











Previous Lesson:




Learning Objectives

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  • Explain the word strength
  • Discuss how the Holy Spirit strength us
  • Describe the various ways the Holy spirit strengths us when we are weak



Learning Activities

  • Pupils as individuals discuss how the Holy Spirit strengths us
  • Pupils in small groups explain how the Holy Spirit strengths us when we are in weak



Embedded Core Skills

  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Critical thinking and problem solving
  • Leadership skills



Learning Resources

  • The Holy Bible
  • Cardboard showing the gifts of the Holy Spirit
  • John Chapter 15 Verses 23 to 27




  • Identification,
  • explanation,
  • questions and answers,
  • demonstration,
  • story-telling,
  • videos from source





John 15:23-27 says: “23 Anyone who hates me also hates my Father. 24 If I hadn’t done among them the works no one else did, they wouldn’t be guilty of sin. As it is, they have seen, and yet they hate both me and my Father. 25 But this is to fulfill what is written in their Law: ‘They hated me without reason.’

26 “When the Advocate comes, whom I will send to you from the Father—the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father—he will testify about me. 27 And you also must testify, for you have been with me from the beginning.”

This passage is talking about the role of the Holy Spirit in strengthening and supporting Jesus’ disciples. The “Advocate” or “Helper” referred to here is the Holy Spirit, who will come to the disciples after Jesus has returned to the Father. The Holy Spirit will help them to remember and understand the teachings of Jesus, and will give them the courage and strength to spread the gospel message to others, even in the face of opposition.

So, in a sense, the Holy Spirit is seen as strengthening and empowering the disciples to fulfill their mission as witnesses to Jesus and his teachings.


  1. Who sends the Advocate (Holy Spirit) to the disciples in John 15:23-27? A) The Father B) Jesus C) The disciples D) The Holy Spirit
  2. What is the role of the Advocate (Holy Spirit) in John 15:23-27? A) To testify about Jesus B) To spread the gospel message C) To strengthen the disciples D) All of the above
  3. What does the Advocate (Holy Spirit) help the disciples to do in John 15:23-27? A) Remember and understand Jesus’ teachings B) Spread the gospel message to others C) Overcome opposition D) All of the above
  4. Who hates both Jesus and the Father in John 15:23-27? A) The disciples B) The Advocate (Holy Spirit) C) The people D) None of the above
  5. Why do the people hate Jesus and the Father in John 15:23-27? A) Because of Jesus’ works B) Without reason C) Because of the Advocate (Holy Spirit) D) None of the above
  6. What is written in the Law about the hatred towards Jesus in John 15:23-27? A) They hated me without reason B) They hated the Advocate (Holy Spirit) C) They hated the Father D) None of the above
  7. What is the significance of the Holy Spirit in John 15:23-27? A) It is the Advocate sent by the Father B) It is the Spirit of truth C) It is the helper for the disciples D) All of the above
  8. Who must also testify about Jesus in John 15:23-27? A) The Advocate (Holy Spirit) B) The Father C) The disciples D) None of the above
  9. What is the source of the Advocate (Holy Spirit) in John 15:23-27? A) The Father B) Jesus C) The disciples D) The Holy Spirit
  10. How does the Advocate (Holy Spirit) fulfill the mission of the disciples in John 15:23-27? A) By giving them the courage and strength to spread the gospel message B) By helping them understand Jesus’ teachings C) By testifying about Jesus D) All of the above


The word “strength” can have different meanings depending on the context, but generally speaking, it refers to the ability to do something effectively, efficiently, or with force. Strength can refer to physical power, such as the ability to lift heavy objects or perform demanding physical tasks. It can also refer to mental or emotional fortitude, such as the ability to withstand stress, adversity, or hardship.

In a spiritual or religious context, strength often refers to the power or support that one receives from a higher power or divine source. For example, the Holy Spirit is often seen as a source of strength for believers, giving them the courage and support they need to overcome challenges and fulfill their mission.

Overall, strength is a concept that encompasses the power and ability to do something, and the resilience and fortitude to withstand difficulties.

  1. What is the general definition of the word “strength”? A) Strength refers to the ability to do something effectively, efficiently, or with force.
  2. Can strength refer to physical power? A) Yes, strength can refer to physical power, such as the ability to lift heavy objects or perform demanding physical tasks.
  3. Can strength refer to mental or emotional fortitude? A) Yes, strength can also refer to mental or emotional fortitude, such as the ability to withstand stress, adversity, or hardship.
  4. How is strength used in a spiritual or religious context? A) In a spiritual or religious context, strength often refers to the power or support that one receives from a higher power or divine source.
  5. Is the Holy Spirit a source of strength for believers? A) Yes, the Holy Spirit is often seen as a source of strength for believers.
  6. How does the Holy Spirit provide strength to believers? A) The Holy Spirit provides strength to believers by giving them the courage and support they need to overcome challenges and fulfill their mission.
  7. Can strength be used to describe physical ability? A) Yes, strength can be used to describe physical ability.
  8. Can strength be used to describe resilience and fortitude? A) Yes, strength can also be used to describe resilience and fortitude.
  9. How does strength relate to power and ability? A) Strength is a concept that encompasses the power and ability to do something.
  10. How does strength relate to overcoming challenges and difficulties? A) Strength also encompasses the resilience and fortitude to withstand difficulties and overcome challenges.


  1. What is the general definition of the word “strength”?
  2. Can strength refer to physical power?
  3. Can strength refer to mental or emotional fortitude?
  4. How is strength used in a spiritual or religious context?
  5. Is the Holy Spirit a source of strength for believers?
  6. How does the Holy Spirit provide strength to believers?
  7. Can strength be used to describe physical ability?
  8. Can strength be used to describe resilience and fortitude?
  9. How does strength relate to power and ability?
  10. How does strength relate to overcoming challenges and difficulties?

Describe various ways the Holy Spirit Strengthens us when we are weak.

  1. Encouragement: The Holy Spirit provides encouragement and comfort to those who are feeling discouraged or overwhelmed. This can bring peace and hope in difficult times, and help us to persevere through challenges.
  2. Guidance: The Holy Spirit guides us in our daily lives and decisions, helping us to make choices that are in line with God’s will. This can give us confidence and direction, even when we are feeling lost or uncertain.
  3. Strength for Witness: The Holy Spirit gives us the strength and courage to share our faith with others, even in the face of opposition. This can help us to be effective witnesses for Jesus and to spread the gospel message to those around us.
  4. Power for Service: The Holy Spirit empowers us to serve others, even when we feel inadequate or unworthy. This can help us to fulfill our mission as believers and to make a positive impact in the world.
  5. Peace in Suffering: The Holy Spirit brings peace and comfort to those who are suffering, and helps us to endure difficult circumstances with grace and hope. This can give us the strength to face challenges and to find meaning in our suffering.
  6. Clarity of Mind: The Holy Spirit helps us to understand the truth and to see things clearly. This can give us wisdom and insight, even when we are faced with difficult or confusing situations.
  7. Boldness: The Holy Spirit gives us boldness and courage to speak out for what is right, even when it is unpopular or uncomfortable. This can help us to be a voice for justice and to stand up for what is good and true.
  1. The Holy Spirit provides __________ and comfort to those who are feeling discouraged or overwhelmed.
  2. The Holy Spirit guides us in our daily lives and decisions, helping us to make choices that are in line with __________ will.
  3. The Holy Spirit gives us the strength and courage to __________ our faith with others, even in the face of opposition.
  4. The Holy Spirit empowers us to __________ others, even when we feel inadequate or unworthy.
  5. The Holy Spirit brings peace and comfort to those who are suffering, and helps us to endure difficult circumstances with __________ and hope.
  6. The Holy Spirit helps us to understand the truth and to see things __________.
  7. The Holy Spirit gives us __________ and courage to speak out for what is right, even when it is unpopular or uncomfortable.
  8. The Holy Spirit can help us to overcome __________ and to find meaning in our suffering.
  9. By relying on the power and presence of the Holy Spirit, we can fulfill our __________ as believers.
  10. The Holy Spirit can help us to live lives that are pleasing to __________.

Lesson Presentation

Introduction (5-10 minutes):

  • Start by asking the students if they have ever felt weak or discouraged.
  • Explain that in these moments, it is important to have a source of strength and support.
  • Introduce the topic of the lesson: the Holy Spirit strengthens us, as described in John 15:23-27.

Bible Study (15-20 minutes):

  • Read John 15:23-27 and discuss the role of the Holy Spirit in strengthening and supporting Jesus’ disciples.
  • Discuss the various ways that the Holy Spirit can strengthen us, such as through encouragement, guidance, power for service, peace in suffering, clarity of mind, and boldness.
  • Use the visual aids or powerpoint presentation to help illustrate the points.

Handout Activity (10-15 minutes):

  • Hand out the handout with key verses and questions and give the students time to read and reflect on the verses.
  • Ask the students to answer the questions on the handout and discuss their answers in small groups.
  • After the small group discussion, bring the class together and have a whole group discussion to share insights and reflections.

Conclusion (5-10 minutes):

  • Summarize the main points of the lesson: the Holy Spirit is a source of strength and support for believers, and there are various ways that the Holy Spirit can strengthen us, as described in John 15:23-27.
  • Encourage the students to rely on the Holy Spirit for support and guidance in their daily lives.
  • Close in prayer, asking for the Holy Spirit to strengthen and guide the students in their daily lives.


  • Observe student participation during the discussion and handout activity.
  • Collect the handouts and check for understanding.
  • Follow up with individual students who may need additional support or clarification

Weekly Assessment / Test

  1. Who sends the Advocate (Holy Spirit) to the disciples in John 15:23-27?
  2. What is the role of the Advocate (Holy Spirit) in John 15:23-27?
  3. How does the Advocate (Holy Spirit) help the disciples in John 15:23-27?
  4. Who hates both Jesus and the Father in John 15:23-27?
  5. Why do the people hate Jesus and the Father in John 15:23-27?
  6. What is written in the Law about the hatred towards Jesus in John 15:23-27?
  7. What is the significance of the Holy Spirit in John 15:23-27?
  8. Who must also testify about Jesus in John 15:23-27?
  9. What is the source of the Advocate (Holy Spirit) in John 15:23-27?
  10. How does the Advocate (Holy Spirit) fulfill the mission of the disciples in John 15:23-27?
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