List the functions of vitamin c in the body

  1. Antioxidant Protection: Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps protect cells from damage caused by free radicals, which are harmful molecules produced during metabolism and exposure to environmental factors like pollution and UV radiation.
  2. Collagen Formation: Vitamin C plays a crucial role in the synthesis of collagen, a protein that is essential for the structure and maintenance of connective tissues, such as skin, blood vessels, bones, and tendons.
  3. Wound Healing: Due to its role in collagen synthesis, vitamin C is essential for wound healing. It helps in the formation of scar tissue and supports the repair and regeneration of damaged skin.
  4. Immune System Support: Vitamin C is known to boost the immune system by supporting the production and function of white blood cells, which are vital for fighting off infections and illnesses.
  5. Iron Absorption: Vitamin C enhances the absorption of non-heme iron (the iron found in plant-based foods) from the digestive tract. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals with iron-deficiency anemia.
  6. Neurotransmitter Production: Vitamin C is involved in the synthesis of certain neurotransmitters, including dopamine and norepinephrine, which play important roles in mood regulation and overall brain health.
  7. Antihistamine Activity: Vitamin C has mild antihistamine properties, which can help alleviate symptoms of allergies by reducing histamine release and its effects on the body.
  8. Skin Health: As an antioxidant, vitamin C helps protect skin cells from oxidative stress and damage caused by UV rays and environmental pollutants. It also contributes to a healthy complexion and may help reduce the appearance of aging.
  9. Cardiovascular Health: Some research suggests that vitamin C may contribute to maintaining healthy blood pressure levels and reducing the risk of heart disease by improving blood vessel function.
  10. Eye Health: Vitamin C, along with other antioxidants, may help prevent or delay the progression of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and cataracts, two common eye conditions.
  11. Stress Management: Vitamin C is involved in the body’s response to stress and may help reduce the negative effects of stress on the immune system and overall well-being.

It’s important to note that while vitamin C is essential for these functions, a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables is the best way to ensure adequate intake.


Vitamin C is like magic juice for our bodies. It helps us stay healthy and strong. It does a few important things:

  1. Healing Helper: Just like when you have a little boo-boo, vitamin C helps your body heal when you get hurt. It’s like a superhero that fixes things up.
  2. Immune Booster: Imagine vitamin C as a shield that keeps germs away. It helps your body fight off bad stuff that can make you sick.
  3. Growth Guru: Vitamin C is like plant food for your body. It helps you grow big and strong, just like a plant needs water and sun.
  4. Skin Saver: It’s like a secret potion for your skin. Vitamin C makes your skin happy and shiny, making sure it’s smooth and soft.

Remember, vitamin C can be found in tasty foods like oranges, strawberries, and colorful veggies. So, when you eat these yummy things, you’re giving your body the power of vitamin C! 🍊🍓🥦






Here are 10 Nigerian fruits that are rich in vitamin C:

  1. Oranges: These juicy fruits are not only tasty but packed with vitamin C.
  2. Pineapples: The sweet and tangy pineapple is another great source of vitamin C.
  3. Pawpaw (Papaya): This tropical fruit is not only delicious but also provides a good amount of vitamin C.
  4. Mangoes: These are not only loved for their taste but also for the vitamin C they offer.
  5. Guavas: Guavas are a super source of vitamin C, and they come in different varieties.
  6. Watermelon: This refreshing fruit is also a good way to get some vitamin C.
  7. Tangerines: Similar to oranges, tangerines are small and easy to eat, and they’re full of vitamin C.
  8. African Star Apples (Agbalumo/Udara): These unique fruits are not only tasty but also provide a good dose of vitamin C.
  9. Soursop (Graviola): Soursop is a tropical fruit that’s known for its health benefits, including its vitamin C content.
  10. African Mango (Ogbono): The African mango is not only used in cooking but also provides some vitamin C.

Remember, eating a variety of these fruits can help you get the vitamin C your body needs to stay strong and healthy! 🍊🍍🥭🍉🍈






Of course! Here are 15 fill-in-the-blank questions with options for you:

1. Oranges are a delicious fruit packed with ________.
a) Vitamin A
b) Vitamin B
c) Vitamin C

2. Which Nigerian fruit is known for its sweet and tangy taste, along with being a good source of vitamin C?
a) Watermelon
b) Mango
c) Pineapple

3. Pawpaw, also known as papaya, is a tropical fruit that contains a good amount of __________.
a) Vitamin D
b) Vitamin E
c) Vitamin C

4. Guavas are rich in vitamin _________ and come in different varieties.
a) Vitamin A
b) Vitamin B
c) Vitamin C

5. African Star Apples, also known as Agbalumo or Udara, provide a tasty way to get your dose of _________.
a) Vitamin K
b) Vitamin C
c) Vitamin E

6. Soursop, also called Graviola, is a tropical fruit that’s known for its health benefits, including its content of vitamin ________.
a) Vitamin B
b) Vitamin C
c) Vitamin D

7. Which fruit is often used in Nigerian cooking and offers a dose of vitamin C?
a) African Mango (Ogbono)
b) Plantain
c) Yam

8. Tangerines are small, easy-to-eat fruits that are similar to ________ and are a source of vitamin C.
a) Bananas
b) Oranges
c) Grapes

9. Which fruit is often enjoyed for its sweet and refreshing taste, as well as its vitamin C content?
a) Coconut
b) Pineapple
c) Avocado

10. African mango, also known as Ogbono, is not only used in cooking but also provides some amount of vitamin ________.
a) Vitamin A
b) Vitamin B
c) Vitamin C

11. Pineapples are known for their ________ taste and are a great source of vitamin C.
a) Sour
b) Sweet and tangy
c) Bitter

12. Which Nigerian fruit is unique for its name and provides a good dose of vitamin C?
a) Agbalumo
b) Banana
c) Mango

13. Watermelon is a ________ fruit that contains a fair amount of vitamin C.
a) Red
b) Green
c) Yellow

14. Which vitamin is often associated with helping the body heal and fighting off germs?
a) Vitamin A
b) Vitamin B
c) Vitamin C

15. Which of these fruits is not typically a good source of vitamin C?
a) Oranges
b) Apples
c) Guavas







1. Vitamin C helps the body in healing wounds and cuts by acting as a ___________.
a) Barrier against infections
b) Blood-thinning agent
c) Healing superhero

2. One of the functions of vitamin C is to boost the ___________ system, helping the body fight off illnesses.
a) Digestive
b) Immune
c) Respiratory

3. Vitamin C is essential for the growth and repair of tissues, acting as a building block for ___________.
a) Muscles
b) Bones
c) Collagen

4. It’s important to have enough vitamin C because it helps the body absorb _________ more efficiently.
a) Calcium
b) Iron
c) Potassium

5. Vitamin C acts as an ___________ agent, protecting the body’s cells from damage caused by free radicals.
a) Antioxidant
b) Antibiotic
c) Anti-inflammatory

6. Collagen, supported by vitamin C, helps maintain healthy _________ and prevents skin problems.
a) Hair
b) Nails
c) Skin

7. Vitamin C can help the body cope with stress by regulating the production of ___________ hormones.
a) Growth
b) Stress
c) Sleep

8. In the body, vitamin C promotes the absorption of plant-based ___________ sources, aiding in iron intake.
a) Carbohydrate
b) Protein
c) Iron

9. Vitamin C is crucial for the proper functioning of the ___________ system, keeping the body’s defense strong.
a) Nervous
b) Endocrine
c) Immune

10. One of the roles of vitamin C is to help in the production of ___________, which are important for brain health.
a) Antibodies
b) Neurotransmitters
c) Red blood cells

11. Vitamin C supports the health of blood vessels, which is important for maintaining ___________.
a) Bone density
b) Cardiovascular health
c) Liver function

12. The body uses vitamin C to help repair and maintain _________, keeping them strong and healthy.
a) Cartilage and joints
b) Liver and kidneys
c) Lungs and heart

13. Vitamin C aids in the absorption of ___________ from food, which is necessary for strong bones and teeth.
a) Magnesium
b) Calcium
c) Zinc

14. The immune system relies on vitamin C to enhance the production and function of ___________.
a) Red blood cells
b) White blood cells
c) Platelets

15. Vitamin C helps the body recover from illnesses by supporting the synthesis of ___________.
a) Antihistamines
b) Antibiotics
c) Collagen

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