Reading on Education Such as Moral, Value etc Comprehension English Grammar Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 8

Class: Primary 5

Subject: English Grammar

Topic: Reading on Education (Moral, Value, etc.) Comprehension

Sub-topic: Understanding the Importance of Moral Education

Duration: 40 minutes

Term: First Term

Week: 8

Previous Knowledge: Students have been introduced to the concept of moral education and values.

Set Induction: Begin the lesson by asking the students if they have ever heard the term “moral education” or “values.” Encourage them to share their thoughts and experiences related to these topics.

Behavioural Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Define moral education and values.
  2. Explain the importance of moral education in their lives.
  3. Identify the core values taught in moral education.

Embedded Core Skills: Reading comprehension, critical thinking, communication.

Learning Materials: Whiteboard, markers, chalk, textbook, handouts.

Teaching Methods: Interactive discussion, group reading, and open-ended questions.



Title: The Importance of Moral Education

Moral education plays a crucial role in shaping the character and values of young students. This form of education teaches important lessons beyond traditional subjects like math and science. Let’s explore the significance of moral education.

Moral education is the foundation of building good character. It helps children develop strong values such as honesty, integrity, and kindness. With a solid moral education, students learn to distinguish right from wrong and make ethical decisions in life.

Furthermore, moral education encourages empathy and compassion. It teaches students to understand and care about the feelings and well-being of others. This results in a more harmonious and respectful society.

When students receive moral education, they learn the importance of responsibility and accountability. They understand the consequences of their actions and are motivated to do what is right.

Moral education also instills the value of justice and fairness. It helps students grasp the concept of equality and the importance of treating everyone with respect, regardless of differences.

In conclusion, moral education goes beyond textbooks and exams. It equips students with the tools they need to become responsible, empathetic, and ethical individuals. It is essential for creating a just and compassionate society.


Step 1 – Introduction (5 minutes):

  • Start by asking students about their understanding of “moral education” and “values.”
  • Briefly define moral education as the process of learning values, ethics, and good behavior.
  • Explain that moral education helps students distinguish between right and wrong and emphasizes values like honesty, responsibility, and compassion.

Step 2 – Importance of Moral Education (15 minutes):

  • Discuss the significance of moral education in shaping students’ characters.
  • Explain that moral education helps in making ethical decisions and being accountable for one’s actions.
  • Encourage students to share examples of situations where moral values are important.

Step 3 – Core Values (15 minutes):

  • List some core values taught in moral education, such as honesty, integrity, kindness, empathy, and responsibility.
  • Engage students in a group reading activity to explore a text on the importance of these values in daily life.
  • Encourage students to identify values and explain how they apply in different scenarios.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Facilitate discussions.
  • Provide explanations and definitions.
  • Engage students in reading activities.
  • Ask open-ended questions to stimulate critical thinking.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Participate in discussions.
  • Share personal experiences.
  • Read and discuss the text on core values.
  • Identify values in real-life scenarios.

Evaluation: At the end of the lesson, assess the students’ understanding of moral education and core values by asking them to:

  1. Define moral education in their own words.
  2. List at least three core values taught in moral education.
  3. Explain the importance of one core value in their life using an example.
  4. Moral education plays a crucial role in shaping the character and values of young __________. a) students b) teachers c) parents d) doctors
  5. What are some important values taught in moral education, such as honesty, integrity, and kindness?
  6. Moral education helps students distinguish between ________ and ________. a) right, left b) right, wrong c) up, down d) fast, slow
  7. Students with a solid moral education learn to make __________ decisions. a) random b) ethical c) quick d) colorful
  8. What role does moral education play in encouraging empathy and compassion?
  9. Moral education helps students understand the importance of responsibility and __________. a) entertainment b) accountability c) independence d) creativity
  10. What concept does moral education teach students about, emphasizing equality and respect for differences?
  11. In conclusion, what is the primary goal of moral education in creating a just and compassionate __________? a) society b) classroom c) playground d) forest
  12. True or False: Moral education focuses only on traditional subjects like math and science.
  13. What values are included in moral education, apart from honesty and integrity?
  14. Moral education teaches students to be accountable for their __________. a) homework b) actions c) pets d) dreams
  15. What does moral education encourage students to understand and care about?
  16. In a just and compassionate society, people are treated with respect, regardless of their __________. a) similarities b) differences c) preferences d) choices
  17. Moral education equips students with the tools they need to become __________ individuals. a) irresponsible b) ethical c) judgmental d) shy
  18. Fill in the blank: Moral education helps students distinguish between right and __________. a) correct b) faulty c) left d) wrong


Conclusion: Highlight the importance of moral education and values in developing responsible and compassionate individuals. Encourage students to practice these values in their daily lives.

This lesson aims to promote awareness and understanding of moral education and values, which are essential for character development.

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