SUBJECT: SCIENCE    CLASS: Nursery 1     Time: 


  1. Plants are ______ [a] non- living things [b] living thing.
  2. Plants use _____ to make their food [a] electricity [b] sunlight [c] light sun.
  3. Does plants provides food for human beings and other animals? [a] true [b] false 
  4. Plants breathe in _____ [a] carbohydrate [b] carbon dioxide.
  5. Plants breathe out _______ [a] oxygen [b] hydrogen.
  6. We have ___ parts of plants [a] one [b] three [c] two. 
  7. Parts of plants are root, stem and _______ [a] flower [b] stem.
  8. Root helps the plants to go into the soil and get _____ and ______  [a] water and rest [b] food and water 
  9. Stem carries water from the root to others parts of the _____  [a] plants [b] flower [c] body 
  10. Flower helps plants to  make seeds that will produce plants [a] normal [b] old [c] new 
  11. Plants needs light, air, water, nutrition and space to grow. [true / false]. 
  12. An insect is a small animal that has ______  legs [a] two [b] four [c] six 
  13. Some insects are useful and some are ______  [a] useful [b] dangerous [c] none
  14. The body of an insect is divided into the head , the thorax and the ______ [a] abdomen [b] head [c] thorax 
  15. Locust is eaten as food [true/false].
  16. Does beetles help to make soil healthy [true/false]
  17. Butterflies helps new plants to grow [true/false]
  18. Spraying mantis  kill pests in our farms [true/false]
  19. pets animals are those animals we keep at ______ as our friends [a]a home [b] zoo [c] farm 
  20. examples of pet animals are dog , cat ______ [a] lion [b] tiger [c] bird 



                             SUBJECT: MATHEMATICS     CLASS: Nursery 1     Time: 

Count and write arrange numbers in ascending orders

  1. 10 ,           1 ,          9 ,          5 ,          8 ,           6 ,         7 ,          4 ,           3 ,          2 


  1. 20            18              16             19          17              15 


  1. Count and write numbers 1 – 100 


  • Write the ending numbers 
  1. 9    ___________________________
  2. 19  ___________________________
  3. 29  ___________________________
  4. 39  ___________________________
  5. 49  ___________________________
  6. 59  ___________________________
  7. 69  ___________________________
  8. 79  ___________________________
  9. 89  ___________________________
  10. 99  ___________________________


  • Multiply the following numbers 
  1. 2X2 = 
  2. 2 X 5=
  3. 2 X 7=
  4. 2X 1=
  5. 2X 10=


  • Identify the following shapes 



  • Write number in words 1- 20 

1 _________________

2 _________________

3 _________________

4 _________________

5 _________________

6 _________________

7 _________________

8 _________________

9 _________________ 

10 ________________

11 ________________

12 ________________

13 ________________

14 ________________

15 _________________

16 __________________

17 __________________

18 __________________

19 __________________

20 __________________



                             SUBJECT: COMPUTER    CLASS: Nursery 1     Time: 

  1. A computer is an electronic machine that accept data , and changes data into information [true/false]
  2. Can a computer changes data into information [true /false]
  3. The following are major parts of a computer expect [a] keyboard, monitor, mouse and cpu [b] cpu, chewing stick, monitor and mouse.
  4. The full meaning of c.p.u is [a] central processing unit [b] central processing unit [c] central processing 
  5. Electronic machine are those machine that make use are those machine that make use of electricity [true/false]
  6. The followings are electronic machine [a] chair and table [b] radio and television [c] cup and plate
  7. Is computer an example of electronic machine [[true/false]
  8. A keyboard is the part of a computer used for ________ [a] scanning [b] drawing [c] typing 
  9. A keyboard has many _________ [a] doors [b] rooms [c] keys 
  10. The keys are numbers , letters and ________ [a] diagram [b] symbols [c] numbers 
  11. When I type on keyboard , it appears on the ___________ [a] keyboard [b] mouse [c] monitor 
  12. Computer mouse is a small device that looks like a ________ [a] dog [b] rat [c] sheep
  13. The main function of the mouse is to position the pointer on the screen [true/false]
  14. Some modern computer can be operated without a mouse [true /false]
  15. ___________ is the screen that shows you what are doings in the computer [a] monitor [b] c.p.u [c] mouse 
  16. A monitor looks like a ________ [a] radio [b] television [c] cd player 
  17. The cpu ________ all the others parts of a computer [a] control [b] instruct  [c] regulate 
  18. All the other parts of the computer are connected to the ___________ [a] cpu [b] printer [c] keyboard 
  19. A computer can type play games , watch videos and draw pictures [true / false]
  20. E-mail means _________ [a] electronic machines [b] electronic mathematics [c] electronic mail 



                                                SUBJECT: ENGLISH STUDIES     CLASS: Nursery 1     Time:

  • Read and write the upper and lower case letters Aa – Zz
  • Sound and write [10] two letter words
  1. ________________
  2. ________________
  3. _________________
  4. _________________
  5. ________________
  6. ________________
  7. ________________
  8. ________________
  9. ________________
  10. _______________


  • Blends two letter words 

a +M = ___________

U + P ____________

I + F ____________

a + n ___________

o + n ___________

a + t ___________

o + f ___________

I + n ___________

I + s __________ 


  1. Sounds and write [5] three letters words
  2.                                                                                                                                                                                                                           2.                                                                                                                                                                                                    3.                                                                                                                                                                                                         4.                                                                                                                                                                                                 5.                                                                                                                                                                       
  3. Read the following sentences correctly
  4. I can run
  5. Can she run?
  6. Yes he can
  7. I am in the class 
  8. My dad is a man 
  9. Identify a noun in those sentences

    1 .ben is a man 

  1. Olu is in my school 
  2. Mum cooks well 
  3. My pencil is long 
  4. Tiger lives in the zoo 
  5. Mention [5] examples of pronoun








                                                SUBJECT: HEALTH HABITS      CLASS: Nursery 1     Time:

  1. First aid is the _________ assistance given to a casualty before the arrival of a health officer [a] middle [b] first [c] last
  2. Items found in the first aid box are __________ [a] scissors , iodine , bandage [b] bandage , cane , eraser [c]iodine , exercise book , ruler 
  3. When someone has fire accident what should you do? [a] pour cold water on the place [b] pour hot water on the place [c] just rush the person to hospital 
  4. Personal information is that important information about me and my family that I must know at all time  [true / false] 
  5. Information I must know are my full names , my parents full names , my home address , my phone numbers and the names of my school [true /false]
  6. If I don’t practice saying my personal information consistently I will ____________ [a] remember [b] forget it [c] none 
  7. Emergency is when something _______ happens [a] good [b] dangerous [c] normal 
  8. When there is an emergency we should call for ______ [a] help [b] no help [c] nothing 
  9. Is fire outbreak an examples of emergency [true/false]
  10. Accident is something we do not except which causes us injury loss of property or _______ [a] injury [b] fight death



                                                SUBJECT: SOCIAL HABITS       CLASS: Nursery 1     Time:


  1. A family is a group of people related by blood or _______ [a] adoption [b] blood [c] fighting 
  2. We have _______ types of family [a] one [b] two [c] three 
  3. The types of family are [a] extended and compound family [b] compound and nuclear family [c] nuclear and extended family 
  4. Nuclear families consist of father , mother and their _______ [a] children [b] grandmother [c] uncle 
  5. Extended family consist of father, mother , children and ________ [a] uncles aunts, cousins, grandparents [b] teachers, doctors, children , father [c] nnephew, lawyers,mother ,bricklayers
  6. My uncle is my daddy or mummy brother [true /false ]
  7. My aunt is my mummy or daddy sister [true /false ]
  8. Is my teacher my uncle [true /false]
  9. Is my teacher my aunt [true /false ]
  10. My neighbor is not my uncle [true / false ]
  11. My neighbor is not my aunt [true /false ]
  12. My cousins are my uncles and my aunts children [true /false ]
  13. A happy family is when everybody feels ______ and _______ [a unsave  and uncomfortable [b] sad and unpeaceful [c] save and comfortable 
  14. A happy family is a family where there is love , peace , kindness , caring and forgiveness [true /false ]
  15. As children , doing what they are asked to do will lead to their family being happy [true / false ]
  16. I can make my parent happy by ______ them [a] disobeying [b] obeying [c] fighting 
  17. Transportation  is the movement of people and goods from one place to another [true / false]
  18. People travel by air [true / false ]
  19. People travel by land [true /false]
  20. People travel by water [true /false ]



                                                SUBJECT: MORAL INSTRUCTION       CLASS: Nursery 1     Time:                                

  1. Good behavior is the act of behaving well and acceptable way in the society [true / false ]
  2. Respect your teacher , your mates and your ________ [a] others [b] self [c] mate 
  3. Learn to take _______ [a] turns [b] way [c] shut 
  4. Eat your food and not your _______ food [a] mate [b] way [c] shut 
  5. Obey the school ________ [a] rules and regulations [b] dance [c] noise 
  6. We use _______ when you want to get something from someone [a] please [b] command [c] thanks you 
  7. Please can you ________ me your textbook [a] lend [b] take [c] 
  8. Thank you is used when you want to _______ someone [a] fight [b] appreciate [c] fool
  9. _________ for what you did yesterday [a] please [b] thank you [c] sorrow 
  10. We should give in ________ [a] bitterness [b] love [c] grudges 
  11. It is blessed to give than to ________ [a] give [b] receive [c] accept 
  12. Givers never _______ [a] lack [b] eat [c] give 
  13. Obedience is taking to order or instruction [true / false ]
  14. Kindness is the quality of being _______ [a] bad [b] sad [c] kind 
  15. As a child we should be kind to our mates [true / false ]
  16. Courtesy is a polite behavior [true /false ]



                      SUBJECT:  PHONICS       CLASS: Nursery 1     Time:                                


  1. We have ________ vowel sounds [a] 4 [b] 5 [c] 3 
  2. Mention the five vowel sound __________ ,__________ ,____________ ,____________ ,___________ .
  3. Write the short  vowel letter sounds a in the words below 
  1. n ______p
  2. b ______d 
  3. F ______ n 
  4. m _____ n
  1. Circle the objects that begin with the short vowel letter sound a.


Circle the vowel letter sounds in the letters of the alphabet 

         a               b                 c              d                e          f              g


         h                I                  j               k                l          m             n


        o               p                q                r                s           t             u   


       v                w                x               y                 z 

  Match the same words                                                                                                   

        rude                                                                                 rule   

        flute                                                                               crude 

        crude                                                                              rude 

        rule                                                                                 flute 

Sounds and write [5] three letter words 








                      SUBJECT:  VERBAL REASONING       CLASS: Nursery 1     Time:                                

Sample:       A                 a              T                  t              O                o


  1.        P                            2.        D                         3.         V


  1.       E                              5.       H


  • Fill in the missing letters 

     A            B             C             D               E              F             G


Q             R             S              T              U             V            W

  1.       B              C                                              F                               
  2.     E         I       K
  3.     M       N               S
  4.   G               L             M
  5.     I       K L   O
  6. Write the correct ordering of letters 

       Sample        B         A          B         C     F            E

                            A B         C   D     E           F


  1.       C          B                     E       D       G          F                    I         H


  1.             L B                   N     M P   O   R   Q


  1.           T   S   V   U   X    W                 Z     Y


  1.         O N O   P   S    R     U   T


  1.         H G   J I   L   K   N   M


  1.   Sample Position of Letters 

A   B   C D   E       F   G     H   I   J

1   2   3       4       5 6   7       8 9   10

K   L   M N   O P   Q R S   T

11 12   13     14    15     16     17    18 19   20


21 22 23 24 25 26

  1. The first letter is the one in position          1
  2. The seventh letter is the one in position   
  3. The tenth letter is the one in position 
  4. The thirteenth letter is the one in position 
  5. The eight letter is the one in position
  6. The ninth letter is the one in position  


  1. Sample         C   D                                 P       Q

                 E       R

  F       S

  G       H       T         U


  1.       M 2. S 3. R




  1.                       E   P


    J         U  

  1.       Sample     A J

      B         K

    C       L

  D     M

  1. E       Q             2.      I      C




  1.         N                      B   4.         G                       R


        P             T

            E         J

  1.     A                       J


                                   D     M


  1.       F       E       D      C       B       A                         Sample

            A      B      C       D       E      F       


  1.           H      G      F      E        D      C 2.       L      K       J        I        H     G


  1.       T      S       R       Q       P     O                       4.       Y      X      W      V      U       T


  1.     J        I      H       G      F       E        





                      SUBJECT:  Quantitative       CLASS: Nursery 1     Time:    

  1.     Match the numbers

Sample               6












  • Count and write the number 



  1.                                                               2.      3.


  1.                           5. 


  • Count and fill in  the missing numbers 

0 1 2 ______ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

_____ 10 _____ _____ _____ _____ 15 _____

_____ _____ _____ 20 _____ _____ _____ _____

_____ _____ 27 _____ _____ _____ 31 _____ 

_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 38 _____ _____

_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ______

_____ _____ _____ 50

  1.  Write the number after                  2                                          41

                       1         40


Write the number after 

Sample        2


  1.                                   2.                                    3.

            9                                 14                                  56

  1.         5. 

        15                                                 33


  1.   Sample          36     37                           64                                        65


  1.             25                                                                   2.             13


  1.             37                                                                  4.               10


  1.               29      


  1. Write number before             1                  2                             23                24


  1.                       4                    2.                         10                      3.                           9


  1.                           7                                        5.                        15





                      SUBJECT:  CCA       CLASS: Nursery 1     Time:    

  1. Draw Nigeria flag and colour 


Green stands for _______________ (a) peace and unity (b) Agriculture

White stands for ______________(a) Agriculture (b) peace and unity

  1. Draw umbrella 


Colour with different colours 


  1. Draw  Hat





                      SUBJECT:  Handwriting        CLASS: Nursery 1     Time:    

  1.  Aa   Bb     Cc   Dd       Ee  ________________________


Ff   Gg Hh     Ii       Ji       Kk


Ll       Mm Nn   Oo     Pp       Qq


Rr   Ss     Tt       Uu       Vv   Ww


  Xx Yy Zz



    I     am a   pupil   of        Edu Delight Tutor







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