National Services That Show Loyalty eg NYSC Civic Education Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 4

National Services That Show Loyalty eg NYSC Civic Education Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 4

Class: Primary 5

Subject: Civic Education

Topic: National Services That Show Loyalty (e.g., NYSC)

Duration: 45 minutes

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand the concept of loyalty to one’s country.
  2. Identify and describe the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC).
  3. Explain how the NYSC demonstrates loyalty to Nigeria.


Embedded Core Skills: Reading, Writing, Critical Thinking

Learning/Instructional Materials:

  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Pictures of NYSC activities
  • Textbooks or handouts
  • Chart paper and colored markers
  • Reference materials on NYSC

Reference Materials:

  • Civic Education textbook
  • NYSC official website
  • Brochures and pamphlets about NYSC

Previous Lesson: Importance of Loyalty

Set Induction: Begin by asking students to share what they remember from the last lesson about loyalty. Use this as a segue into discussing loyalty to one’s country.


Loyalty to One’s Country

Loyalty to your country means loving and being devoted to your own nation, just like how you love and care for your family and friends. It’s about showing respect and support for your country in good times and bad. Here are some  examples to help you understand:

  1. Respecting the Flag: When you see your country’s flag, you stand up straight, and you don’t let it touch the ground. This shows that you honor your country’s symbol.
  2. Obeying Laws: Loyalty also means following the rules and laws of your country. It’s like being a good citizen by not doing things that can hurt others or your nation.
  3. Helping Others: Loyalty includes helping your fellow citizens when they need it. This could be helping in your community, volunteering, or being kind to others.
  4. Being Proud: Feeling proud of your country’s achievements, like when they do well in sports or make important discoveries, shows your loyalty.
  5. Voting: When you grow up, you can vote in elections. Voting is a way to choose leaders who will make decisions for your country. Being part of this process is a way to show loyalty.


Loyalty to your country is important because it helps keep your nation strong, safe, and happy. It’s like being a good team player, where you work together with others to make your country a better place for everyone.




1. Loyalty to one’s country means showing love and ___________.
a) friendship
b) support
c) anger
d) sadness

2. When you see your country’s flag, you should _______.
a) sit down
b) stand up straight
c) touch it
d) ignore it

3. Being loyal to your country involves following its rules and ________.
a) suggestions
b) laws
c) wishes
d) dreams

4. Helping others in your community is a way to show _________.
a) disloyalty
b) laziness
c) loyalty
d) fear

5. Feeling proud of your country’s achievements is a sign of _______.
a) sadness
b) humility
c) loyalty
d) anger

6. Voting in elections is a way to participate in choosing __________.
a) favorite colors
b) leaders
c) movie stars
d) games

7. Respecting your country’s flag means not letting it ________ the ground.
a) touch
b) fly
c) hide
d) break

8. Loyalty to your country helps make it strong, safe, and ________.
a) small
b) sad
c) happy
d) dark

9. Being a good _______ means working together with others for your country.
a) team player
b) artist
c) loner
d) teacher

10. When you are ________ of your country’s history, you appreciate it more.
a) proud
b) ashamed
c) tired
d) sick

11. Showing loyalty to your country is like being a good _________.
a) student
b) dancer
c) friend
d) citizen

12. _________ laws is an important part of loyalty to your country.
a) Breaking
b) Ignoring
c) Obeying
d) Changing

13. Voting is a way to choose leaders who make decisions for your __________.
a) family
b) school
c) country
d) pet

14. Loyalty means supporting your country in _______ times.
a) good
b) difficult
c) colorful
d) funny

15. Being loyal to your country is about showing love, respect, and _______.
a) boredom
b) anger
c) support
d) frustration



Loyalty in NYSC: Loyalty in NYSC (National Youth Service Corps) is like being a superhero for your country. It’s when young people, like you, spend a year doing important things to help Nigeria. 🦸‍♀️🦸‍♂️

Examples of Loyalty in NYSC: Imagine students from Lagos going to work and live in Kano or another state for one year. They learn about the people and their culture, and they help make things better, like teaching in schools or improving hospitals. This is loyalty to Nigeria! 🏫🏥


The Essence of NYSC: NYSC is like a big team-building adventure for young adults. It helps Nigeria because:


  1. It makes Nigeria stronger and more united 🤝.
  2. It helps graduates learn new skills 📚.
  3. It brings different parts of Nigeria closer together 🗺️.

Just like superheroes, NYSC members wear special uniforms and work hard to make Nigeria a better place. They’re loyal to Nigeria, and that’s something to be proud of! 🇳🇬🦸‍♀️🦸‍♂️


1. NYSC stands for National Youth Service ________.
a) Course
b) Club
c) Cat
d) Car

2. NYSC is like a big adventure for young ________.
a) teachers
b) adults
c) animals
d) clouds

3. NYSC helps to make Nigeria stronger and more ________.
a) colorful
b) united
c) noisy
d) sleepy

4. NYSC members spend ________ year(s) working and helping in different places.
a) half
b) one
c) three
d) ten

5. During NYSC, young people learn new ________.
a) languages
b) dances
c) skills
d) games

6. NYSC brings different parts of Nigeria closer ________.
a) to the moon
b) together
c) to the beach
d) to the jungle

7. NYSC members wear special ________.
a) hats
b) uniforms
c) shoes
d) glasses

8. NYSC members help make things better, like teaching in ________.
a) zoos
b) schools
c) theaters
d) restaurants

9. Being loyal in NYSC means working hard to make Nigeria a ________ place.
a) worse
b) better
c) noisier
d) colder

10. NYSC members are like ________ for their country.
a) superheroes
b) movie stars
c) astronauts
d) magicians

11. The essence of NYSC is to help young people learn, work, and be ________.
a) sleepy
b) proud
c) lazy
d) angry

12. NYSC members show loyalty to Nigeria by living and working in ________ states.
a) different
b) smaller
c) colder
d) quieter

13. NYSC is like a big ________ adventure.
a) cooking
b) shopping
c) team-building
d) sleeping

14. NYSC members help improve things like hospitals and ________.
a) parks
b) zoos
c) ice cream shops
d) libraries

15. NYSC members are ________ to Nigeria.
a) sleepy
b) angry
c) loyal
d) hungry




Step by Step Presentation:

Step 1: Introduction to National Services (5 minutes)

  • Begin by defining “national services” as activities or programs that citizens participate in to serve their country.
  • Explain that one important national service is the NYSC.


Step 2: Understanding NYSC (15 minutes)

  • Show pictures of NYSC activities on the whiteboard.
  • Discuss what NYSC stands for (National Youth Service Corps) and its purpose.
  • Explain that NYSC is a one-year program for Nigerian graduates to serve their country in different states.

Step 3: How NYSC Demonstrates Loyalty (15 minutes)

  • Discuss how NYSC demonstrates loyalty to Nigeria:
    • Graduates serve in different states, promoting national unity.
    • They engage in community development projects.
    • They learn about and respect the culture of their assigned state.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Facilitate discussions, ask questions, and provide explanations.
  • Display pictures and materials for better understanding.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Participate in discussions.
  • Take notes on key points.
  • Ask questions for clarification.



  • Quiz: Ask questions related to the NYSC and its role in promoting loyalty to Nigeria.
  • Class participation and engagement.

Conclusion: Summarize the key points discussed in the lesson. Emphasize the importance of NYSC in promoting loyalty and unity in Nigeria.


Assignment: Ask students to write a short essay (150 words) on “General Safety Rules” that can be applied in their daily lives. This relates to civic responsibility and the well-being of their fellow citizens.

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