Third Term Exams Home Economics Primary 3


SUBJECT: HOME ECONOMICS                                   CLASS: PRIMARY 3

1)    Which of these foods contain carbohydrate?   (a)beans       (b)Vegetables   (c)Rice 

2)            is one of the food we can find in our locality (a)Yam  (b)Pizza   (c)Lettuce 

3)    Fish belongs to one of these classes of food (a)Protein  (b)Vitamin   (c)Fats /Oil 

4)    The food we eat contain             called nutrients (a)Poison  (b)Chemical   (c)Rodents 

5)            provide the body with the needed materials for growth and development (a)nutrient (b)nuisance (c)neutral 

6)            gives the body energy needed for daily activities (a)Protein  (b)Carbohydrate  (c)Fats 

7)    Vitamins and minerals protect the body from             (a)Safety  (b)Health  (c)diseases 

8)                belongs to a class of food that insulate the body (a)Water  (b)Vitamin   (c)Fats/Oil 

9)    Corn can be used to prepare             (a)Corn flakes  (b)cucumber   (c)egg 

10)    One of these is not a fruit (a)banana   (b)Orange   (c)Onion 

11)    An example of a tuber is             (a)meat   (b)potato   (c)mango 

12)    Eating only one type of food can result to             (a)Sound health  (b)Good health  (c)Mal nutrition 

13)    Lack of protein can cause a deficiency called             (a)Kwashiorkor  (b)Dysentery  (c)Diarrhea

14)    Scurvy can occur as a result of deficiency in                 (a)Vitamin A  (b)Vitamin B     (c)Vitamin C 

15)    Having rough and reddish skin can be as a result of             (a)Scurry  (b)Pellagra  (c)Ricket 

16)    Water is very important because it aids             (a)balance  (b)Vitamins  (c)digestion 

17)    Fish and meat belong to             food group (a)body building  (b)protective  (c)Energy giving 

18)    Butter and margarine belong to the             and             group (a)Protein (b)Water  (c)Fat and Oil 

19)    Garri and rice are examples of             food (a)Energy giving  (b)maintenance  (c)protective 

20)    Body building foods can also be referred to as             (a)Carbohydrate   (b)Vitamin  (c)Protein 


1)                and                 are common foodstuffs in our locality 

2)                    is one of the function of food nutrient 

3)                    can be used to prepare Yam flour (Amala) 

4)                    is a class of food that helps the body to grow. 

5)    Vitamins and minerals belong to             and                 food group 

6)                    is a sickness which can occur as a result of eating only one type of food 

7)    Lack of vitamin D can make a child to have                        

8)    Deficiency in protein can cause a disease known as                        

9)    Examples of energy giving food are                 and                   

10)    Fruits and vegetables belongs to                 food group 


1)    List ten common foodstuffs in our locality: (i) __________________________ (ii) _________________________

iii._________________________iv. ________________________v. _____________________vi. _____________________

vii. ______________________________viii. ______________________ix. ___________________ x. ___________________ 

2)    The major minerals are ________________  ______________________, __________________, _________________

3)    List three classes of food and give one example each 

    (a)            ______e.g _________    (b)                e.g ____      (c)                e.g ______

4)    What do we use food stuffs for? ___________________________________________________________________

    Write out two types of food stuff we can prepare with the following 




5)    Eating only one type of food can result to various kinds of diseases. List any 4 and write out the effects 

            Diseases                         Effects 

  1. A)   ___________________________         __________________________________
  2. B)   ___________________________         __________________________________


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