Christians as Light and Salt of the World Christian Religious Studies JSS 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week 9

Lesson Plan for Christian Religious Studies – JSS 2

Subject: Christian Religious Studies
Class: JSS 2
Term: First Term
Week: 9
Age: 12-13 years
Topic: Christians as Light and Salt of the World
Sub-topic: Definition, Matthew 5:13, and Moral Lessons
Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Define what it means for Christians to be light and salt of the world.
  2. Recite Matthew 5:13.
  3. State and explain the moral lessons of being light and salt.


  • Light
  • Salt
  • Influence
  • Good deeds
  • Righteousness

Set Induction:

Begin with a question: “What makes a room bright?” Discuss how light helps us see and understand our surroundings. Relate this to how Christians can illuminate the world with their actions.

Entry Behaviour:

Students should be familiar with the teachings of Jesus and the importance of living a good life.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Bible (Matthew 5:13-15)
  • Posters of salt and light with examples
  • Flashcards of key terms

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge:

Students have learned about Jesus’ teachings on love and service. This lesson builds on those themes, emphasizing how Christians should live out their faith.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Critical thinking
  • Moral reasoning
  • Communication
  • Collaboration

Learning Materials:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • Bible passage (Matthew 5:13-15)
  • Flashcards with examples of being light and salt

Reference Books:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work for Christian Religious Studies
  • Bible (Matthew 5:13-15)

Instructional Materials:

  • Charts showing the qualities of light and salt
  • Illustrative examples of light and salt in daily life


I. Definition of Christians as Light and Salt of the World:

  1. Light: Represents goodness, purity, and truth. Christians are called to shine their light by doing good deeds and sharing the gospel.
  2. Salt: Represents preservation and flavor. Christians are to preserve moral values and add flavor to the world through their actions.
  3. Together, being light and salt means influencing the world positively.
  4. Christians are to stand out in their communities by living according to God’s principles.
  5. They should encourage others and lead by example in love and kindness.

II. Recite Matthew 5:13:

  • “You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men.”

III. Moral Lessons of Light and Salt:

  1. Christians must actively influence the world.
  2. They should not hide their faith but let it shine for all to see.
  3. Good deeds should reflect their faith in God.
  4. They are responsible for maintaining their values and not compromising their beliefs.
  5. Being light and salt means serving others and spreading God’s love.

Examples of Being Light and Salt:

  1. Helping those in need in the community.
  2. Encouraging friends to make good choices.
  3. Standing up against bullying and injustice.
  4. Sharing Bible verses and encouraging others in their faith.
  5. Being honest and kind in everyday interactions.


15 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions with Options:

  1. Christians are called to be the ________ of the earth. (a. light, b. salt, c. both)
  2. If salt loses its flavor, it is good for ________. (a. cooking, b. nothing, c. preserving)
  3. Light represents ________ and truth. (a. darkness, b. goodness, c. fear)
  4. Christians should let their light ________ before men. (a. hide, b. shine, c. dim)
  5. Salt is used to ________ food. (a. spoil, b. flavor, c. color)
  6. The verse Matthew 5:13 states that Christians are the ________ of the earth. (a. flavor, b. salt, c. light)
  7. Being a good example means being a ________ for others. (a. bad influence, b. role model, c. follower)
  8. Christians should not ________ their faith. (a. hide, b. share, c. celebrate)
  9. Good deeds are a way to show ________ in our lives. (a. darkness, b. faith, c. selfishness)
  10. We must preserve ________ values in our society. (a. immoral, b. moral, c. selfish)
  11. Light helps us to see in ________. (a. darkness, b. light, c. confusion)
  12. Christians are called to be a ________ to the world. (a. burden, b. guide, c. problem)
  13. Salt adds ________ to food. (a. bitterness, b. flavor, c. weight)
  14. Light symbolizes ________ in the Bible. (a. evil, b. truth, c. lies)
  15. Christians should influence others through their ________. (a. words, b. actions, c. silence)

Class Activity Discussion:

15 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) with Answers:

  1. What does it mean to be light?
    • To show goodness and truth in our lives.
  2. Why is salt important?
    • It preserves and adds flavor to food.
  3. How can Christians shine their light?
    • By doing good deeds and helping others.
  4. What happens if salt loses its flavor?
    • It becomes useless and is thrown away.
  5. How can we preserve moral values?
    • By living according to God’s teachings.
  6. What does Matthew 5:13 teach us?
    • It emphasizes our role as salt and light in the world.
  7. Can light and salt be hidden?
    • No, they are meant to be visible and influential.
  8. How can we encourage others?
    • By sharing positive words and being supportive.
  9. What are some examples of good deeds?
    • Helping the needy, volunteering, and being kind.
  10. How can we be role models?
    • By living a life that reflects our faith in God.
  11. What should we do when we face challenges?
    • Rely on God and stay true to our values.
  12. Why is it important to influence others positively?
    • To help them see God’s love and truth.
  13. What is the significance of being called “light”?
    • It means we are expected to bring hope and guidance.
  14. How do we show our faith in action?
    • By helping others and living righteously.
  15. What can we do to maintain our “flavor” as Christians?
    • Stay committed to God and follow His teachings.


  1. Step 1: The teacher revises the previous topic, “Christians as Light and Salt of the World.”
  2. Step 2: The teacher introduces the new topic: “Understanding Our Role as Light and Salt.”
  3. Step 3: The teacher discusses the definitions and reads Matthew 5:13.
  4. Step 4: Students share their thoughts on how they can be light and salt, with corrections as needed.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Explain the meanings of light and salt.
  • Read and explain Matthew 5:13.
  • Encourage students to give real-life examples.
  • What is the meaning of salt?

    Salt is a mineral composed of sodium and chloride. It is used to season food and for many other purposes. Salt is an essential nutrient for the human body. It helps to regulate fluid balance and blood pressure, and it is also a key electrolyte needed for proper muscle and nerve function. A lack of salt can lead to dehydration, low blood pressure, and electrolyte imbalance. Too much salt can also be harmful and cause high blood pressure, kidney damage, and other health problems. The recommended daily intake of salt is about 2,300 mg, or about one teaspoon. Most people consume more salt than they need, and this can lead to health problems.




    The usefulness of salt as seasoning for food

    Salt is a mineral that is essential for human health. It helps to regulate blood pressure and fluid balance in the body. Salt also plays a role in nerve conduction and muscle contraction.

    Although we need salt for our bodies to function properly, most of us consume far more salt than we need. The average American diet contains about 3,400 mg of sodium per day, which is more than double the recommended amount for adults.

    Too much salt can lead to high blood pressure, a risk factor for heart disease and stroke. It can also cause kidney damage and other health problems.

    That’s why it’s important to use salt sparingly in cooking and at the table


    1. Light gives direction
    2. Light makes us see
    3. We need light to read
    4. Darkness disappears in the presence of light
    5. When there is light, we are able to move up and down



    1. It makes food tasty
    2. It is used for preservation
    3. Food without salt is difficult to consume or eat

    One of the most important things that Christians can do in the world is to be salt and light. As salt, Christians are called to preserve and season the world with the gospel. As light, Christians are called to expose darkness and illuminate the truth.

    When Christians are faithful to their calling as salt and light, they make a powerful impact on the world around them. They season the world with hope, joy, and love. They expose darkness and bring light to those who are lost in sin. And ultimately, they point the way to Jesus Christ – the only one who can truly satisfy the deepest longings of our hearts.

    If you are a Christian, ask God to help you be faithful to your calling as salt and light. And as you go about your day, look for opportunities to share the gospel with those around you. You never know how your words of truth and encouragement might change someone’s life forever.


    1. What do you think it means to be the salt of the earth?
    2. Why do you think Christ said that Christians are the light of the world?
    3.  What difference do you think being salt and light makes in the world?
    4.  Are there times when you feel like you aren’t living up to your potential as salt and light?
    5.  Who are some people in your life who inspire you to be salt and light?

Learners’ Activities:

  • Participate in discussions about their roles as Christians.
  • Share their examples of being light and salt in daily life.

Evaluation Questions (Short Answer):

  1. What does it mean for Christians to be light?
  2. What is the significance of salt in the Bible?
  3. What are the moral lessons of being light and salt?
  4. How can Christians influence their communities?
  5. What does Matthew 5:13 teach us about our responsibilities?
  6. How can we live out our faith daily?
  7. What does it mean to preserve moral values?
  8. Why should Christians let their light shine?
  9. How do we show goodness to others?
  10. What actions reflect a true Christian life?


The teacher goes around to mark students’ work and provides feedback, emphasizing the importance of living as light and salt in the world.

Explore the role of Christians as light and salt in this engaging JSS 2 lesson



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