INSTRUCTION: Answer all the questions.

1.A farm implement which is used for applying water to crops in small droplets is called ______

(a) Watering can          (b0 sieve    (c) filter             (d)cutlass

  1. Which of the following crops is propagated by seed only.

(a) pepper        (b) Mango             (c) cocoa           (d ) cassava

  1. One of the following is perennial crop. (a) cocoa (b) Beans(c) groundnut oil (d) Maize

(4) A female swine is  called  _____  (a) Sow (b) Piglet (c) Hen      (d) cow

(5) a castrated  male cattle is known as (a) Bullock             (b) Boar            (c) Car                     (d) Goat

(6) All of the following are important fishing equipment except ____

(a) Net              (b) Sickle             (c) Hook            (d) Fish basket

(7) Mixed farming means  (a) Keeping of cattle , sheep, goats and pigs. (b) Cultivation of crops and keeping of farm animals (c) Mixing two or more crops together           (d) Planting of corn and cassava

(8) A monocotyledonous plant is a plant that  has cotyledon (a) five (b) One (c) four (d) Ten

(9) which of the following items  supplies mainly protein (a) Mango (b) Beans (c) Pawpaw        (d) Yam

(10) Crops which mature and die in two years  are referred to as  (a) Annual (b) Biennial                      (c) perennial          (d) monocot

(11) The farming system which is most adequate for both soil conservation and livestock management   (a) Mixed farming (b) Alley farming             (c)  continuous farming                              (d) Monocropping

(12)Growing the same crop in the same piece of land year is referred to as _____

(a) Monocroping          (b) mixed cropping            (c) intercropping  (d) intra cropping

(13)which of the following can be used as a  cover crop?

(a)Cassava        (b)Banana             (c)melon           (d) pawpaw

(14)One of the following is a parasite that lives in  sick body of farm animals

(a)Flee               (b) lice              (c)tapeworm    (d) insets

(15) All of the following are erosion control measures except  _____________

(a)Creating gross bar in beds and ridges                         (b)diverting  water runoff into the farm

(c) making ridges across the slops       (d) planting of cover crops

(16)Which of the following is the best soil for  planting

(a) clay soil       (b) loan soil             (c) sandy soil             (d)sandy clay soil


(17) A piece of land which is  left to revert  to bush after a period of cultivation is called ______

(a) Bush fallow                          (b) pasture             (c)range            (d) continuous cropping

(18) The process of separating the young animal independently is referred to as _______

(a) warning      (b) weaning             (c)scattering             (d)supplying

(19) The removal of unwanted plant is known as   ________ (a) shielding             (b) weeding              Scattering         (d) supplying

(20) All of the following referred to as poultry  except ___________

(a) Turkey         (b) goat                           (c) Duck             (d)hen

  1. The following are leguminous crops except

(a)   Groundnut      (b)   Cowpea   (c)  Soybeans    (d)  Carrot

  1. One of the following is perennial crop

(a)   Groundnut      (b)   Beans   (c) Coconut    (d)  Maize2

  1. A farm implement which is used for applying water to crops in small droplet is called

(a) Watering Can      (b)   Sieve    (c) Hose   (d)  Filter

  1. The removal of weak and excess seedlings after germination is

(a) Thinning    (b)   Dressing    (c) Weeding    (d) Replacing

  1. A female swine is called. (a)  Piglet     (b)  hen(c) sow    (d)  pullet
  2. Growing the same type of crop in the same piece of land year after year is referred to as (a) mono-cropping   (b)  mixed-cropping  (c)  inter cropping (d)  yearly cropping
  3. A castrated male cattle is called

(a)   bullock      (b)   capon  (c)  cow    (d)  boar

  1. All of the following are important fishing equipment except

(a)   hook     (b)   net   (c)  bait    (d)  sickle

  1. The following are male adults of livestock except

(a)   cock     (b)  Bull   (c)  boar   (d)  Ewe

  1. One of the following is mostly used for transport

(a)   Camel      (b)  Lion   (c)  Sheep   (d)  Elephant

  1. Which of these is not part of puberty in girls [a] breast develops [b]      pubic hairs in each region grows  [c] testicles develop [d] menstruation starts
  2. Which is an examples of STIs [a] malaria [b] typhoid [c] fever [d] gonorrhea
  3. A child is anybody below the age of ………. [a] 18 [b] 16  [c] 20 [d] 10
  4. A female who entertains a/an ……………. [a] guest [b] host [c] hostess [d] actor

35………….. is a person who is entertained [a] host [b] hostess [c]actor [d] guest

  1. Common style of serving food include ………………. [a] tray service [b] plate service [c] buffet service [d] all of the above
  2. Materials for table setting include all except [a] sword [b] side plate [c]table cloth [d] desert spoon,fork and wine glass
  3. Family value system helps to control …… [a] look [b] behavior [c] obesity [d] balance
  4. Adolescence is a period of …… [a] essential rest [b] rapid growth [c] hard work [d] huge exercise
  5. The process of setting a table is …… [a] table ware [b] table laying [c] table appointment [d] none of the above.




1.(a)Define farm animals

(b) list farm animals  found in your locality

(2) What is weed

(b) state three effects of weed on crops

(3) what is irrigation

(b)Name two (2)  types of irrigation and two (2) types of drainage

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