3rd Term Exam Questions Pry 6 Agric






  1. When rocks are broken down, it results into ______ (a) soil (b) blood (c) stones
  2. Animals are classified into ______ based on their mode of feeding (a) two (b) three (c) four 
  3. Animals with complex stomach are called _____ (a)  non-ruminants (b) ruminants (c) mammal
  4. Mechanized farming involves farming with ____ (a) simple tools (b) machines (c) crude implement
  5. _____ is used in the production of garri (a) cassava (b) yam  (c) rice 
  6. The common marketing channel of distribution comprises of _______ stages (a) four (b) three (c) two
  7. A ________ is a place where buyers and seller meet to exchange goods and services (a) factory (b) market (c) court 
  8.  A person who buys goods in large quantities and sells in smaller quantities is called _________ (a) producers (b) retailers (c) wholesaler
  9. A _____ is the link between the producers and the retailers (a) retailer (b) wholesaler (c) consumer 
  10. The following are the functions of a producer except _______ (a) monitor the stages of production (b) determines the price at which a commodity is sold (c) 
  11. Which of these channel of distribution is complete? (a) producer – consumer – retailer – wholesaler (b) producer – wholesaler – retailer –  consumer (c) producer – retailer – wholesaler – consumer
  12. Which of the following is not a type of a farm record? (a) farm dairy (b) photo album (c) sales record 
  13. The record that shows the day-to-day events and activities carried out on the farm is _______ (a) farm inventory (b) farm dairy (c) production record 
  14. All the following are examples of endo-parasites except _________ (a) roundworm (b) lice (c) tapeworm
  15. The process of removing sick animals from the healthy ones is known as ________ (a) culling (b) weaning (c) cuddling 
  16. Which of these is not an insect pests? (a) grasshoppers (b) weevils (c) monkeys 
  17. Aquatic animals are animals that live in or on _____ (a) land (b) water (c) trees 
  18. The early men are _______ (a) pastors (b) farmers (c) wanderers 
  19. Rearing of animals for man’s use is known as ________ (a) animal husbandry (b) midwifery (c) crop cultivation 
  20. A simple form tools used in gardening to wet flowering plants is ______ (a) frying pan (b) watering can (c) wheel barrow
  21. All the following are examples of food crops except _____ (a) yam (b) rice (c) cocoa 
  22. ______ is the type of farming done by producing cash crops. (a) subsistence farming (b) commercial farming (c) lay farming 
  23. Cotton is used in the _____ industry (a) textile (b) rubber (c) coal
  24. A ____ can be used in making furniture and building constructions. (a) kolanut (b) timber (c) beverage
  25. A record that shows the amount of labour hired on the farm is ______ (a) sales record (b) production record (c) labour record 
  26. There are ____ types of rock (a) three (b) two (c) five 
  27. Goats are kept indoor in _____ system (a) extensive (b) intensive (c) semi-intensive 
  28. The ________ is in direct contact with the producer and retailer (a) manufacturer (b) wholesaler (c) consumer 
  29. All of the following are the roles of Marketing Board in Agriculture except ______ (a) regulate the production (b) determine pricing and distribution (c) fight consumers 
  30. Which of these does not brings Agricultural products to the market? (a) producers (b) consumers (c) agents 


Section B

  1. (a) What is farm records? _______________________________________________________


(b) Mention four types of farm records? (i) ____________________________________________

(ii) _____________________________________ (iii) ____________________________________

(iv) ______________________________________


  1. (a) What is a market? ___________________________________________________________


(b) Explain Agricultural Marketing? ________________________________________________



  1. Explain the following: 

(i) Producers: ___________________________________________________________________


(ii)Wholesaler: __________________________________________________________________


(iii) Retailers: ___________________________________________________________________


(iv) Consumers: _________________________________________________________________



  1. (a) Define cooperative society? ____________________________________________________


(b) List two examples of cooperative society:  (i) _______________________________________

(ii) ____________________________________ 


  1. (a) Mention two importance of a producer in a marketing channel? 

(i) ____________________________________________________________________________

(ii) ____________________________________________________________________________

(b) State one importance of a cooperative society? 
