Descriptive Essay Describe your house or school Composition English Grammar Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 8

Class: Primary 5 Subject: English Grammar Topic: Descriptive Essay – Describe your house or school Sub-topic: Composing a descriptive essay Duration: 45 minutes Term: First Term Week: 8 Previous Knowledge: Students have a basic understanding of descriptive writing and the use of adjectives.

Set Induction:

  • The teacher displays a picture of a beautiful house and asks the students to describe what they see in the picture.
  • This activity engages students in descriptive thinking.

Behavioral Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Understand the concept of a descriptive essay.
  2. Describe either their house or school using appropriate adjectives.
  3. Organize their ideas into a structured essay format.

Embedded Core Skills:

  1. Writing and composition skills.
  2. Vocabulary development.
  3. Creative thinking.

Learning Materials:

  • Picture of a house for set induction.
  • Chalkboard/whiteboard and chalk/markers.
  • Prepared worksheets.
  • Charts with examples of adjectives.

Teaching Methods:

  • Explanation and demonstration.
  • Group discussion and brainstorming.
  • Individual and group activities.


  1. Introduction to descriptive essays.
  2. Explanation of adjectives.
  3. Structuring a descriptive essay – introduction, body, conclusion.
  4. Developing the essay – using sensory details, organizing ideas, creating a vivid picture.
  5. Describing either the students’ houses or their school.


Title: My Cozy Home

My house is more than just a place to live; it’s my sanctuary, my retreat from the outside world, a reflection of who I am. It stands at the end of a quiet, tree-lined street, welcoming me every day with its warm and inviting appearance.

The exterior is adorned with a blend of red brick and white-painted wood. The perfectly manicured front yard leads to the front porch, which is a haven for my favorite potted plants, colorful flowers, and a welcoming wooden swing. It’s the ideal spot to sit with a cup of tea, basking in the golden afternoon sun.

Stepping inside, the entrance hall is airy and bright, thanks to the large windows that line the front wall. Sunlight streams in, casting a warm glow across the polished hardwood floors. To the left, the living room beckons with its plush, inviting sofa and a fireplace that promises warmth on chilly evenings.

The kitchen, just off the living room, is a hub of activity and delicious aromas. The wooden cabinets are adorned with charming ceramic knobs, and the countertops are a beautiful, speckled granite. The heart of the kitchen is the large, inviting island where family and friends often gather to cook, eat, and share stories.

Walking up the wooden staircase, I reach the second floor, where the bedrooms are located. My bedroom is a haven of serenity, painted in soft pastel colors that promote relaxation. The large window overlooks the backyard, and the gentle breeze rustles the curtains. It’s a room that offers peace and comfort at the end of a long day.

The backyard is a small paradise of its own. A well-tended garden surrounds the house, filled with blooming flowers and fragrant herbs. There’s a stone pathway leading to a quaint wooden shed that houses tools and gardening equipment.

My house is more than just bricks and mortar; it’s a place of comfort, love, and cherished memories. It’s a space where laughter and warmth fill the air, where I find respite and solace. My home is a sanctuary that defines who I am and what I hold dear.

And here’s a descriptive essay describing a school:

Title: My School, My Second Home

My school is more than just a place of learning; it’s a vibrant, welcoming community that shapes my life and defines my future. It’s situated in the heart of our town, nestled among green trees and flowerbeds, inviting all who enter to embark on a journey of knowledge.

The school building itself stands tall and proud, its well-maintained facade a testament to the dedication of the staff and the commitment to providing a conducive learning environment. The wide entrance doors are always open, ready to welcome students from all walks of life.

Upon entering the school, I’m greeted by the cheerful chatter of my classmates and the welcoming smiles of my teachers. The corridors bustle with activity as students rush from one classroom to another, their energy and enthusiasm infectious.

The classrooms are where the magic happens. Each room is a treasure trove of knowledge, adorned with colorful educational posters that encourage learning and curiosity. The large windows invite sunlight to stream in, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere that’s conducive to concentration and creativity.

The school library is my haven, a sanctuary for bibliophiles like me. The shelves are lined with books of all genres, offering a world of adventures and knowledge. It’s a place where I can lose myself in the pages of a good book and explore new worlds.

The schoolyard is where friendships are forged and dreams are shared. The lush green fields are perfect for sports and outdoor activities, and the playground echoes with the joyful laughter of children. It’s a place where memories are made, where we grow physically and socially.

But my school is more than just bricks and books; it’s a place that shapes character, values, and aspirations. It’s a community of support and encouragement, a family away from home. It’s where I’m not just a student but an active participant in shaping my future.

In conclusion, my school is not just a place of education; it’s my second home, a place where I find inspiration, knowledge, and lifelong friendships.


Step 1: Introduction (10 minutes)

  • The teacher introduces the topic of descriptive essays.
  • Explanation of what a descriptive essay is.
  • Overview of the importance of using adjectives to create vivid descriptions.

Step 2: Explanation (10 minutes)

  • The teacher explains the concept of adjectives, providing examples.
  • Discusses the structure of a descriptive essay (introduction, body, conclusion).
  • Emphasizes the importance of creating a clear picture in the reader’s mind.

Step 3: Writing Practice (15 minutes)

  • Students are divided into groups.
  • Each group selects whether to describe a house or school.
  • Students brainstorm and write descriptive sentences.
  • Each group presents their work to the class.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Provide explanations and guidance.
  • Encourage students to participate in group discussions.
  • Offer feedback on students’ work.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Listen attentively.
  • Engage in group discussions.
  • Collaborate with group members to write descriptive sentences.


  1. Students present their group work to the class.
  2. Peer assessment for group presentations.
  3. Teacher assesses the use of adjectives and the overall structure of the descriptive essays.
  4. A descriptive essay is a type of writing that _______. a) tells a story b) describes something c) gives opinions d) predicts the future
  5. In a descriptive essay about your house, you should describe _______. a) your favorite food b) a person’s life story c) your house’s appearance and features d) a historical event
  6. The introductory paragraph of a descriptive essay should _______. a) list facts b) introduce the main idea c) provide arguments d) summarize the conclusion
  7. When describing your house, you should mention the _______. a) types of animals in your neighborhood b) characteristics and features of your house c) your favorite vacation spot d) your school’s history
  8. A good descriptive essay should appeal to the reader’s _______. a) sense of smell b) sense of humor c) imagination and senses d) sense of taste
  9. To make your description vivid, you should use _______ details. a) vague b) unclear c) specific and clear d) repetitive
  10. Which of the following is an example of a descriptive word? a) Running b) Fast c) Happy d) Sparkling
  11. The main body paragraphs of a descriptive essay should focus on _______. a) summarizing the entire essay b) introducing a new topic c) providing specific details and examples d) giving general information
  12. In your essay about your school, you can describe _______. a) a famous scientist b) your classmates’ hobbies c) the school building, classrooms, and activities d) your favorite movie
  13. A good descriptive essay engages the reader’s _______. a) disinterest b) curiosity and emotions c) opinions d) knowledge of history
  14. When describing your school, you should mention _______. a) your dream vacation b) your favorite video game c) the school’s location, facilities, and environment d) your favorite sports team
  15. The concluding paragraph of a descriptive essay should _______. a) leave the reader hanging b) introduce new information c) summarize the main points and provide a closing thought d) give a list of facts
  16. To enhance the sensory experience in your descriptive essay, you can use words related to _______. a) colors and shapes b) abstract ideas c) scientific theories d) political debates
  17. A descriptive essay should create a clear _______ in the reader’s mind. a) sense of confusion b) argument c) imagination and picture d) timeline of events
  18. The key to a successful descriptive essay is using _______ words and phrases. a) complex and unfamiliar b) concise and clear c) vague and generic d) long and redundant



  • The lesson reinforces the importance of using descriptive language in writing.
  • Encourages students to think creatively and develop their composition skills.
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