Agricultural Science SS 3 First Term Examination


Agricultural Science



SS 3



First Term / 1st Term



Week 12



First Term Agricultural Science SS 3 Examination 



  1. The deficiency symptom peculiar to Vitamin B in livestock is………
    A)night blindness B)sterility C)loss of appetite D) delay in blood clotting.
  2. Which of the following is not a symptom of Malnutrition in Livestock………
    A) bloat B) night blindness C) milk Fever D) anaemia
  3. When an animal is being fed on a ration that does not increase its value but keeps the animal in good health and constant weight, the animal is said to be on ……… ration
    A) Production B) maintenance C) concentrate D) balanced.
  4. Digestion of protein starts in the ___
    A) stomach B) duodenum C) mouth D) small intestine
  5. Which of the following classes of nutrient is used mainly for energy production in farm animals? A) Carbohydrates B) protein C) vitamins D) minerals
  6. The following are extension methods except _____. A) mass method B) individual method(C) group method D) none of the above
  7. Agricultural extension serves as ____ between research institute and farmers A) gap(B) command centers C) bridge D) extension
  8. Categories of farmers based on adoption of innovation are the following except____(A) early adopter B) late adopter C) never adopter D) none of the above
  9. Television, radio, posters, bulletin are ____ method of extension A) group B) mass C) media D) individual
  10. Which of the following grouping of extension method provides feedback A) mass method and individual method B) personal method and mass method C) individual method and group method D) group method and mass method
  11. Which of the following are the cheapest methods of preserving fish? a. salting and sun drying b. freezing and chilling c. salting and canning d. smoking and canning.
  12. Which of the following is the major function of an air-pump in an aquarium(a) . eliminating fish waste from the aquarium b. supplying oxygen to the fish in the aquarium d. eliminating foul odour from the aquarium.
  13. In ponds, fish is usually caught with the following except a. trawler b. cast net c. fish trap d.hook and line.
  14. Which of the following is the reason for smoking fish? a. removing parasites b. preserving it c.increasing its flavour d. decreasing its flavour.
  15. Which of the following pond maintenance operation will ensure adequate supply of oxygen and hygienic conditions for fish in a pond? a. deweeding b. desilting c. fertilization d.eradication of predators
  16. Which of the following statements is true of a pig which has only one testis? A)it will be sterile b)it can still produce viable sperm c)all the spermatozoa will be dead d)it will not be able to mate a sow
  17. How can the offspring of a bull continue to be produced long after its death? By a)collecting the semen of the offspring for use in artificial insemination b)crossing the male and the female offspring c)preserving the body of the dead animal d)using the preserved semen for artificial insemination.
  18. Which of these is not a method of collecting semen? A)reseeding b)Artificial Vaginac)Massage method d)Electro-ejaculation e)Recovery of semen from the Vagina after service.
  19. Cost and ease of importing is considerably reduced when buying the following inputs(a)Foreign bull b) Tractor c) Semen d) Sprinkler
  20. Sterility could occur during the practices of the following except a) artificial insemination b)castration c) bad hygiene d) balanced ration intake
  21. Financial assistance from the government to the farmer is usually in the following forms except (a) loan (b) credit (c) tax (d) subsidy.
  22. The assistance given to a farmer by the government in form of reduction in price is a, input b, credit c, loan d, subsidy.
  23. The following are sources of agricultural credit except a) agricultural bank b) cooperative society c) commercial d) mortgage bank.
  24. Short term credit can be used to purchase the following except a) improved seed b) fertilizer c) herbicides d) tractor.
  25. Investment with long life span in agricultural economics are otherwise known as a) labour b) capital c) profit d) savings deposit.
  26. ___ is the mechanism by which insurer provides financial compensation to the insured in an attempt to place the insured back to the position he was before the loss A. Premium B. Loan C. Indemnity D. Subsidy
  27. All these are forms of agricultural insurance policy except A. Crop insurance B. Livestock insurance C. Marine insurance D. Motor vehicle insurance
  28. ___ deals with the insurance of human life either in death, retirement or disability. A. Crop insurance B.  Specific enterprise insurance C. Livestock insurance D. Life assurance
  29. ___ is the consideration given by the insured in return for the insurer’s undertaking to indemnify the insured in the manner agreed on the happening of a specified occurrence. A. Premium B. Loan C. Indemnity D. Subsidy
  30. Agricultural risk includes the following except A. Personal risk B. Yield risk C. Price risk (d) Premium risk





Part B. Theory 

  1. What is malnutrition in farm animals?
  2. What is nutritional deficiency?
  3. Highlight five malnutrition diseases; causes, symptoms and corrections.
  4. What is animal nutrition
  5. Write short note on the following
    • a. maintenance ration
    • b. production ration
    • c. balanced ration
    • d. malnutrition
  6. Mention four factors normally considered when deciding the type of feed an animal should be placed on.(WASSCE 2001 question 7)
  7. a. What is meant by agricultural extension
    b. Discuss briefly how the following can be used in disseminating new ideas and techniques to farmers in Nigeria
    Mass media
    Individual method
    Group method.
  8. List three main types of extension teaching method and explain any two of them.
  9.  Mention four target group of the extension agent
  10. Discuss five important qualities of a good extension worker
  11. State four functions of an extension worker
  12. Mention three print and electronic media used in disseminating agricultural extension
  13. State four advantage of group method of agricultural extension. (WASSCE 2016 question 6a and b).
  14. Outline four stages involved in agricultural extension program planning
  15. Give two examples of individual method of disseminating agricultural innovations. (NECO 2018 question 9c and d).
  16. State two advantages and one disadvantage of each of the following agricultural extension teaching
    • Newspaper
    • Television
    • Demonstration
    • Farm visit
    • Home visit
  17. Explain the following agricultural extension teaching method I
    • Poster
    • Field trips
    • News bulletin
    • Agricultural shows
  18. List three agricultural extension programmes in west Africa
  19. How does agricultural extension affect agricultural production.
  20. Explain five fishery regulations being used in Nigeria.
  21. Explain how each of these practices can bring about high yield from a fish pond.
    •  de-weeding
    • de-silting.
    • supplementary feeding
    •  fertilization.
  22. a. Describe five factors required for establishing a fish pond
  23. b. Enumerate six management practices for maintaining high fish yield (WASSCE 1989 question 7).
  24. What is artificial insemination?
  25. List four animals on which artificial insemination can be carried out.




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