Second Term Revision and Readiness Test Computer Studies Primary 2 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 1

Subject: Computer Studies

Class: Primary 2

Instruction: Answer all the questions.


  1. Describe a computer monitor. ………………………………………………………..




  1. The full meaning of VDU is …………………………………………………………….




  1. Mention the two types of the computer monitor


………………………………………….., ………………………………………………………


  1. List five (5) computer hardware components


……………………………., …………………………., ……………………….………………………


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  1. Describe what we use speaker to do. ………………………………………..……………




  1. The computer CPU consists of: …………………………., ………………………..……….


…………………………………, ………………………………., ……………………………..…….


  1. Mouse is a computer component used for:


………………………………., ……………………………, …………………………………..…………


  1. Mention the three types of computer keyboard that you know


………………………………….., …………………………….., …………………..……………………


  1. Keyboard keys are used to move cursor ……………………………………………..………
  • Up, Down, Inside, Outside (b) Up, Down, Left, Beside (c) Up, Down, Left, Right)


  1. We use CD/DVD ROM to …………………………………………………………………….


  1. What is a computer?






  1. Is a computer speaker an input or output device?




  1. All parts of the computer are connected to the ……………………………………….. (Monitor, CPU)


  1. What part of the computer is this?










  1. _________________ part of the computer looks like a rat at home.







Second Term Revision and Readiness Test Computer Studies Second Term Lesson Notes Week 1





Computer Studies – Primary 2

  1. Describe a computer monitor. A computer monitor is like a TV for the computer. It shows us pictures and words.
  2. The full meaning of VDU is… VDU stands for Visual Display Unit. It’s the screen we look at on the computer.
  3. Mention the two types of computer monitor. There are two types of computer monitors: CRT (like a TV) and LCD (thin and flat).
  4. List five computer hardware components. Monitor, CPU, keyboard, mouse, and printer are five computer hardware parts.
  5. Describe what we use a speaker to do. We use a speaker to hear sounds from the computer, like music and voices.
  6. The computer CPU consists of… The computer CPU has a brain (processor), memory, input, and output parts.
  7. Mouse is a computer component used for: A mouse is used to move and click on things on the computer screen.
  8. Mention the three types of computer keyboard that you know. Keyboards can be regular, wireless, or gaming keyboards.
  9. Keyboard keys are used to move cursor… (c) Up, Down, Left, Right. These keys help us move around on the computer.
  10. We use CD/DVD ROM to… We use CD/DVD ROM to watch movies, play games, and install new programs.
  11. What is a computer? A computer is an electronic machine that helps us do many things like play games, learn, and create.
  12. Is a computer speaker an input or output device? A computer speaker is an output device because it helps us hear sound from the computer.
  13. All parts of the computer are connected to the… All parts of the computer are connected to the CPU.
  14. What part of the computer is this? (Point to the monitor) This is the computer monitor.
  15. (Draw a mouse) This part of the computer looks like a rat at home. This is the computer mouse, and it helps us click and move things on the computer screen


Computer Studies – Primary 2 – Fill in the Blanks

  1. A computer monitor is like a __________ for the computer. a) Book
    b) TV
    c) Toy
    d) Hat
  2. VDU stands for Visual __________ Unit. a) Display
    b) Dance
    c) Drum
    d) Dream
  3. There are two types of computer monitors: CRT and __________. a) LED
    b) LCD
    c) USB
    d) CPU
  4. Monitor, CPU, keyboard, mouse, and __________ are computer hardware components. a) Speaker
    b) Printer
    c) Camera
    d) Table
  5. We use a speaker to hear sounds from the __________. a) TV
    b) Radio
    c) Computer
    d) Telephone
  6. The computer CPU consists of a brain (processor), memory, input, and __________ parts. a) Output
    b) Screen
    c) Keyboard
    d) Printer
  7. A mouse is used to move and click on things on the __________. a) TV
    b) Floor
    c) Computer screen
    d) Wall
  8. Keyboards can be regular, wireless, or __________ keyboards. a) Invisible
    b) Gaming
    c) Magic
    d) Cooking
  9. Keyboard keys are used to move the cursor __________. a) Jump
    b) Skip
    c) Run
    d) (c) Up, Down, Left, Right
  10. We use CD/DVD ROM to watch __________ and play games. a) Books
    b) Movies
    c) Flowers
    d) Cars
  11. A computer is an electronic machine that helps us play __________ and learn. a) Football
    b) Games
    c) Music
    d) Food
  12. A computer speaker is an __________ device because it helps us hear sound. a) Input
    b) Output
    c) Both
    d) None
  13. All parts of the computer are connected to the __________. a) Table
    b) Monitor
    c) CPU
    d) Mouse
  14. (Point to the monitor) This is the computer __________. a) Table
    b) Chair
    c) Screen
    d) Window
  15. (Draw a mouse) This part of the computer looks like a rat at __________. a) School
    b) Home
    c) Market
    d) Zoo