Primary 5 Social Studies First Term Lesson Notes


Edu Delight Tutors

Online Training Scheme Notes and Other Resources 

Primary 5 Social Studies First Term Second Term and Third Term Scheme


Primary 5 Social Studies First Term  


Primary 5 Social Studies First Term 

Primary 5 Social Studies First Term

WEEK 1 –

Other people in the Family


Primary 5 Social Studies First Term

WEEK 2 –

Unity in Cultural Diversity


Primary 5 Social Studies First Term

WEEK 3 –

Processes of Changing Culture and Differences


Primary 5 Social Studies First Term

WEEK 4 –

Marriage Customs and Practices


Primary 5 Social Studies First Term

WEEK 5 –

Roles played by Families


Primary 5 Social Studies First Term

WEEK 6 –

Responsible Parenthood


Primary 5 Social Studies First Term

WEEK 7 –

Problems of Parenthood STIs/STDs/AIDs


Primary 5 Social Studies First Term

WEEK 8 –

Traditional Marriage


Primary 5 Social Studies First Term

WEEK 9 –

Modern Marriage In Nigeria


Primary 5 Social Studies First Term

WEEK 10 –

Religion and Religious Beliefs


Primary 5 Social Studies First Term

WEEK 11 –

Controlling Religious Intolerance Development


Primary 5 Social Studies First Term

WEEK 12 –

Roles of Religious Bodies in Development


Primary 5 Social Studies First Term

WEEK 13 _

Revision and Examination




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