

  1. ________  is the good and right way of human behavior  (a) moral value  (b) social value  (c) economic value 
  2. The name of Yorubas call the talking drum is called ________  (a) Ekpte  (b) gangan  (c) kalengi
  3. The word “Art” originated from a latin word called _____ (a) Artem  (b) Anthem  (c) Music
  4. ______ is an element of drama  (a) dance  (b)  drama  (c) costumes 
  5. Women or girls who perform in a drama is referred to as _______ (a) actors  (b) actresses  (c) audience 
  6. An assembly of people who listen to or watch a play, concert etc. is called _____ (a) crowd  (b) mob  (c) audience 
  7. An example of foreign musical instrument is ______  (a) guitar  (b) sekere  (c) kakaki 
  8. An example of local musical instrument is ______ (a) trumpet  (b) piano  (c)  gangan
  9. Any sound that is unorganized and unpleasant to the hear is _________ (a) music  (b) drama  (c) noise
  10. A hall or house specially designed for literary performances is known as _____ (a) club  (b) theatre (c) cinema
  11. ______ are natural, some can be seen on tress, fruit, flower, sky, animal etc.  (a) colour  (b) dressing  (c) costumes
  12. ____ is an art of repeating or producing picture, design pattern, word on paper, and other useful material in a given surface  (a) painting (b) printing (c) writing 
  13. The process of showing the fleshing pad on the thumb on a given surface is called ______ (a) leaf printing (b) computer printing  (c) thumb printing 
  14. There are _____ different types of colours  (a) 3  (b) 2  (c) 4
  15. ______ are colour that cannot be got from any other colours (a) secondary colour  (b) primary colour  (c) tertiary colour
  16. Red + Yellow = ________  (a) orange  (b) green  (c) yellow
  17. Yellow + Blue = ________ (a) orange  (b) green  (c) violet 
  18. _______ is the art of expressing an idea with lives on canvas, paper or wall (a) drawing  (b) painting  (c)  sketching 
  19. A series of movement and steps that are usually performed to music is known as _____ (a) music  (b) dance  (c) rhythm
  20. Words and gestures used to welcome a person?  (a) greeting  (b) politeness  (c) obedience 
  21. Being fair and just, not cheating or stealing is known as ______ (a) respectfulness (b) honesty  (c) greetings
  22. ______ is concerned with accepted rules and standard of human  (a) moral value  (b) obedience  (c) politeness
  23. All the following are examples of Nigerian art works except ________ (a) Ife bronze  (b) Nok Terra Cota (c) Oju elegba
  24. ________ is used for mixing colours on the palette during painting  (a) painting knife  (b) painting fork  (c) painting plate
  25. In Nigeria, art works are classified to _______ ethnic groups  (a) 3  (b) 4  (c) 7
  26. What is the name given to this line                                      (a) circular line  (b) spiral  (c) zi-zag line
  27. What is the name given to this type of line?_________________________________________________________ (a) vertical lines (b) horizontal lines (c) spiral lines
  28. _____ is an organized sound (a) music  (b) nature (c) rhythm
  29. The act of copying, cheating, and giraffing in an examination is called _______ (a) examination malpractice (b) teaching practice (c) studying practice
  30. There are ______ types of printing (a) 4  (b) 3  (c) 2


Section B


  1. (a) What is moral value? ______________________________________________________________________________
  2. (b) Mention 4 some acceptable moral values?, _____________________, _________________, _____________________
  3. (a) What is art? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  4. (b) Mention 2 types of art __________________________, ______________________________
  5. (a) What is printing?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  6. (b) Mention 2 types of printing? ______________________, _____________________________
  7. (a) Mention 2 types of colours? _______________________, ____________________________
  8. (b) List 2 examples of primary colour? ______________________, ________________________
  9. (a) What is music? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  10. (b) draw 2 local musical instruments you know and colour them?
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