Insects: Common Farm Insects in Our Environment Agricultural Science Primary 2 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 5

Subject:  Agricultural Science 


Class: Basic 2 / Primary 2 / Year 2


Term: Second Term / 2nd Term


Week: Week 5



Insects: Common Farm Insects in Our Environment


Previous Knowledge: The pupils have previous knowledge of

Insects: Usefulness of Harmful Insects

that was taught in their previous lesson.



Behavioural  Objectives : At the end of the lesson, learners will be able to

  • Say the usefulness of harmful Farm Insects
  • Mention common Farm Insects in Our Environment


Instructional Materials 

  • Wall Charts showing types of Insects
  • Online Resource
  • Textbooks
  • Scheme of work
  • 9- Year Basic


Methods of Teaching 

  • Role modelling
  • Questions and Answers
  • Explanation
  • Discussion
  • Recitation
  • Imitation
  • Story Telling
  • Dramatization




Insects: Common Farm Insects in Our Environment


These are some familiar and usually seen farm Insects in Our Environment

  1. Ants
  2. Butterfly
  3. Praying mantis
  4. Bee
  5. Mosquitoes
  6. Beetles
  7. Bug
  8. Lice
  9. Ticks
  10. Grasshoppers
  11. Locust
  12. Ladybug
  13. Termites
  14. Wasp
  15. Tsetse flies
  16. Houseflies
  17. Caterpillar
  18. Weevil



Carefully Selected Second Term Examination Links For Revision

We often see many insects around us in the environment. Some common ones include ants, butterflies, bees, and mosquitoes. There are also praying mantises, beetles, bugs, and lice. Ticks, grasshoppers, locusts, and ladybugs are also common. We might encounter termites, wasps, and tsetse flies too. Houseflies, caterpillars, and weevils are among them as well.



Examples of Dangerous Insects in our Homes

Usefulness, Benefits and Importance of Insects around Us in the Environment

  1. Pollination: Insects like bees, butterflies, and some beetles help pollinate flowers, allowing plants to produce fruits and seeds.
  2. Natural Pest Control: Predatory insects such as ladybugs, praying mantises, and some beetles feed on harmful pests, helping to keep their populations in check.
  3. Decomposition: Insects like beetles and bugs aid in the decomposition of organic matter, breaking down dead plants and animals into nutrients that enrich the soil.
  4. Food Source: Many insects serve as food for other animals, forming an essential part of the food chain.
  5. Seed Dispersal: Insects like ants and beetles help disperse seeds by carrying them to different locations, aiding in plant propagation and diversity.
  6. Aeration of Soil: Burrowing insects such as ants and earthworms create tunnels in the soil, improving its structure and allowing better air and water penetration.
  7. Honey Production: Bees play a crucial role in producing honey, a valuable food source for humans and other animals.
  8. Silk Production: Certain insects, like silkworms, produce silk fibers used in the textile industry for making fabrics and other materials.
  9. Ecological Balance: Overall, insects contribute to the balance of ecosystems by serving various ecological roles, including nutrient recycling and predator-prey relationships.
  10. Scientific Research: Insects are often studied by scientists to understand biodiversity, ecology, and other important aspects of the natural world, leading to advancements in agriculture, medicine, and other fields.




The topic is presented step by step

Step 1: The class teacher revises the old topic

Step 2: The class teacher introduces the new topic

Step 3: The class teacher allows the pupils to give their own contributions and gives room for pupils” participation



Class Teacher and Pupils Activities. Interaction or Participation 

This involves class teacher and pupils’ interaction, conversation, imitation or modeling through discussion, play method or just by recitation or asking and answering questions that are related to the topic that has just been taught.



  1. Mention one biting insect
  2. Mention one boring insect
  3. Draw a butterfly
  4. Mention one piercing insect
  5. Mention the three division of the body of an insect
  6. Draw an ant
  7. How many legs do Insects have in all
  8. Mention two useful farm insects
  9. Draw a mosquito
  10. Mention two Usefulness if farm Insects
  11. Mention two harmful Insects that are found in our environment
  12. Say two harmless farm Insects that are commonly seen in our surroundings



  1. Which insect helps in pollinating flowers:
    • (a) Ants (b) Bee (c) Mosquitoes (d) Beetles
  2. Which insect is known for its beautiful wings:
    • (a) Butterfly (b) Ticks (c) Locust (d) Lice
  3. Which insect helps control pests on farms:
    • (a) Praying mantis (b) Ladybug (c) Wasp (d) Caterpillar
  4. Which insect produces honey:
    • (a) Beetle (b) Butterfly (c) Bee (d) Bug
  5. Which insect can spread diseases to humans:
    • (a) Bee (b) Houseflies (c) Ants (d) Tsetse flies
  6. Which insect helps in decomposing dead plants and animals:
    • (a) Grasshoppers (b) Weevil (c) Beetles (d) Houseflies
  7. Which insect aids in soil aeration:
    • (a) Ticks (b) Termites (c) Ants (d) Praying mantis
  8. Which insect is known for its role in silk production:
    • (a) Butterfly (b) Ladybug (c) Caterpillar (d) Locust
  9. Which insect helps disperse seeds:
    • (a) Beetles (b) Wasp (c) Ants (d) Mosquitoes
  10. Which insect is a common pest in homes and farms:
    • (a) Beetle (b) Bug (c) Houseflies (d) Lice
  11. Which insect can cause damage to wooden structures:
    • (a) Grasshoppers (b) Ants (c) Butterfly (d) Bee
  12. Which insect is known for its distinctive red color with black spots:
    • (a) Locust (b) Ladybug (c) Weevil (d) Tsetse flies
  13. Which insect is harmful to crops by eating plant roots:
    • (a) Butterfly (b) Bee (c) Termites (d) Beetles
  14. Which insect can transmit diseases to both animals and humans:
    • (a) Houseflies (b) Caterpillar (c) Praying mantis (d) Wasp
  15. Which insect is commonly found on animals and can cause itching:
    • (a) Mosquitoes (b) Lice (c) Ticks (d) Beetles

Previous Lesson

Insect Pests: Meaning, Classification of Insects with Examples



Primary 1 First Term Scheme of work With Lesson Notes Agricultural Science

Next Lesson 









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