Third Term Examinations Primary 1 Civic Education





1)            is a feeling of appreciation towards people, places and things (a)salute  (b)Respect   (c)Obedience 

2)    We show respect to our parents and elders by             them (a)greeting  (b)hissing   (c)beating 

3)    We should respect the national flag by         (a)tearing  (b)reciting   (c)saluting 

4)    We should respect places like             (a)Money   (b)police station  (c)toilet 

5)    We respect the government by             (a)saluting  (b)paying our taxes  (c)greeting our parents 

6)                simply refer to those factors that make food unsafe and dangerous for eating and drinking (a)food safety    (b)Risk factor   (c)food distribution 

7)            is a clear colourless, odourless and tasteless liquid  (a)sand  (b)petrol   (c)water 

8)    It is good to always             food or fruits before eating them (a)wash  (b)tear  (c)spit 

9)    Unsafe food can lead to the         of consumers (a)dream   (b)death  (c)play 

10)    Water is an important item in life True/False 

11)    Where water comes from is called the             (a)House  (b)source  (c)hole

12)    We use             for washing plates, car, clothes and other things (a)water  (b)sand  (c)petrol 

13)    A good water must not have             (a)sweet   (b)biscuit   (c)colour 

14)    We get water from springs tap, stream and             (a)Bush   (b)rainfall   (c)pit 

15)    Accident that happen on our road are called             accident (a) Air   (b)Sea   (c)Road 

16)    We can avoid road accidents by                 traffic rules. (a)disobeying (b)Obeying  (c)avoiding  

17)    The storing of petrol and other chemical substances in the home or near places like kitchen can cause         (a)Water explosion   (b)Sand outbreak    (c)Fire outbreak 

18)                are people we do not know well or are not familiar with (a)strangers  (b)visitors  (c)Pastor 

19)    We should avoid         to people we do not know (a)running   (b)shaking  (c)talking 

20)    Taking fake drugs can lead to             (a)death   (b)sleep   (c)wake 


1)    Respect is a feeling of            

2)    We must show respect to our parent by                     them. 

3)    We must                     our national currency. 

4)                is a colourless, odourless and tasteless liquid. 

5)                is a sources of water 

6)    Road accident happens on the                  

7)    We should not                 to strangers     

8)    We should                 our food if we are not ready to eat it yet 

9)    We can get water from                     10)    We use water for                


1)    What is Respect?                                                           

2)    Mention any 3 places we should respect 

    (a)                            (b)                            (c)                       

3)    Mention 2 things we should respect in our community 

    (a)                            (b)                       

4)    What is water?                                                        

5)    List 3 uses of water?     (a)                           

    (b)                                (c)                           

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