types of prayers include thank you, help, and _______ prayers. a) Play b) Sorry c) Laugh d) Eat
  21. We can pray in the _______ and before bedtime. a) Afternoon b) Morning and night c) Evening d) Night only
  22. Closing eyes and folding hands during prayers show _______. a) Respect b) Disrespect c) Happiness d) Sadness
  23. Quiet time prayers are done alone with God to talk and _______. a) Sleep b) Listen c) Eat d) Play
  24. Prayers are like talking to a very good _______. a) Toy b) Friend c) Teacher d) Book
  25. Importance of prayers is that they help us talk to _______. a) Toys b) Friends c) Family d) God
  26. We say thank you prayers to show _______ to God. a) Happiness b) Gratitude c) Sadness d) Anger
  27. Personal prayers are when we talk to God _______. a) In a group b) Alone c) With toys d) In school
  28. Simple actions during prayers, like closing eyes, show _______. a) Disrespect b) Anger c) Happiness d) Respect
  29. Morning and night prayers can be done to thank God for a new _______. a) Day b) Toy c) Friend d) Book
  30. Quiet time prayers are done alone with God to talk and _______. a) Listen b) Sleep c) Eat d) Play
  31. Jesus taught us to ____ everyone. a) Ignore b) Love c) Scold d) Sleep
  32. We should be ____ to others, sharing and helping. a) Mean b) Kind c) Angry d) Lazy
  33. Jesus listened to people, so we should ____ and understand each other. a) Talk b) Listen c) Run d) Play
  34. Jesus ____ people, and we should help our friends and family too. a) Ignored b) Helped c) Hid d) Cried
  35. Jesus always told the ____. We should be honest and speak the truth. a) Lies b) Truth c) Jokes d) Stories
  36. Jesus forgave people, so we should forgive our friends when they make ____. a) Friends b) Mistakes c) Jokes d) Lies
  37. Jesus shared ____. We should share with our friends and not be selfish. a) Toys b) Food c) Clothes d) Books
  38. Jesus thanked God, so we should be thankful for ____ we have. a) Everything b) Nothing c) Something d) Anything
  39. Jesus respected ____. We should respect our teachers and friends. a) No one b) Everyone c) Some people d) Only adultsJesus was ____. We should be patient and wait for our turn. a) Fast b) Patient c) Slow d) Angry
  40. Jesus taught us to say ____ when we make a mistake. a) Bye b) Hello c) Sorry d) Thanks
  41. Jesus obeyed God. We should obey our ____ and teachers. a) Friends b) Parents c) Toys d) Pets
  42. Jesus was ____. We should be brave and face challenges. a) Scared b) Brave c) Lazy d) Sad
  43. Jesus was ____. We should be grateful for our blessings. a) Angry b) Grateful c) Ignored d) Lazy
  44. Jesus cared for others. We should care for our ____ and family. a) Friends b) Toys c) Pets d) Books
  45. Prayer is like having a special conversation with our _______. a) Teacher b) Best friend c) Family d) Toy
  46. When we pray, we can show respect to God by _______ down. a) Sitting b) Standing c) Kneeling d) Jumping
  47. Closing our eyes during prayer helps us feel closer to _______. a) Friends b) Teachers c) God d) Family
  48. Putting our hands together in prayer is a sign of asking and _______. a) Sleeping b) Playing c) Thanking d) Eating
  49. Prayer is also about saying _______ to God for all the good things. a) Sorry b) Hello c) Thank you d) Goodbye
  50. When we pray, we can ask God for _______ when we are sad or scared. a) Candy b) Help c) Toys d) Food
  51. Prayer helps us be _______ for the people and things we have. a) Angry b) Sad c) Grateful d) Sleepy
  52. It’s good to be _______ when we pray to hear God in our hearts. a) Loud b) Quiet c) Happy d) Busy
  53. Prayer is like talking to a friend who loves us a _______. a) Little b) Lot c) None d) A bit
  54. When we kneel down in prayer, we show _______ to God. a) Disrespect b) Love c) Anger d) Ignorance
  55. Closing our eyes during prayer helps us to _______ and concentrate. a) Play b) Sleep c) Listen d) Talk loudly
  56. Putting our hands together in prayer is a way of asking and being _______. a) Sad b) Grateful c) Angry d) Bored
  57. Saying thank you during prayer is a way of showing _______ to God. a) Ignorance b) Disrespect c) Gratitude d) Hatred
  58. When we ask God for help during prayer, it’s like saying, “Please, God, be _______.” a) Quiet b) Happy c) Brave d) Kind
  59. Prayer helps us have a calm and _______ moment with God. a) Noisy b) Peaceful c) Busy d) Angry


Theory Questions:

  1. Why are moral lessons important in Jesus’ teachings?
  2. Can you mention one moral lesson Jesus taught about being kind?
  3. What does Jesus say about forgiving others?
  4. List two moral lessons from Jesus’ teachings.
  5. Why is it important to love everyone, according to Jesus?
  6. Share an example of a time when you were kind to someone.
  7. How can we show honesty in our actions, as Jesus teaches?
  8. What is the significance of forgiveness in Jesus’ teachings?
  9. How can you apply Jesus’ teachings about love in your daily life?
  10. Why do we need to remember and follow Jesus’ moral lessons?
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