Right To Life and Right To Education Rights and Duties Civic Education Primary 3 First Term Lesson Notes Week 6 

Lesson Title: Right To Life and Right To Education

Subject: Civic Education

Class: Primary 3

Week: Week 6

Term: First Term

Duration: 30 minutes

Learning Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Define the concept of the right to life.
  2. Understand the importance of the right to education.
  3. Identify their responsibilities in upholding these rights.

Learning Materials:

  • Images depicting the right to life and education
  • Whiteboard and markers


Right to Life 🌟

  • It means everyone has a special right to be safe and alive.
  • Just like how you should always be careful when you cross the road to stay safe.

Importance of Right to Education 📚

  • It means that every child should go to school to learn many things.
  • Going to school helps you learn to read, write, and do amazing things in the future.

Responsibilities for These Rights 🤝

  • We must not hurt or harm others because everyone has the right to life.
  • We should go to school regularly and try our best to learn because it’s our right to get an education.
  • Always be kind and help others, so we all can enjoy these rights together. 😊


  1. The right to life means everyone has the special right to be safe and __________. a) sleepy b) alive c) invisible d) colorful
  2. The right to life includes the idea that we should not hurt or harm others, and it’s important to protect people from __________. a) danger b) laughter c) games d) noise
  3. The right to life means we should always try to keep ourselves and others __________. a) hungry b) sad c) safe d) invisible


  1. The right to education means that every child should go to school to __________ many things. a) forget b) learn c) sleep d) eat
  2. Going to school helps you learn to __________, __________, and do amazing things in the future. a) eat, play b) read, write c) sleep, jump d) sing, dance
  3. When we get an education, it’s like opening a door to __________ opportunities. a) fewer b) smaller c) bigger d) invisible


  1. In upholding the right to life, we must not hurt or harm others because everyone has the right to be safe and __________. a) hungry b) invisible c) alive d) colorful
  2. To protect the right to life, it’s important to keep ourselves and others __________. a) angry b) sad c) safe d) noisy
  3. Going to school is our right, and we should go to school regularly and try our best to __________. a) learn b) forget c) sleep d) sing
  4. Respecting the rights of others means being kind and __________ to everyone. a) helpful b) noisy c) invisible d) colorful

Presentation: Step 1: Introduction (5 minutes)

  • Begin the lesson by discussing the importance of rights.
  • Introduce the concept of “Right to Life” and explain that it means everyone has the right to be alive and safe.

Step 2: The Right to Education (15 minutes)

  • Discuss the concept of the “Right to Education.” Explain that it means all children have the right to go to school and learn.
  • Show images of children studying, going to school, and enjoying education.
  • Emphasize the benefits of education, like gaining knowledge and skills.

Step 3: Rights and Duties (5 minutes)

  • Talk about responsibilities and how, along with rights, there are duties.
  • Explain that it’s important to respect the rights of others and follow rules.
  • Encourage students to ask questions or share their thoughts.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Guide the discussion and provide clear explanations.
  • Use images to make the concepts more understandable.
  • Encourage participation and questions.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Listen and observe attentively.
  • Ask questions and share their understanding.


  • Ask questions to check understanding:
    1. What is the right to life?
    2. What does the right to education mean?
    3. Why is education important?
    4. Why is it important to follow rules and respect others’ rights?

Conclusion (5 minutes):

  • Summarize the key points of the lesson.
  • Remind students that they have a right to life and education, and it’s important to respect others’ rights too
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