Amalgamation of Nigeria British rule in Nigeria History Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 6

Subject: History

Topic: Amalgamation of Nigeria: British rule in Nigeria

Sub-topic: Positive and Negative Effects

Duration: 45 minutes

Term: First Term

Week: 6

Set Induction:

  • Show a map of Nigeria.
  • Ask students if they know how Nigeria became one country.
  • Discuss any knowledge they have about British rule in Nigeria.

Entry Behaviour:

  • Students should have basic knowledge about Nigeria’s history under British rule.

Learning Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Identify positive effects of the British amalgamation of Nigeria.
  2. Recognize negative effects of the British rule in Nigeria.
  3. Explain the impact of British rule on Nigeria’s culture and economy.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Critical thinking
  • Communication
  • Historical analysis

Learning Materials:

  • Map of Nigeria
  • Images of historical events
  • Whiteboard and markers

Teaching Methods:

  • Visual aids
  • Class discussion
  • Group activities
  • Question and answer


  1. Introduction to British rule in Nigeria.
  2. Explanation of what amalgamation means.
  3. Positive effects of amalgamation.
  4. Negative effects of amalgamation.
  5. Impact on culture and economy.


Amalgamation of Nigeria British rule in Nigeria History Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 6


  1. Amalgamation means joining or bringing different things or parts together to form one whole.
  2. In history, it refers to when different regions or territories are united to become one country.
  3. An important amalgamation took place in Nigeria in 1914 when the British colonial government joined the Northern and Southern regions to create the country we know today.
  4. This joining of regions helped to make Nigeria a single nation with a shared government, even though there were different regions with their own traditions and cultures.
  5. So, amalgamation is like when you mix different colors to create a new color, but in this case, it’s about combining different regions to form a new country.


Who Amalgamated Nigeria:

  1. Nigeria was amalgamated by Lord Frederick Lugard.
  2. Lord Frederick Lugard was a British colonial administrator who worked in Nigeria during the early 20th century.
  3. He was the one who helped unite the Northern and Southern regions of Nigeria in 1914.
  4. This amalgamation was done to make it easier for the British colonial government to rule Nigeria as a single country.
  5. So, it was Lord Lugard who played a big role in bringing Nigeria together into one nation.

Reasons for Nigeria’s Amalgamation:

  1. Easier Control: Amalgamation made it easier for the British government to rule Nigeria as one nation instead of separate regions.
  2. Efficient Governance: It helped in governing the country more efficiently because there was a single central government.
  3. Economic Benefits: It made trade and business easier between different regions, which was good for the British economy.
  4. Improved Security: Amalgamation was seen as a way to have a stronger military presence and better security in Nigeria.
  5. Development: It allowed for better planning and development of infrastructure like roads and railways.
  6. Common Laws: Amalgamation helped in having common laws and rules for the entire country.
  7. Unification: It aimed to bring different groups and cultures together as one nation.
  8. Unified Policies: It made it possible to have consistent policies and administration across Nigeria.
  9. Resource Access: It allowed the British to access the resources in both the Northern and Southern regions.
  10. Reduced Conflicts: By uniting the regions, it was hoped to reduce conflicts between different groups.

So, Nigeria’s amalgamation had various reasons, including making governance more efficient and improving economic opportunities.



  1. Nigeria’s amalgamation made it easier for the British government to rule the country as __________ nation. a) a single b) two c) many d) a divided
  2. One reason for amalgamation was to have a __________ central government. a) weaker b) regional c) stronger d) distant
  3. What benefits did amalgamation bring to trade and business? It made it __________ between regions. a) more challenging b) less profitable c) easier d) illegal
  4. One of the reasons for amalgamation was to have better __________ in Nigeria. a) wildlife b) music c) security d) festivals
  5. Amalgamation helped in the development of __________ like roads and railways. a) waterfalls b) mountains c) infrastructure d) deserts
  6. What kind of laws and rules did amalgamation aim to have for the entire country? __________ laws. a) different b) inconsistent c) common d) ancient
  7. Uniting different groups and cultures into one nation was a way to promote __________ in Nigeria. a) diversity b) conflicts c) division d) unification
  8. Nigeria’s amalgamation made it possible to have consistent policies and __________. a) confusion b) administration c) disagreements d) isolation
  9. Amalgamation allowed the British to access the resources in both the __________ regions. a) Central and Southern b) Northern and Eastern c) Western and Southern d) Northern and Southern
  10. What was one aim of amalgamation in Nigeria? To reduce conflicts between __________. a) British and Nigerians b) regions and villages c) different groups d) animals and humans




Positive Effects:

  1. Unity: Amalgamation brought different regions together, creating a sense of national unity.
  2. Stronger Military: It allowed for a stronger military presence to protect the country.
  3. Infrastructure Development: There was improved development of infrastructure like roads and railways.
  4. Economic Growth: It made trade and business easier between regions, leading to economic growth.
  5. Common Laws: Nigeria adopted common laws and rules, providing consistency.

Negative Effects:

  1. Cultural Disruption: Some traditional cultures and practices were disrupted by the amalgamation.
  2. Conflict: It also led to conflicts and tensions between different ethnic groups.
  3. Loss of Autonomy: Regions lost some autonomy in governing themselves.
  4. Economic Exploitation: British rule sometimes led to economic exploitation and resource extraction.
  5. Social Inequality: There was social inequality, with some groups benefiting more than others.

So, while amalgamation brought positive effects like unity and development, it also had negative consequences, including cultural disruption and conflicts.

Presentation: Step 1:

  • Begin by discussing British rule in Nigeria.
  • Define the term “amalgamation” and explain its significance.

Step 2:

  • Present positive effects of amalgamation using visual aids and examples.
  • Encourage students to ask questions.

Step 3:

  • Discuss the negative effects of amalgamation.
  • Explain how it affected culture and the economy.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Present the lesson content.
  • Facilitate class discussions.
  • Use visual aids effectively.
  • Answer questions from students.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Listen to the teacher’s explanation.
  • Participate in class discussions.
  • Ask questions for clarification.


  1. What is one positive effect of the British amalgamation of Nigeria? a) Cultural preservation b) Economic growth c) Increased conflicts d) Autonomy for regions
  2. Why did amalgamation lead to a stronger military presence? a) To promote conflicts b) To protect the country c) To create economic growth d) To disrupt cultures
  3. What positive outcome did infrastructure development bring? a) Economic exploitation b) Improved transportation c) Loss of autonomy d) Social inequality
  4. What is a negative effect of amalgamation related to culture? a) Economic growth b) Cultural preservation c) Cultural disruption d) Autonomy for regions
  5. Why did the adoption of common laws and rules provide consistency? a) To create social inequality b) To disrupt cultures c) To promote conflicts d) To ensure uniformity
  6. What was one negative effect of British rule in Nigeria? a) Increased autonomy for regions b) Stronger military presence c) Economic growth d) Economic exploitation
  7. Which of the following is a positive outcome of amalgamation? a) Conflict between ethnic groups b) Improved infrastructure c) Loss of autonomy d) Cultural preservation
  8. What is a common negative consequence of social inequality? a) Conflict b) Autonomy c) Economic growth d) Cultural preservation
  9. What was a primary reason for economic exploitation during British rule? a) Autonomy for regions b) Social inequality c) Improved infrastructure d) Loss of autonomy
  10. Which of the following is NOT a negative effect of British amalgamation in Nigeria? a) Economic exploitation b) Cultural preservation c) Increased conflicts d) Loss of autonomy
  11. Ask students to write a short paragraph about one positive and one negative effect of British rule in Nigeria.
  12. Conduct a class discussion to assess understanding.

This lesson plan aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the positive and negative effects of British amalgamation in Nigeria during the colonial period.

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