Role Play Cultural and Creative Arts Primary 5 First Term Week 3

Lesson Plan: Understanding Leadership Roles in Different Settings

Grade Level: Primary 5

Duration: 45 minutes



Role Play Cultural and Creative Arts Primary 5 First Term Week 3

Learning Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

  1. Define the roles of leaders in three different settings: school assembly, church, and mosque.
  2. Identify the common responsibilities of leaders in each setting.
  3. Recognize the importance of leadership in promoting unity and guiding communities.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Communication skills
  • Critical thinking
  • Reading comprehension
  • Knowledge application
  • Collaboration

Learning Materials:

  1. Whiteboard and markers
  2. Visual aids (images of leaders in school assembly, church, and mosque)
  3. Printed fill-in-the-blank worksheets (15 questions, one copy per student)
  4. Pictures or illustrations of school assembly, church, and mosque
  5. Chalkboard or digital presentation tool


1. Role playing is like pretending to be someone or something else. It’s when you act out a part or character, just like when you play make-believe games. It’s a way to understand and learn about different roles and situations.

2. An actor or actress is someone who pretends to be different characters in movies, TV shows, or plays. They use their acting skills to make us believe they are someone else, like a superhero, a detective, or even a historical figure.

3. In Lagos, there are many talented actors and actresses. Here are five popular ones:
– Funke Akindele
– Nkem Owoh
– Mercy Johnson
– Genevieve Nnaji
– Odunlade Adekola

These actors and actresses have been in lots of movies and are loved by many people for their amazing performances.




1. A leader leading the school assembly is responsible for ____________. a) Teaching math b) Playing sports c) Leading the students in the assembly d) Fixing computers

2. A church leader leads the congregation in ____________. a) Cooking meals b) Worship and prayer c) Gardening d) Painting pictures

3. The person in charge of a mosque, known as the mosque leader, guides the community in ____________. a) Swimming lessons b) Learning foreign languages c) Islamic prayers and teachings d) Building sandcastles

4. When a school assembly leader speaks, they often ____________. a) Sing songs b) Talk about their favorite video games c) Share important school information d) Play musical instruments

5. The role of a church leader is to provide ____________. a) Financial advice b) Spiritual guidance and lead religious services c) Cooking recipes d) Fitness training

6. The primary duty of a mosque leader is to lead the congregation in ____________. a) Shopping for groceries b) Crafting art projects c) Islamic prayers and worship d) Car maintenance

7. During a school assembly, the leader might encourage students to ____________. a) Sleep b) Make noise c) Behave well and follow school rules d) Play soccer

8. A church leader often delivers ____________ to the congregation. a) Pizza b) Inspirational sermons and teachings c) Science experiments d) Dance performances

9. The role of a mosque leader involves providing ____________ to the Muslim community. a) Bicycle repair services b) Spiritual guidance and support c) Fashion advice d) Haircuts

10. School assembly leaders help create a sense of ____________ among students. a) Confusion b) Boredom c) Community and unity d) Competition

11. A church leader plays a key role in fostering ____________ within the church. a) A love for video games b) Creativity c) Spirituality and a sense of belonging d) Soccer tournaments

12. During a mosque leader’s leadership, they often recite passages from the ____________. a) Phonebook b) Dictionary c) Quran and provide spiritual insights d) Cookbook

13. School assembly leaders may introduce ____________ during special events. a) Cartoon characters b) Guest speakers or performers c) Balloon animals d) Magic tricks

14. The church leader’s role extends to guiding the congregation in ____________. a) Crafting pottery b) Financial investments c) Moral and ethical principles d) Rock climbing

15. Mosque leaders are responsible for maintaining the ____________. a) School library b) Garden c) Spiritual well-being of the Muslim community d) Zoo



  1. A leader leading the school assembly:
    • Welcoming all the students and teachers to the assembly.
    • Announcing important information or updates about the school.
    • Leading the singing of the national anthem and school anthem.
    • Encouraging good behavior and emphasizing the school’s values.
    • Introducing guest speakers or performers.
    • Concluding the assembly by thanking everyone for their participation.
  2. A church leader:
    • Leading the congregation in prayer and worship.
    • Delivering a sermon or message from the Bible.
    • Offering guidance and support to members of the church.
    • Overseeing church activities and events.
    • Providing spiritual counseling and guidance to those in need.
    • Promoting community outreach and charitable work.
  3. A mosque leader:
    • Leading the congregation in prayer, especially during daily and Friday prayers.
    • Reciting verses from the Quran and providing explanations or teachings.
    • Giving sermons or speeches on Islamic teachings and values.
    • Assisting with Islamic education and religious classes.
    • Promoting unity and cooperation within the Muslim community.
    • Offering support and assistance to fellow Muslims in times of need.

These roles are important in guiding and leading their respective communities in different ways, whether it’s in a school, church, or mosque.


1. Role playing is like ____________. a) Playing video games b) Pretending to be someone or something else c) Reading a book d) Doing homework

2. An actor or actress is someone who ____________. a) Cooks delicious meals b) Fixes cars c) Pretends to be different characters in movies or plays d) Flies airplanes

3. Name ____________ popular Lagos actor or actress. a) Seven b) Three c) Five d) Ten

4. When you’re ____________ in a play, you’re pretending to be a character. a) Eating lunch b) Sleeping c) Role playing d) Watching TV

5. An actress is a female who acts, while an actor is a ____________. a) Teacher b) Male who acts c) Pilot d) Scientist

6. In role playing, you take on a ____________ character. a) Real-life b) Boring c) Made-up d) Silent


7. Role playing can help you ____________. a) Forget everything b) Understand different roles and situations c) Play video games d) Sleep better

8. ____________ is a famous actor from Lagos known for his comedy roles. a) Mercy Johnson b) Genevieve Nnaji c) Funke Akindele d) Nkem Owoh

9. A person who acts in movies or plays is also called a ____________. a) Musician b) Dancer c) Performer d) Athlete

10. Role playing is like using your ____________ to become someone else. a) Imagination and acting skills b) Phone c) Bicycle d) Homework

11. ____________ is a famous Lagos actress known for her talent and beauty. a) Odunlade Adekola b) Mercy Johnson c) Nkem Owoh d) Principal

12. In a play, an actor or actress reads ____________ to say on stage. a) A menu b) A script c) A shopping list d) A diary

13. Role playing can be a fun way to ____________. a) Eat ice cream b) Learn and understand different roles c) Solve math problems d) Ride a bike

14. ____________ are people who watch actors and actresses perform in theaters. a) Doctors b) Audience c) Students d) Superheroes

15. Role playing is like pretending to be a ____________ character. a) Made-up or real-life b) Scary c) Invisible d) Famous




Introduction (5 minutes):

  • Begin with a brief discussion on the importance of leaders in different communities.
  • Ask students if they know what a leader is and what leaders do.
  • Introduce the learning objectives for the lesson.

Teacher’s Activities:

Activity 1: Defining Leadership Roles (10 minutes):

  1. Present images of leaders in school assembly, church, and mosque on the whiteboard or through a digital presentation.
  2. Discuss each image briefly and ask students what they think these leaders do in their respective settings.
  3. Explain that leaders in these settings have specific roles and responsibilities.

Activity 2: Fill-in-the-Blank Questions (15 minutes):

  1. Distribute the fill-in-the-blank worksheets to each student.
  2. Review the first three questions as a class, ensuring students understand the context.
  3. Allow students to work individually to complete the remaining questions.
  4. Monitor and assist students as needed.


Activity 3: Group Discussion (10 minutes):

  1. Divide the class into small groups.
  2. Ask each group to discuss their answers to the fill-in-the-blank questions and share their thoughts on the roles of leaders in different settings.
  3. Encourage students to compare and contrast the roles.



Learners’ Activities:

Activity 1: Defining Leadership Roles (10 minutes):

  1. Observe and discuss the images of leaders in school assembly, church, and mosque.
  2. Participate in class discussions about the roles of these leaders.
  3. Ask questions to clarify their understanding.


Activity 2: Fill-in-the-Blank Questions (15 minutes):

  1. Complete the fill-in-the-blank questions individually.
  2. Seek help from the teacher if needed.
  3. Focus on understanding the roles of leaders in different settings.

Activity 3: Group Discussion (10 minutes):

  1. Collaborate with group members to discuss and analyze leadership roles.
  2. Share their group’s conclusions and insights with the class




Activity 4: Review and Q&A (5 minutes):

  1. Review the correct answers to the fill-in-the-blank questions as a class.
  2. Allow students to ask questions for clarification.

Conclusion (5 minutes):

  • Summarize the key points of the lesson, emphasizing the roles of leaders in school assembly, church, and mosque.
  • Reinforce the importance of leadership in guiding and uniting communities.

Homework (Optional):

  • Students can write a short paragraph about a leader they admire and explain why they admire them
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