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SUBJECT: GOVERNMENT                               TIME: 2hrs            CLASS: SS  3

1.The head of the common wealth of nation is the (a) prime minister (b) high commission (c) British foreign secretary (d) British monarch

2.The Organization of Africa Unity (OAU)  was  set up in (a) Addis Ababa (b) Cairo (c) Harare (d) Accra

3.The organ of the Organization Africa Unity (OAU) established for peaceful settlement of disputes is the  (a) Commission of mediation ,conciliation and arbitration (b) council of minster (c) secretariat (d) assembly of head state and government

4.Which of the following factors influence a country‘s foreign policy? (a) size of the country’s civil service (b) Overall national interest of the country (c) capacity of the police force (d) types of traditional rulers in the country

5.The headquarter of the economic community of west Africa state (ECOWAS) fund for cooperation , compensation and development is located in (a) Dakar (b) Abuja (c) Rome (d) Accra

6.Which of the following international organization did all west Africa countries belong to (a) Organization of petroleum exporting countries (b) north Atlantic treaty organization (c) European union (d) organization of Africa unity

7.The organ of united nations organization that co-ordinates its activities is  the (a) general assembly (b) international court of justice (c) trusteeship council (d) Economic and social council

8.The organ responsible for investigating internal disputes in the United Nations Organization (UNO) is the (a) General assembly (b) secretariat (c) security council (d) economic and social council

9.One of the following is not permanent member of the security council organ of United Nations Organization (a) Korea (b) China (c) Britain (d) Russia

10.One of the aim objective of the Africa Union (AU)is to (a) hold election in member states (b) distribute military equipment to its member (c) encourage co-operation among members state (d) establish courts in member state

11.The Economic and Social Council of UNO is made up of how many members?(A)27(B)28(C)29(D)30

12.The major defect of foreign policy in west Africa is (a) for leadership (b) public opinion and pressure groups (c) goods economy (d) military power

13.The council of ministers of the organization of Africa unity (OAU) is made up of (a) poor leadership (b) justice minster (c) education minister (d) defense minister


14.The head of the common wealth of nations is (a) Margaret Thatcher (b) don McKinnon (c) Queen Elizabeth 2 (d) bank ki mon

15.The organs of the UNO responsible for the affairs of mandated territories was the (a) international court (b) Trusteeship council (c) economic and social (d) general assembly

16.Which of the following countries was a member of the Monrovia group (a) chad (b) niger (c) Cameroon (d) sierra-leone

17.Which of the following countries is a member of economic community of west Africa states (a) congo DR (b) Libya (c) Kenya (d) Burkina-faso

18.Which of the organ of the united nation organization (UNO) is responsible for appointing staff of the organization? (a) security council (b) international courts of justice (c) the  secretariat (d) the trusteeship council

19.Which of the following is an advantage of country derives from international relations? (a)peaceful settlements of conflict with other state/country (b) helping their citizens to secure citizenship of other countries (c) allowing the government to annex more territories (d) increase in population growth.

20.The use of veto power in the United Nations organization (NNO) is only exercised by the (a) Trusteeship council (b) Security Council (c) Economics and Social Council (d) International Court of justice.

21.The administrative Headquarters of the Economics Community of West Africa States (ECOWAS) is in  (a) Freetown (b) Lome (c) Abuja (d) Banjul

22.A representative of one country in another within the common Wealth of nations is called (a) High Commissioner (b) Attache (c) Foreign Minister (d) Council

23.The Secretary- General of the United Nations Organization (UNO) is appointed for a period (a) 3 years (b) 6 years (c) 4 years (d) 5 years.

24.The ECOWAS fund for Co-operation, Compensation and Development is located in (a) Togo (b) Nigeria (c) The Gambia (d) Sierra Leone.

25.Which of the following is the most powerful organ of the United Nations? (a) Trusteeship Council (b) Security Council (c) Council of Ministers (d) Secretariat.

26.The first West African to become the Secretary General of the Commonwealth is (a) Emeka Anyaoku (b) Agboola Gambari (c) Arnold Smith (d) Shridath Ramphal.

27.The international Court of Justice has it’s headquarter in (a) Paris (b) New York (c) Hague (d) Washington.

The non-permanent members of the security Council of the United Nations

28.The UNO comprises of how many organs(A) 4(B)5(C)6(D)7

29.Some pre-colonial West African governments were democratic because of the existence of

  1. powerful traditional rulers B. age grades C. religious institutions   D. checks and balances

30.One of the measures introduced by indirect rule was

  1. collection and keeping of taxes by the chiefs only B. not recognizing traditional institutions
  2. fixing and collection of taxes by British officials themselves
  3. exclusion of the educated elite from the colonial administration
  4. Which of the following policies was replaced by the French policy of a association?
  5. Apartheid B. Assimilation C. Indirect rule   D. Frenchification

32.The appointment and deposition of chiefs by their people was a demand of the

  1. Pan African Movements B. National Congress of British West Africa
  2. West African Students’ Union D. West African Youth League

33.The desire for constitutional development in British West African Colonies was ‘as a result of the     A. rigidity of the constitution    B. desire of the British to review the constitution

  1. power of traditional rulers in British West Africa
  2. growing agitation of the people for political independence



34.The West African Students’ Union worked towards

  1. the end of colonial rule B. the end of indirect rule C. getting accommodation for West African Students   D. the end of the policy of direct rule

35.The policy of Assimilation was abandoned because

  1. it was too expensive to maintain B. the French were fed up
  2. the Africans liked it D. it was less expensive

36.The constitutional reforms in West Africa after the Second World War were geared towards

  1. the assimilation of the people B. the evaluation of colonialism
  2. making the colonies independent states
  3. making the people support their economic interests

37.One of the reasons for military takeover in West Africa is

  1. smooth administration B. political stability C. corruption among political leaders
  2. good governance

38.Which of the following best describes the foreign policy of West African Countries during the Cold War?         A. Support for the Western bloc   B. Support for the Eastern bloc

  1. Non-alignment with any power bloc D. Allegiance to Nazi

39.The primary objective of the United Nations Organization (UNO) is to

  1. stop aggression B. help poor countries C. fight against injustice  D. maintain world peace

40.Which of the following international organizations did all West African countries belong to?

  1. Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries B. North Atlantic Treaty Organization
  2. European Union D. Organization of African Unity

41.Which of the following is not an organ of the Organization of African Unity (OAU)? The

  1. Assembly of Heads of State and Government B. Tribunal of the Community
  2. Council of Ministers D. Secretariat

42.The following are features of military regimes except

  1. respect for human rights B. suspension of the constitution
  2. rules by decrees and edicts D. curtailment of human rights

43.Military regimes in West Africa have often made use of civilians because

  1. only civilians can make decrees B. the soldiers are democratic
  2. civilians are part of the armed forces
  3. they need the experience of civilians in government

44.One criticism leveled against the pre-independence political parties in West Africa was that some of them

  1. did not possess credible programmes B. did not contribute to political development
  2. were not national in outlook
  3. were instruments of the colonial administration

45.Foreign policy is the     A. general principles that guide foreigners in a country

  1. policy made by a country during war C. policy made by a country in peace time
  2. general principles of a country in the conduct of international relations

46.The Commonwealth of Nations was originally made up of

  1. former Portuguese colonies in Africa B. former Spanish colonies in Africa
  2. independent nations formerly under British Empire
  3. France and her former colonies in West Africa

47.The following are features of military regimes except

  1. respect for human rights B. suspension of the constitution
  2. rules by decrees and edicts D. curtailment of human rights


48.Military regimes in West Africa have often made use of civilians because

  1. only civilians can make decrees B. the soldiers are democratic
  2. civilians are part of the armed forces
  3. they need the experience of civilians in government

49.One criticism leveled against the pre-independence political parties in West Africa was that some of them          A. did not possess credible programmes

  1. did not contribute to political development C. were not national in outlook
  2. were instruments of the colonial administration

50.Foreign policy is the

  1. general principles that guide foreigners in a country
  2. policy made by a country during war
  3. policy made by a country in peace time
  4. general principles of a country in the conduct of international relations




1A.Highlight five reasons for the adoption of Africa as the centre piece of Nigeria’s foreign policy.

B.Discuss five ways how Nigerian has demonstrated that Africa of the centre piece of her foreign policy implementation.

C.State three ways by which Nigeria maintains friendly relations with African states


2A.State five aims and objective of non-aligned movement

B.Explain five achievements or success of non aligned movement

C.Define Non-alignment


3A.State five functions of the assembly of Head of State and government of O.A.U

B.Explain five achievements of OAU.

  1. State the organs of O.A.U


4A.Explain five problems facing common wealth

  1. State five members state of commonwealth

C.Highlight three achievements of common wealth


5A.Explain five functions of the general assembly organ of U.N.O

B.State the organs of U.N.O

C.Highlight three achievements of U.N.O



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