Edu Delight Tutors



INSTRUCTION: Answer all the questions.

(1) Which of these is a right of consumer? (a) The right to steal    (b) the right to consumer education     (c) the right to fight (d) the right to fraud

(2) _______ must be aware of the quality and safety of goods and services before he buys them (a)  Consumer           (b) prodigal  (c) producers     (d) None

  1. It is the right of a consumer to make decisions about his needs and ______

(a) want        (b) sorrow           (c) sleep        (d) None of the above

  1. CPC stands for _____(a) consumer protection council (b) Consumer problem company (c) consumer paper company (d)None of the above
  2. While sleeping , one must stop _____ (a) wisely (b) foolishly (C) sluggishly (d)none of the above
  3. Which of these should be done before shopping (a) Set a budget (b) Close your eyes (c) plan                       (d) want
  4. One can pay with ______ while shopping(a) Cash (b) cowries         (c) peanut           (d) all of the above
  5. In book – keeping, ____________ helps in effective, keeping of records

(a) probity    (b) cosmetic       (c) ability           (d) perfect finance

  1. TAP is not a book – keeping ethnic (a) True (b) false
  2. TAP means transparency accountability probity (a) True (b) false

(11) ____ is a very important thing which helps business owners to achieve success in book – keeping        (a) BAP (b)  CAP (C) LAP             (d) TAP

(12) Ledger is the same as balance sheet (a)   Yes        (b) false

(13)  A place where the buyer and the seller meet to transact business is called

(a) shop        (b) school           (c) market    (d) School

  1. _________________ is buying an items product or service suddenly and without thinking carefully (a) Buying urgent (b) Buying suddenly (c) Impulse buying       (d) Compulsory buying
  2. After sales service include the following except ________

(a) Warranty           (b) maintenance           (c) Installation   (d) impulse buying

  1. The acquisition of goods for sales is known as ________(a) buying               (b) selling            (c) purchase      (d) Net sales
  2. Amount of money made by a retail after he / she has sold the goods to the final consumer (a)Gross profit (b) sales income (c) Net profit (d) capital
  3. The difference between the cost of goods and the profit of doing business

(a) Margin    (b) Make – up       (c) profit       (d) loss

19._________  is the middle man between producer and retailer

(a) Producer (b) Retailer           (c) Consumer           (d) wholesaler

  1. Asset means _____(a) Properties           (b)  debtor   (c) creditor

(21) The money which are used to commence business are called ________

(a) cash         (b) bonus           (c) capital     (d) gain

(22) A place where money  and other  valuables  are kept for safety purpose is called (a) warehouse           (b) school           (c) Bank           (d) church

(23) The following business are legal except

(a) Carpentry          (b) smuggling     (c) teaching       (d) Trading

24 ________    are the account in which transaction with  persons  or other  business    and organizations are recorded. (a) Impersonal accounts            (b) personal account        (c) ledger            (d) Book – keeping

  1. The accounts that relates to assets , liabilities , incomes and expenses is called

(a) Personal account (b) impersonal account  (c) financial account (d) Accounting

  1. Vowels in pitman shorthand are represented by ______

(a) consonant (b) Dots and dashes (c) strokes and curve     (d) Vowel strokes

  1. the first person to introduce pitman shorthand was _________

(a)    Sir James pitman (b) Sir Isaac pitman (c) sir Jacob pitman (d) Sir Isaac Newton

  1. A/C means _____ (a) Accrual (b) Access (c) Income    (d) account
  2. The principal book of account is called ____(a) Teller (b) journal          (c) paper           (d) Ledger
  3. Exchange of goods for goods is known as (a) Barter (b) sales (c) trade(d) better
  4. School staff room is an example of a/ an ……………office [a] open office [b] closed office [c] large office [d] small office
  5. The last link in the chain of production is…………….. [a] wholesaler [b] consumer [c] retailer [d] distributor
  6. Which of the following is not a commercial bank [a] central bank [b] wema bank [c] sterling bank [d] union bank
  7. ‘amt’ means …………….  [a] month [b] animal [c] amount [d] amity
  8. Buying of materials or items is a function of ………….. department [a] sales [b]  marketing [c]accounts  [d] purchasing
  9. The right side of the cash book book is called …………….[a] debit [b] credit  [c] left  [d] right
  10. Opening market plus purchase minus closing stock is equal to……………….. [a]turn over [b] cost of goods sold [c] gross profit  [d]cost of goods available
  11. The person who receives the amount written on a cheque is known as…………………. [a] drawer [b] drawee [c] payee [d] payer
  12. A person who receives and directs a visitor in an organization is called…… [a] clerk [b] teacher [c] receptionist [d] engineer
  13. The left hand side of the cash book is used to record… [a] receipt                 [b] payments [c] expenses [d] losses
  14. Buying and selling of goods is called …………… [a] business [b] trading [c] occupation [d] work
  15. The fastest means of transportation is …….. [a]air [b] road [c] water [d] rail
  16. The act of keeping accounts in a regular systemic manner is called………… [a] book keeping [b] capital [c] accountancy [d] accounting
  17. Banking and transportation are examples of ……………. Trade [a] foreign [b] home [c] aid to trade [d] export
  18. The end of the owner may end ………… [a] partnership [b] cooperative [c] joint account [d] sole trade business
  19. The abbreviation ‘Ltd’ stands for ……………. [a] license [b] limited [c]liquidated [d]less time
  20. Money used to start or commence a business is called …………….. [a] capital [b] drawing [c] business money [d] interest
  21. All these are components of business studies except …. [a] commerce [b] shorthand [c] geography [d] economics
  22. The following are extractive occupation except [a]bricklaying [b] fishing [c]lumbering [d] mining
  23. Ayokanmi bought 10 biros at 10 naira each. How much did she pay [a] 100 [b]110 [c] 400 [d] 1000


(1)  A retailer bought the following items sales :

(a) 200 bags of rice at N9, 500 each

(b) 250 tins of cooking oil at N2, 000 each

(c)10 refrigerators at 60, 000 each

5%  discount allowed by seller.

Determine the amount to be paid by the retailer.

  1. what is his gross profit
  2. what is his net profit

(2)     (a) Explain  the meaning of distribution

(b)  list four (4) channels of distribution

(c) Discuss the function of two (2)   channels of distribution

(3) (a)Define Need and  want

(b) Differentiate between need and want

(c)           Explain impulse buying

(4)(i) What is ethnics

(ii) explain the following term

(a) Transparency

(b) Accountability

(c) probity

iii  Mention four (4) reasons why we need transparency , accountability and probity (TAP

Edu Delight Tutors



INSTRUCTION: Answer all the questions.

  1. ………. Can destroy storage of beans or maize [a] heat [b] weevils [c] sun [d] ants
  2. The following are laundry processes except [a] sorting [b] ironing  [c] designing [d] mending
  3. Wool fibre is obtained from …. [a] sheep [b] cow [c] dog [d]goat
  4. One of the following has no known cure ………. [a] HIV/AIDS [b] malaria  [c] gonorrhea  [d] cough
  5. The loss of blood from the womb through the female genitals is called [a]adolescence [b] childhood [c] puberty [d] adulthood
  6. The short span of time which marks the following starting from sexual maturation is [a] adolescence [b] puberty [c] childhood [d] adulthood
  7. ………….. foods do not spoil easily [a] non edible [b] non perishable  [c] perishable [d] spoilt
  8. Inadequate taking of correct nutrients in the right proportion can result in………. [a] malnutrition [b] dry skin [c] nutrition [d] normal nutrition
  9. A physical or mental dependence on control use of drugs is called ………… [a] medication [b] therapy [c] addiction [d] constipation
  10. All these are perishable food items except [a] fresh milk [b] beans [c] eggs [d]fish
  11. Which of the following does not belong the group [a] dressing table [b] matress [c] bed [d] dining chairs
  12. Kwashiorkor in children is caused bythe deficiency of ……. [a] carbohydrate [b] vitamins [c] protein [d]mineral salt
  13. The breakup of marriage is called … [a] marriage [b] union [c] divorce [d] family
  14. Bucket, pegs , lines , iron, ironing board are all ……. Equipment [a] laundry [b] washing [c] cooking [d] cleaning
  15. Family value system helps to control ………………. [a] likes [b] behavior [c] obesity [d] balance
  16. Decision can easily be influenced by ………… [a] period [b] time [c] space [d] resources
  17. The struggle between two or more people who disagree is called ……… [a] conflict [b] crisis [c] problem [d] fault
  18. The act of making body to perform some activities is called…………… stretching [b] jumping [c] exercise [d] running
  19. One of the reasons of wearing a cloth is ………… [a] age [b] success [c] protection [d] weight
  20. Brothers and sisters of the same parents are ……….. [a] nephew [b] cousins  [c] siblings [d] nieces
  21. Food is a ……….. need [a] tertiary [b] primary [c] secondary [d] nursery
  22. A dwelling place for a family is the [a] society [b] home [c] church [d] school
  23. Domestic violence occurs in the ………. [a] school [b] home [c] market [d] office
  24. …………….. is a plan showing the courses that makes up a meal [a] food guide [b] menu [c]  timetable [d] card
  25. A strict vegetarian will not eat any [a] food [b] vegetable protein [c] animal food [d] soya bean meals

Use this information to answer the following questions:


  1. Maize
  2. . Banana
  • Sugar cane
  1. Rubber
  2. Oil palm
  3. Cowpea
  • Cocoa
  • Vegetable


  1. Which of these crops are planted on a nursery bed before transplanting to the field? (a) I, VI, V     (b) II, III, VII       (c) V, VII and VIII
  2. Which crops are propagated vegitatively? (a) II, III and IV (b) V, IV and II     (c) I, II and III
  3. An advantage of sexual propagation is that ___. (a) They are expensive                (b) they require a lot of effort      (c) They are cheap
  4. Which of the following is not a type of seed for sexual propagation? (a) Maize (b) Cowpea                     (c) Banana
  5. Ridging is done with a ____. (a) Planter (b) Ridger     (c) Harvester    (d) Thresher
  6. Which of the following is not a pre-planting operation? (a) Thinning (b) Choice of site                      (c) Harrowing
  7. A __________ is described as the foundation of society (a) nation (b) Union (c)  Family     (d)  marriage
  8. We learn from our parents and __________ (a) care gives (b) systems      (c)  attitude     (d)  future
  9. As we grow, we have our own experiences that sharpen our values and expectations True/False
  10. ____________ is a crucial situation that results into bad or dangerous patterns of behavior (a) love (b) crisis      (c)  Trust     (d)  Fun
  11. Conflict resolution can be done through _______ (a) dialogue (b)  short term fight     (c)  war     (d)  none of the above
  12. Which of these is a family crisis? (a) love (b)  care      (c)  Quarrel among family member     (d)  Good health
  13. Conflict is the same as law True/False
  14. In the family, conflict crisis simply due to lack of __________  (a) communication     (b)  death      (c)  disease     (d)  understanding
  15. Sometimes, two individuals in a conflict can not work it out together without the aid of a third party True/False





Answer any four(4) questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1a. Mention 2 examples of the following needs

  1. Physical needs
  2. Emotional needs
  • Social needs
  1. Define violence and domestic violence
  2. State three consequences of violence

2a. List 6 types of violence

  1. Mention 3 causes of crisis in the family
  2. State 5 causes of body odour
  3. Define Agricultural practices.
  4. List the types of propagation you know.
  5. Mention three (3) crops planted on nursery bed.
  6. Define asexual propagation.
  7. State (3) advantages of propagation by seed and by vegetative organs.
  8. Why is access to farmland important?


4.a. Define an adolescent and adolescence

  1. Mention 3 characteristics common in adolescent boy and girl

5.a. Mention 5 human rights you know

  1. Define menstruation and hygiene
  2. State 3 menstrual hygiene





Edu Delight Tutors



INSTRUCTION: Answer all the questions.

Read this passage carefully and answer the questions

Once upon a time, a man called Contentment lived in a town. He was brought up by his parents under very strict discipline. He was thought to be honest in all his ways at all times.

His upbringing had a great influence on his life. When he was in school, he was different from the others he was especially noted for telling the truth. One day, one of his friends Agbabiaka stole a textbook in the class and told Contentment not to tell anyone that he was a thief. When the teacher asked who the thief was, to the surprise of Agbabiaka, Contentment told him that it was Agbabiaka .

And so, Agbabiaka got the beating of his life, from that day on, Agbabiaka developed hatred for Contentment.

One day, Contentment found a handsome sum of money in a very big bag under the over head bridge. Contentment decided to take the bag of money to the police station so that the owner could be located and given back his money.



  1. How was Contentment brought up?
  2. How did his upbringing influence his life?
  3. Who stole a textbook?
  4. Who told the teacher about his stealing?
  5. Who asked about the stealing?
  6. What was Contentment known for in his school?
  7. Why did Contentment return the money he found?
  8. Agbabiaka got the beating of his life. Mean that Agbabiaka
  • Was beating for life (B) exchange beating for his life

(C) Was beating mercilessly           (D) receive beating

Choose the word that best completes each of the following:

  1. Mary and _____  saw the matron this morning (a) Me (b) I   (c) myself           (d) Mine
  2. We were at his mercy ____ the party lasted (a)After (b) since (c) when  (d) while
  3. I found that stamps ______is in the box, are they yours?
  • that (b) this      (c)some                 (d) the
  1. Mary lost her money _____________ she was careless
  • Sine (b) Because  (C) Once        (d) if
  1. Have ____________ the news?

(a) Hear                   (b) hears           (c) heard           (d)heared

  1. I prefer salad __________ Rice
  • Than (b) from        (C) to (d) better than
  1. Has the boy recovered _____ malaria?

(a) From        (b) for      (c) in   (d) to

  1. We have been living in this town ______ 1999

(a) From       (b) Since  (c) by  (d) in


From the words letter A- D choose the one that is nearest in meaning to the underlined words.

  1. Our dynamic governor is very Generous
  • Selfish (b) Hard – hand             (c) Tight fisted           (d) Openhanded
  1. That new play is It is a waste of money
  • Interesting (b) Humorous      (c) serious      (d) Uninteresting
  1. The most competent teacher in the school received an award last week
  • Adequate (b) cautious      (c)efficient      (d) pertinent
  1. The students were told to abandon the project if it would be too costly

(a)Delay                   (b) Evade           (c) Give up           (d) Continue

  1. Well diggers sometimes risk their lives

(A) care for   (b) Help               (c) Endanger      (d) Prevent

Choose the answer which is the opposite of the underlined words in each of the following sentences

  1. Akin is the best Boy in the school
  • Good (b) worst       (c) bad                (d)worst
  1. My father hates lazy children
  • Beats (b) Love               (c) Heals      (d) leaves
  1. Lara was present in the class yesterday
  • Bent ever (b) absent      (c) sent            (d)decent
  1. I do not like bright
  • Fair       (b) dull                 (C) Sharp       (d) opposing


Fill in the gaps with the correct answer.

  1. The lady made the right ___________________
  • Chose (b) choose    (c) choosing (d) choice
  1. She won the price because of her ____________________

(a)  Beautiful           (b) Beautifulness           (c) Beauty           (d) beaut

  1. People from Nigeria are _____

(a) Niger man  (b) Niger area    (c) Nigerianised (d) Nigerians

  1. The __________________ of the room is fifteen meters

(a) Along       (b) Length           (c) wide                       (d) High

  1. Bintu’s mother ______________ in the accident

(a) Dead        (b) death (c) died         (d) die


. Kasara didn’t feel betrothed, it was like a film, something happening to someone else while she watched and laughed. Her mother was showing her new wrappers to a crowd of cooing friends while her father was puffing on his pipe. Her fiancé was an enlarged photograph showing a rotund man with small wrinkled eyes.

It was settled, she would go to Lisbon, to join him next week. Some of her classmates came to say goodbye, but they didn’t stay long. Kasara wanted to cling to them, to shout and scream to make a big scene, but she sat still instead and received cold congrats with a frozen smile.

News came again, a change of plan, she no longer wished to marry her, would she mind marrying his cousin, who was older and fatter than he was, or that he already had two wives and eight children.

Her brothers were in cesenced . They smashed the framed portrait and wanted to burn the wedding gift. A family meeting was called for elders to talk sense into them.  Kasara raided her mother box and found enough money to travel south.

31.Where did Kasara travel  a. south b.  North  c.  East  d.  West

32.Why didn’t Kasara mind the postponement? A. She saw something toi attend to  b.  She never saw herself marrying the man in the picture c.She wouldn’t be able to see her boyfriend. She wanted to be with her parents

33.Where was Kasara supposed to travel to?  A.  Lisbon  b.  Spain  c.  France  d.  Turkey

34.Another name for ‘incensed’ as used in the passage is  a.  jealousy  b.  anger  c.  frustration  d.  pleasure

  1. ‘Kasara raided her mother’s box’,this message meant a. she stole from her mother  b.  she ran away with the box  c. she destroyed the box  d.  she hid the box

36.Who came to say goodbye to Kasara  a.  her well wishers  b. her friends  c. her colleagues d. her classmates

  1. What does the word ‘bethroted’ means a. was giving a house b. was given to amn as a wife  c. was giving as a maid

38.The cousin who he wanted to marry was because he was   a.  older and wiser  b.  fatter and older  c.  thinner and sharper

  1. Who showed her friends new wrapper a. her sister b. her mother  c.  her friends  d.  her brothers


Choose the option nearest in the meaning to the one in capital letter in the sentence

40.Sade CAJOLED her husband  a. annoyed   b,  blessed  c.begged  d.  threatened

41.The man COERCED his brothers into buying the land. A.  forced  b.  cajoled  c.  begged  d.  lied

42.Andrew is a NINNY  a. foolish  b.  kind  c.  annoying   d.  patient

43.Iyabo is a TRUANT  a.  runs away from home  b. skips school  c.  play a lot

44.Ahmed is Folake’s SUCCESSOR   a. replacement  b.  friend  c.enemy

From the list of words letter A – D choose the one that is nearly in opposite with the one in capital letter.

46.The old man is FRAGILE  a.   weak  b.   strong  c.  sick

  1. Mr Ola is a WEALTHY man a. rich  b.  poor   c.  friendly
  2. The principal is a STRICT person a. friendly b.  lenient  c.   hardworking
  3. The result left them all ASTONISHED a. angry  b.  surprised  c.   happy

50.The house has some hidden TREASURE  a.  food  b.  money  c.  valuables


Answer One question only from this section


(1).Write an argumentative essay on this topic ‘’Doctors are better than farmers’’

(2) Write a story that ends in “A day I will never forget”

(3) Write a letter to the Principal of your school, informing him/her of the lack of the water in the school toilet, and suggest what can be done to remedy the situation.



















Edu Delight Tutors



INSTRUCTION: Answer all the questions.

  1. Who is the author of the term’s Literature in English prose? (a) Nyengi Koin    (b) Nyeangi Koiln      (c) Nyenegi klion      (d) Nyangi Kin
  2. Chief Zuma’s madness manifest in his _____. (a) Family     (b) Compound     (c) Utterance       (d) Hospital
  3. There is _____ in the tongue. (a) Order    (b) Life    (c) Power     (d) Peace
  4. Who was Mina’s close friend and cousin? (a) Ebere    (b) Elbere     (c) Ebiere     (d) Ebeire
  5. How many wives does Chief Zuma have? (a) 3     (b) 4     (c) 2     (d) 6
  6. Who called Alhaja a harbinger? (a) Zuma    (b) Ada      (c) Amina     (d) Doctor
  7. Masquerades are known as _____ person. (a) Strong    (b) Nice     (c) Heavenly     (d) Loyal
  8. What course was Mina studying? (a) Management Studies    (b) Business Studies                   (c) Busine ss Management       (d) Science Management
  9. Another word for psychiatrist is ______ according to our story book. (a) Barking                       (b) Recognition    (c) Shrink                          (d) Treatment
  10. Destiny is determined in advance by _____. (a) Decision     (b) Fate    (c) Believe     (d) Hope
  11. Mina was about _____ weeks pregnant when she broke the news to Richard. (a) Five   (b) Six     (c) Four    (d) Two
  12. Who of the three wives is always being blamed for Chief Zuma’s illness? (a) Alhaja    (b) Sola      (c) Ada         (d) Amina
  13. _____ is an animal of many clothes. (a) Dog     (b) Goat    (c) Lion     (d) Chameleon
  14. Who is in charge of paying Chief’s hospital bills? (a) Doctor    (b) Lawyer    (c) Children                    (d) Wives
  15. Who was Alice’s husband? (a) Miatta    (b) Richard     (c) Johnny     (d) Bindo
  16. Which animal comes from the family of “Canidae”? (a) Dog     (b) Goat      (c) Monkey                   (d) Donkey
  17. Who hit firewood on Chief’s head? (a) Ada       (b) Alhaja      (c) Amina      (d) Lawyer
  18. How many pages are there in “The second chance”? (a) 120    (b) 130     (c) 140      (d) 150
  19. Police is a profession of _____.    (a) Protection    (b) Security       (c) Focused    (d) Honour
  20. Who advised Richard to accept Mina’s parent proposal? (a) his father    (b) Mina    (c) his auntie      (d) Mrs. Erein
  21. How many children does Chief have? (a) Thirteen     (b) Fourteen      (c) Fifteen     (d) Sixteen
  22. _____ is like burning fire in the field. (a) Crops      (b) Constitution       (c) War    (d) Children
  23. Erein was dressed in _____ and _____ for the wedding. (a) Kent, beaded     (b) Kentei, bead        (c) Kente, beaded        (d) Keinte beaded
  24. ____ is the weapon of a spider. (a) Legs     (b) Net      (c) Prey     (d) Thread
  25. Madness of Chief Zuma was dedicated to whom? (a) Sola      (b) Bisi       (c) Titi      (d) Tope
  26. Mina flew to _____ several times to meet with her husband. (a) Kane     (b) Lagos                        (c) Lokoja         (d) Sokoto
  27. Is it true that there is destiny? (a) Yes      (b) No      (c) Maybe      (d) a and c
  28. There was _____ in Chief Zuma’s family. (a) Love     (b) Tribalism       (c) Peace       (d) Hatred
  29. After the misunderstanding between Mrs. Erein and Richard, Richard decided that this was the last straw and the camel’s back was ______. (a) Attacked      (b) Forced       (c) Drawn                   (d) Broken




  1. Where did Sandra and Audy study? (a) Philadelphia      (b) Philippines         (c) France                    (d) Monrovia





  1. Was Chief Zuma truly mad?
  2. Why did Chief Zuma want to marry a fourth wife?
  3. What did the lawyer tell Chief Zuma to give his children as legacy?
  4. Do you think the lawyer is right, if yes, explain.
  5. What is Psychotherapy?



  1. Write a poem on Spider.
  2. How many legs does a spider have?

iii.   What is your observation about the poem “Nigeria Police”?

  1. Who are the people the poet want the masquerade to pray for?
  2. What lead Richard to move out of Mr. and Mrs. Erein house.
  3. Who is Ineye?

iii.   What was the disadvantage of separating the twins?

  1. How did Richard and Mina finally got back with each other?
  2. What did you learn from the story?











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INSTRUCTION: Answer all the questions.

  1. The highest power who does not all things is ______

(a) Robot      (b)m God           (c) Angel       (d) Man

  1. The prophet who announced the birth of Jesus Christ was _____

(a) Daniel      (b) Isaiah           (c)Amos        (d) Jeremiah

  1. The prodigal son asked for his share of inheritance because he was ______

(a) Happy     (b) greedy           (c) Sad           (d)Faithful

  1. ______ is an earthy story with an heavenly meaning

(a) Parable   (b) message       (c) Sermon           (d) Gospel

  1. Jesus was born in the ________________

(a) Manger   (b) Hospital        (c) Market           (d) Tarsus

  1. what brought the fall of man

(a) Pride        (b) Gossip[           (c) Hunger    (d) Sin

  1. Jesus was sent to earth by God to _______(a) Save people from their sins (b) make people work (c) Make houses          (d) Create Religion
  2. how many virgins were mentioned in the parable virgins?

(a) Five                     (b) Six      (c)  Nine        (d Ten

  1. The Prophet who was unwilling to go to Nineveh to warn them was _______

(a) Isaac        (b) Jonah           (c) Jeremiah (d) Joshua

  1. What happened to seeds that fell into good ground? (a) They brought forth good fruit (b) They perished (c) They had no root (d) None of the above
  2. The parable of the lost sheep illustrates God’s

(a) Hatred    (b)Love                       (Anger                       (d)None

(12  _______  is the study of man and his environment

(a) Civic Education (b) Social studies          (c) Mathematics           (d) Home – Economics

(13 ________ is the worth of a thing/person or an item

(a) Value       (b) Honesty        (c) death           (d) Displeasure

(14_______________  is the total way of life f people.

(a) System    (b) Culture           (c) Money           (d)Death

(15Culture is not static because it  ____________

(a) Changes  (b) Does not change   (c) is stationery     (d) All of the above


(16). Marriage helps a man to become more  _________

(a) Responsible                  (b) Stupid     (c) wayward      (d) Abnormal

(17).  The parents of the man pay the ___________

(a) Sugar price        (b) groom price (c) Bride price  (d)Friend price

(18.  A group consisting of one or more parents and their children are referred to as  ___(a) Court (b) School           (c)Church     (d) Family

(19) One of the responsibilities of parents towards their children is to   ___

(a) fight them          (b) Kill them       (c) Provide food for them         (d0 sell them

(20) The _________   protect their children from danger

(a) Parents   (b) Birds           (c) Stranger  (d) All of the above

(21) Value help to maintain  ____ (a) System          (b) Culture           (c) M0ney     (d) Death

  1. Who developed the rule of law?(a) Professor Henry shaw (b) Professor James peter (c) Professor A.V Dicey (d) Professor Smith Gold
  2. In what year did the author write a book titled ”The Law of the Constitution’’?

(a) 1870        (b) 1881           (c) 1884           (d)1885

  1. One of these is the last hope of the common Man

(a) Executive           (b) Judiciary       (c) Legislative    (d) The press

  1. The agency that is responsible for the enforcement of abuse of drug is

(a) EFCC        (b)ICPC           (c) NDLEA           (d)NDA

  1. which of these is the symbol of authority of the Legislative

(a) National Flag     (b) The Mace     (c) Wig                       (d) Oath taking

  1. To be eligible to vote , you must be (a) 17yeatrsd of age (b)19 years                   (c) 20 years       (d)18 years
  2. Which organ is responsible for the conduct of election

(a) NUT                     (b) Teachers       (c) INEC                       (d) Local government

  1. Where did democracy originated from

(a) Ghana     (b) Nigeria           (c) Greece    (d) Ethiopia

  1. Who was the American President that defined democracy as the government of the people by the people and for the people? (a) George Washington (b) Bill Clinton (c)John Kennedy           (d)Abraham Lincoln
  2. In which year did he define it?

(a) 1859        (b) 1860                       (c) 1863           (d)1865



Answer any four (4) questions, all questions carry equal marks.

1(a) List two  (2) functions  of the Judiciary

(b) List Two (2) functions of legislative

(c) Explain the two types of  democracy

2(a) What is the Rule of Law

(b) List Ten (10) Democracy countries of the world

(c) what is human rights

3 Write short note on the following :-

(a) Independence of the judiciary

(b) INEC

(c) Constitution

4(a) What is parable

(b) Mention three (3) parables of Jesus recorded in the bible

(c)State two reasons why Jesus spoke in parables

5a. Narrate the parable of the ten virgins

  1. Narrate the parable of the wheat and fares
  2. Mention Five (5) importance of the parable of the lost sheep / coin































(1)  Mention four importance of value


(2) Mention five (5) major component  of culture


(3) (a) Mention two types of marriages known to you

(b)Mention two types of culture


(4) State four (4) problems common to all marriages


(5) Give Four (5) similarities between a male and a female















Edu Delight Tutors



INSTRUCTION: Answer all the questions.

  1. Which is not a classification of blood group? (a) AB     (b) A     (c) D    (d)  O
  2. The type of change that is permanent is ? (a) Physical (b) Temporary                        (c) Chemical (d)   Chemistry
  3. Which is the function of the respiratory system? (a) Cellularity (b) Eating                (c) Reproduction (d)  Respiration.
  4. Which of these is not associated with the respiratory system? (a) Pneumonia (b) Anemia    (c) Tuberculosis      (d)   Asthma.
  5. Absorption of food takes place in (a) Ville of Intestine (b) Stomach (c) Mouth (d)Anus
  6. …………is the father of computer [a]Pastor Olayemi [c]Joseph Blaise[b]Charles Babbage [c]Dr. Philip
  7. How many types of computer do we have [a]4[b]3[c]5[d]2
  8. ……….computer is the fastest and biggest


  1. Computer system comprises of the following except[a]RAM[b]hardware[c]software
  2. ………is the type of software[a]keyboard[b]monitor[c]printer[d]all of the above
  3. ………may be defined as the people working with the computer[a]software[b]instructor[c]hardware[d]peopleware
  4. ………is the series of instructions that run on a computer and make the hardware work[a]software[b]output[c]programmes
  5. Laptop is a …….computer[a]mini[b]micro[c]super[c]mainframe
  6. ……..computer has the capabilities of both analogues and didgital computer[a]analogue[b]hybrid[c]digital[d]all of the above
  7. Example of analogue computer is [a]IBM360[B]Thermometer [c]Desktop [d] none of the above
  8. The reagent for testing carbohydrates is (a) Copper sulphate (b) Iodine                         (c) Alcohol     (d)   Oxygen
  9. The following does not undergo digestion except (a) Protein (b) Vitamin                 (c) Mineral Salts    (d)   Water
  10. The end product of carbohydrate is (a) Fatty Acid (b) Amino Acid                             (c) Glucose      (d)   Water
  11. The observation for protein testing is gives which colour? (a) Pink (b) Red (c) Purple      (d)   Orange
  12. The part of male reproductive system that produces sperms (a) Penis                       (b) Testes     (c) Tuberculosis      (d)   Asthma.
  13. What happens when sexual intercourse results in fertilization (a) Disease occurs (b) Menstruation occurs (c) A child is born       (d)   Pregnancy
  14. What part of the female reproductive system produces eggs (a) Uterus (b) Ovaries   (c) Vagina       (d)   Penis
  15. The following are excretory waste except? (a) Carbon dioxide (b) Urea                    (c) Mineral Salt       (d)   Faces
  16. Which part of the body gives of Carbon dioxide (a) Lungs (b) Kidney                          (c) Mouth   (d)   Ear
  17. The excretory unit of the kidney is called (a) Nephride (b) Collecting tubule (c) Neutron (d)   Distal tubule
  18. A polygon with 10 sides is known as (a) Decagon (b) Hexagon (c) Octagon       (d)   Pentagon
  19. A quadrilateral with opposite sides equal and opposite is known as (a) Polygon (b) Parallelogram (c) Decagon       (d)   Hexagon
  20. ______ is not an example of lines (a) Thin continuous (b) Thin long chain (c) Thin wavy     (d)   Thin short
  21. A line that divides a circle into two halves is known as(a) Chord (b) Tangent (c) Radius   (d)   Diameter
  22. ______ is a straight line drawn from the center of the circumference. (a)Tangent (b) Radius    (c) Chord      (d)   Tangle
  23. _______ is used to draw horizontal lines in Technical drawing (a) Set Square (b) Tea Square (c) Drawing Board       (d) Traiangle
  24. ______ is used at the end of dimension lines (a) Arrow head (b) Thin continuous wavy   (c) Thin long chain      (d)   Thin short
  25. _______ lines are used for visible outlines and edges(a) Thin long chain (b) Think continuous (c) Arrow head       (d)   Thin short
  26. A ______ polygon has 9 sides (a) Nonagon (b) Pentagon (c) Octagon                        (d)   Heptagon
  27. _______ is not a way to prevent accident in a workshop (a) Carry tools carefully (b) Talk to person operating the machine (c) Keep floor clean                        (d)   Do not work towards yourself.
  28. Hardware examples includes the following except ________

(A)Monitor (B) mouse (C) operating system (D) keyboard

  1. F.M Means_________

38       One of these is an example of analogue signal/device

(A) Computer system (B) human voice (C) dvd player (D) plasma tv

39       The demerits of the internet includes these except ____________

(A) Access to library (B) pornography (C) cybercrime (D) fraud

40       Ferrous metal are metal which contains _________

(A) Cupper (B) iron (C) carbon (D) silicon

41       The basic material for the production of ceramics is _______

(A) Clay (B) humidity (C) resuscitation (D) temperature

42       A.M Means ______________________

43       Tyres is made from ______________________________________

(A) Ceramic (B) rubbers (C) metals (D) wood

44       G.S.M Stands for ___________________________________________________


45       ____________is the degree of hotness or coldness of a body or place

(A) Pressure (B) humidity (C) resuscitation (D) temperature

46       The following are software except ___________________

(A)Cedar (B) pine (C) iroko (D) spruce

47       The letter “S” in S.I.M Stand for _____________________

(A) Server (B) subscriber (C) system (D) source

48       Bronze is an alloy of ______________ and copper

(A) Tin (B) zine (C) sliver (D) aluminum

49       Ceramics have been used for ages in ________________

(A) Law (B) medicine (C) sculpture (D) politics

50       Gentian violet is _________________ in colour

(A) Red (B) yellow (C) white (D) purple




  1. Draw the digestive system
  2. Write briefly on the problems associated with breathing
  3. Identify the part of the body responsible for movement
  4. Name the bones of the (i) Hand (ii) Leg

2a. Differentiate between growth and development

  1. Write three functions of blood
  2. Write about how food is digested in the mouth
  3. Draw the human heart

3a. Describe the structure of the heart

  1. Explain the blood disease, “ Sickle cell Anemia
  2. Draw the skeletal System
  3. Different between physical & Chemical changes


1a. Define a quadrilateral

  1. List the types of polygon
  2. Construct a square of 8cm.

2a. List three important rules of construction of lines & angles

  1. Construct angle 60 and 30
  2. Construct a rectangle

3a. Construct angles 90 and 30

  1. Construct a triangle
  2. List and explain 3 parts of a circle


1a.What is computer

  1. List three components of computer
  2. Define analogue computer and give two example

2.Explain the terms;




3.What is software

b.Explain the term application software

4.Define operating system

b.List the contents of an operating system















CLASS:  J S S 2                                                  SUBJECT:


13……….computer is the fastest and biggest


14.Computersystem comprises of the following except[a]RAM[b]hardware[c]software

15………is the type of software[a]keyboard[b]monitor[c]printer[d]all of the above

16………may be defined as the people working with the computer[a]software[b]instructor[c]hardware[d]peopleware

17………is the series of instructions that run on a computer and make the hardware work[a]software[b]output[c]programmes

18.Laptop is a …….computer[a]mini[b]micro[c]super[c]mainframe

19……..computer has the capabilities of both analogues and didgital computer[a]analogue[b]hybrid[c]digital[d]all of the above

20.Example of analogue computer is [a]IBM360[B]Thermometer [c]Desktop [d] none of the above








Edu Delight Tutors



  • Express 1/16 in standard form.
  • 25 x 10 (B) 6.25 x 10-1 (C) 6.25 x 10-2   (D) 6.25 x 100
  • Simply 5/6 x 4 2/3  ÷   2 7/9
  • 2½ (B) 1 2/5 (C) 2/7    (D) 5/8
  • Express 15 metres as a percentage of 5 kilometres
  • 3% (B) 0.3% (C) 0.03%   (D) 0.003%
  • Find the square root of 3 6/25
  • 234 (B) 1.24 (C) 9/5    (D) 5/9
  • Simply (1/4)2
  • 16 (B) 1/16 (C) 1/8    (D) 2
  • Round off 0.995 to the nearest hundredth
  • 95 (B) 0.94 (C) 1.00   (D) 1.45
  • Simply 8 x 109 divided by 4 x 106
  • 809/406 (B) 4 x 1015 (C) 4 x 103      (D)   2 x 103
  • Simplify -3 + (-3) – (-11)
  • 17 (B) -17 (C) 5   (D) -5
  • Simplify (-2) x (-12) (+6)2
  • 2/3 (B) 3/2 (C) 5/6   (D) -1/7
  • What is the co-efficient of ‘y’ in the expansion of (6+y) ( 3-y)?
  • 3 (B) 6 (C) -3   (D) -6
  • Express 85 as a binary number
  • 11101012 (B) 10101012 (C) 11101102   (D) 10111102
  • 1110112 + 11112 =
  • 10010102 (B) 11101102 (C) 10011102   (D) 11111112

The heights of 10 students in meters are as follows:

1.1, 1.8, 103, 1.1, 1.4, 1.2, 1.1, 1.3, 1.4, 1.2

Use the information above to answer question 13 – 17.

  • Find the median height
  • 2 (B) 1.25 (C) 1.3 (D) 1.4
  • Find the mean height
  • 2 (B) 1.1 (C) 1.3  (D) 1.29
  • Find the range of the set of heights
  • 3 (B) 1.1 (C) 0.7  (D) 1.2
  • Find the modal height of the distribution
  • 8 (B) 1.3 (C) 1.2  (D) 1.1
  • If a student is picked at random, what is the probability that he is one of the shortest students?
  • 3/10 (B) 2/5 (C) ½    (D) 3/5
  • Express 4.55 x 10-3 in ordinary form
  • 00455 (B) 0.0455 (C) 45.5   (D) 455
  • Simplify 8- (-2) – (-1)
  • 16 (B) 11 (C) 5  (D) 3
  • Write the next two numbers in the sequence -4, -6, -8, –     ,     –       ,
  • 10, 12 (B) -7, -12 (C) -12, -10   (D) -10, -12
  • Find the value of x in the diagram below







  • 1200 (B) 1480 (C)  1620    (D) 1800
  • Solve the equation 6a + 7 = 3a + 25
  1. 4 (B) 6   (C) 7   (D) 8
  • An isosceles triangle has _____ number of lines of symmetry
  • 0 (B) 1 (C) 2   (D) 3
  • How many lines of symmetry has an equilateral triangle?
  • 3 (B) 2 (C) 1   (D) 0
  • Round off 0.008251 to 2 significant figures
  • 82 (B) 0.83 (C) 0.0083   (D) 0.0082



  • If a    =          4 x 9 x 16,   find the value of   a
  • 16 (B) 24 (C) 36   (D) 48
  • Solve 1/6 –b = 1/b -5
  • 11/2 (B) – 9/2   (C) 12/5   (D)  1¾
  • Change the decimal fraction 0.016 to a common fraction
  • 4/250 (B) 2/125 (C) 4/125   () 1/625
  • Convert 107ten to a number in base two
  • 10101112 (B) 10111002 (C) 11101112   (D) 11010112
  • Write 394 in Roman numerals
  • A trader bought a book for N500.00 and sold it for N360. Calculate the percentage loss.
  • 18 (B) 30 (C) 28   (D) 36
  • The sum of two consecutive even number is 34. Find the smaller number?
  • 20 (B) 16 (C) 14   (D) 12
  • Calculate the length of the side of a square whose area is 1089cm2
  • 21cm (B) 23cm (C) 32cm   (D) 33cm
  • Express 72 as the product of its factors. Leaving your answer in index form.
  • 22 x 33 (B) 23 x 32 (c) 24 x 32   (d) 22  x 33
  • Find the square root of 42¼
  • 6 ½ (B) 8 ½ (C) 3 ¼    (D) 7 ¼
  • The value of 62 is
  • 12 (B) 36 (C) 62   (D) 26
  • Find the range of the following set of numbers, 10, 10, 5, 11, 5, 11, 13, 7, 6
  • 6 (B) 1 (C) 2  (D) 8
  • Find the L.C.M. of 10ab, 14b2 and 18ab
  • 14ab2 (B) 630ab2 (C) 360ab2  (d) 180ab2
  • Find the simple interest of N12,000 for 7 ½ years at 6% per annum?
  • N4500 (B) N5400 (C) N3800  (D) 6160
  • Find the value of x in the diagram below:







  • 280 (B) 410 (C) 680   (D) 340



Answer any Five (5) questions only, all questions carry equal marks.

  1. Simplify the following

(i) X5 x X-2     (ii) m0 x n0      (iii) b3 – b0     (iv) 2a-1 x 3a2    (v) P-2 ÷ p-7

(1b)    Round off the following to 2 significant figures

(i)  26002   (ii) 28336   (iii) 7284   (iv) 14612

  1. Write down the sizes of the lettered angled











  1. Copy and complete the table below


Shape Length Breadth Perimeter Area
Rectangle 2km 11km
Rectangle 12cm 36cm2
Square 25mm
Square 34m


  1. Simplify the following
  • (-2) x (+12) (b) (-6) x (-10)       (c)           36

– 6                                          – 4                                            (-2) x (-9)

(d)      (-3) x (-15)                                  (e)            4 x (-3)

9                                                – 24

  1. A trader buys a kettle for N880 and sells it at a profit of 15%. Find his actual profit and the selling price.

(5b)    A hat is bought for N250 and sold for N220. What is the loss percent?

  1. Simplify the following
  • X + 34x – 2)              (b)    7a – 3   –    3a + 5            (c)     4x + 1   –  x – 5

5               5                                  6                     4                              3                    12

(6b)    Solve the following equations

  • 4m –   2m     =   4               (b)     3x  –  2     –   2x + 7   =   0

5           3                                                6                 9

  1. I add 55 to a certain number and then divide the sum by 3. The result is four times the first number. Find the number.


(7b)    A car increases its speed steadily over 6 seconds as sown below

Time (s) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Speed (km/h) 0 15 20 45 60 75 90


(i)        Use a scale of 2cm represents 1 second on the horizontal axis and 2cm represents 10km/h on the vertical axis. Draw a graph of the information.

(ii)       Use your graph to (a) the speed of the car after 2.5s   (b) the time taken to reach a speed of 80km/h.


  1. (i) Calculate the length of the third side of the triangle below








(ii)       Which of the following is a Pythagorean triple?

  • (33, 56, 65) (b) (15, 30, 35)


(8b)    There are 7 red balls, 8 white balls and 5 blue balls in a box. A ball is selected at random from the box. Find the probability that the ball is

  • White, (b) red (c) blue or red   (d) neither blue nor white   (e) green







































  1. ___________ are goals that take a long time to achieve (a) long term goals (b)  short term goals     (c)  medium term goals    (d)  none of the above
  2. The goals that are simple which a family achieves within a very short period are regarded as ____________ (a) pure goals (b)  instrumental goals      (c)  cream goals      (d)  determined goals.
  3. Short term goals is the same as intermediate goals True/False
  4. Needs, goals and standards have to do with achieving an objective True/False
  5. Family resources can be grouped into human resources and ________ (a) food resources      (b)  hard resources      (c)  material resources     (d)  wants
  6. Human resources include the following except __________ (a) talents (b)  skills      (c)  knowledge     (d)  stealing
  7. Families can influences the values and expectations of the children directly or indirectly . True/False
  8. ________ could have a considerable impact on a family in both positive and negative way (a) crisis (b) values     (c)  pains     (d)  none of the above
  9. The ___________ is a child’s first contact with the world (a) church (b) mosque (c)  role model     (d)  family
  10. A __________ is described as the foundation of society (a) nation (b) Union (c)  Family     (d)  marriage
  11. We learn from our parents and __________ (a) care gives (b) systems      (c)  attitude     (d)  future
  12. As we grow, we have our own experiences that sharpen our values and expectations True/False
  13. ____________ is a crucial situation that results into bad or dangerous patterns of behavior (a) love (b) crisis      (c)  Trust     (d)  Fun
  14. Conflict resolution can be done through _______ (a) dialogue (b)  short term fight     (c)  war     (d)  none of the above
  15. Which of these is a family crisis? (a) love (b)  care      (c)  Quarrel among family member     (d)  Good health
  16. Conflict is the same as law True/False
  17. In the family, conflict crisis simply due to lack of __________ (a) communication (b)  death      (c)  disease     (d)  understanding
  18. Sometimes, two individuals in a conflict can not work it out together without the aid of a third party True/False
  19. _________ should be encouraged during puberty stage (a) Personal hygiene (b)  personal love      (c)  personal glory     (d)  personal game
  20. _______ should be done during menstruation (a) Regular sleeping (b)  short term Regular jogging     (c)  Regular bathing     (d)  none of the above
  21. _________ is the stage when a boy or girl becomes physically capable of sexual reproduction (a) Hygiene (b) Puberty       (c) Freedom  (d)  All of the above
  22. Hygiene is the same as puberty True/False
  23. During puberty stage, the developments cause _________ (a) body cream (b)  body odour       (c)  bdoy beans      (d) body perfume
  24. Which of these can be used during menstruation (a) Perfume (b)  Acid       (c)  Kerosene      (d)  none of the above
  25. Early adolescence begins from 12years and stops at ________ (a) 15 years (b)  13 years       (c)  30 years      (d)  50 years
  26. Adolescence is the stage between childhood and _________ (a) Children hood (b) fatherhood (c)  adulthood      (d)  motherhood
  27. Habitual sexual practices should be __________ (a) discouraged (b)  promoted   (c)  cultivated      (d)  none of the above
  28. STD Means ____________ (a) Sexually Transmitted Day (b) Sexually Transmitted Danger       (c)  Sexually Transmitted Disease      (d)  Sexually Transformed Disease
  29. The HIV Virus attacks the immune system of the _______ (a) Nose (b) Air       (c)  Weather      (d)  body
  30. Which of these is an example of Sexually Transmitted Infections? (a) Cough (b)  Syphilis       (c)  Malaria     (d)  Headache


1a. State four (4) ways of resolving conflicts in the family

  1. State three (3) ways family can manage various crisis

2a. Mention three (3) things that can cause conflict in the family

  1. Mention five (5) changes each that occur in boys and girls during puberty in a tabular form.

3a. Mention three (3) ways of preventing body odour

  1. Mention three (3) ways of maintaining good menstrual hygiene

4a. Explain the following method of creating patterns

  1. Flat-pattern technique
  2. Draping technique
  3. Mention three (3) ways of preventing HIV/AIDS

5a. State four (4) characteristics of adolescence

  1. Define the following;-
  2. Adolescence
  3. Puberty

iii. Hygiene

  1. Sexually Transmitted Disease

















INSTRUCTION: Answer all the questions.

(1) Primary colour is also known as   ____________

(a) Secondary colour                       (b) Basic colour             (c) Hue colour

(2)  The mixture of Red + violet will give

(a) Blue – violet                       (b) Red – violet             (c) Purple

(3)    __________________  is another name for colour

(a) hoe                     (b) Hue                     (c) Hueing

(4) Painting is also known as

(a) 2 – Dimentional art      (b) 3 – Dimentional art    (c) 4dimentional art

(5) _______  Materials is used for weaving (a) Hard   (b) flexible    (c) steel

(6) Concrete things are the things that can  ______________

(a) Be seen   (b) not be seen  (c) Be felt


(7) Weaving is simply the interlacing of  ___________________

(a) flexible materials      (b) hard materials      (c) Flex – hard – materials

(8) The person who take care of the museum is called  _____________

(a)  Curator  (b) Curates         (c) Director

(9)   __________ is a building or place where art moves are displayed either temporarily or  permanently with the purpose a selling products

(a) gallery     (b) museum       (c) artery

(10) All these are great artists except

(a)  Lamide fakeye           (b) Aina Onabolu       (c) Olu Odewumi

(11) Lamide Fakeye  was a  ________ (a) Carver           (b) woover           (c) poet


(12)  ___-  is an art form in which series of events usually a written play is acted out by a group of performers  (a) Educative (b) Informative (c) Sanitation

(13) Forms of drama include these except

(a)Tragedy    (b) Comedy        (c) Trago – comedy

(14) Shakespeare’s novel is an example  _____  (a) Tragedy (b) Comedy(c) Mime

(15) All of these are for comedy except (a) Survival         (b) Reunion        (c) Defeat

(16) All of these are types of make – up except

(a)Straight make -up     (b) stage make – up       (c) Down make – up

(17) These are example of playwrights except

(a)  Ola Rotimi           (b) Lamidi Fakeye           (c) Femi Osofian

(18)  ___________ is a trial performance of a play, music, or other literacy form for later public performance (a)Rehearsal (b) Practice           (d) play

(19)  SM means   ___(a) Station Management (b) State Manager (c) Station Manager

(20)  All these are activities involved in rehearsal except

(a) Reading              (b) Movement              (c) respiration



Answer all questions

1(a) State the two types of arts that you know

(b)What is drawing

(c) What is knitting


2(a) Write Short on pattern

(b) What is graphics


3(a) What is weaving

(b) List at least Five (5) types of weaving

(c) who is an Artist

  1. List atleast 5 Nigerian contemporary Artists that you know
  2. What is music






































CLASS:           JSS 2



  1. All of these except one is not a type of pollution (a) land (b) water (c) air (d) gem
  2. _____is the position in which you hold your body when standing or sitting (a) posture (b) walking (c) sociolosis (d) Balance
  3. The following are common injuries in gymnastics except _____(a) stunt (b) fracture (c) muscle tear (d) dislocation
  4. An example of manipulative movement is ______(a) walking (b) jumping (c) turning (d) crawling
  5. Computer can be played using the following except _____(a) scanner (b] joystick (c) mouse (d) keyboard
  6. UPS means ____________________________
  7. ______involves the movement of students under the guidance of adults from home or school to an environment which is less familiar (a) Hiking (b) camping hunting (d) gardening
  8. Gymnastics means _______(a) nice art (b) naked acting (c) naked art (d) ready act
  9. The factors of recreation are the following except ____(a) voluntary (b) enjoyable (c) mandatory (d) done during leisure time
  10. Gymnastics is originated from ancient ______(a) Greece (b) Rome (c) china (d) Turkey
  11. Recreational activities could be …. Or …. [a] up , down [b] big , small [c] in door [d] outdoor
  12. Which of the following is not an example of recreational activities [a] soccer [b] table tennis [c] ludo [d] none of the above
  13. …….. can be defined as a freedom from hazard [a] safety [b] education [c accident [d] none of the above
  14. Home accidents are also called … [a] out accident [b] domestic [c] primary [d] none of th above
  15. Which of these cause home accidents [a] poor lighting [b] poor environment [c] tiredness [d] none of the above.
  16. ………. Can prevent home accident among children [a] adults [b] prisoners [c] criminals [d] none of the above
  17. Dance is a way of expressing our inner feelings [a] yes [b] no [c] none of the above [c] maybe
  18. ………. Are the events that involve throwing and jumping on the field except….[a] track events [b] sporting events [c] field events [d] none of the above.
  19. ………….. is an indoor game [a] volleyball [b] football [c] relay race [d] b and c only
  20. ………….. players in table tennis [a] 4 [b] 2 [c] 5 [d] 10



  1. What is pollution?
  2. List four measures for preventing environmental pollution
  3. Mention two officials of table tennis
  4. How many players are meant to play the game of table tennis
  5. List three equipments used in playing tennis
  6. List at least five outdoor games you know and explain how to play one of them.