Home Economics Primary 6 First Term Examination





Answer the following questions

1.) We can spend our money wisely by buying ______ (a) phones (b) shares (c) watches

2.) A meal that contains all the classes of food in the right proportion is known as ____ diet

(a) breakfast (b) super (c) balanced

3.) Bulk purchasing and avoiding daily market are ways of avoiding ___________ spending

(a) wasteful (b) wise (c) cash

4.) _______________ is a daily pay (a) salary (b) income (c) wage

5.) Income that is usually earned at the end of the month is known as _____

(a) expenses (b) salary (c) wage

6.) A ___________ is a list of all the dishes available at a restaurant or hotel

(a) dish (b) take away (c) menu

7.) Food is what we eat or drink in order to stay _______ (a) alive (b) dead (c) invincible

8.) The plan for future income and expenditure is known as ______

(a) money (b) budget (c) income

9.) A person whose job is to prepare meal at a restaurant is called a __________

(a) cooker (b) housemaid (c) cook

10.) __________ refers to the process of a buyer learning about the products or services he or she is considering to attain (a) consumer knowledge (b) consumer education (c) consumer product

11.) Special dishes and drinks are served during ______ (a) Christmas (b) breakfast (c) lunch

12.) _________________ dishes are foods that are eaten in different cultures all over the world

(a) traditional (b) continental (c) special

13.) The dishes that are peculiar to a particular culture are referred to as ________ dishes

(a) continental (b) special (c) traditional

14.) Which of the following is not a good eating habit (a) chewing food with mouth closed

(b) drinking water in-between meals (c) chewing food with mouth opened

15.) The best food in the morning is _______

(a) eba with ewedu (b) pounded yam with egusi soup (c) bread and butter with tea

16.) _____________ is the food cooked to be served at a particular time of the day

(a) meal (b) food (c) rice and beans

17.) A professional cook is called a _____ (a) cooker (b) chef (c) olopo

18.) The process of buying food stuff or goods in large quantity is known as ______

(a) bulk selling (b) bulk distribution (c) bulk buying

19.) ____________ habit is the proper way one should behave at the table.

(a) bat eating (b) good eating (c) table eating

20.) In Nigeria, cooking is mostly done by the ______________ at home

(a) father (b) security man (c) mother



Home Economics Primary 5 First Term Examination


Home Economics Primary 4 First Term Examination



Home Economics Primary 3 First Term Examination




Part B

1.) List all the three major daily meal

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

(c) ________________________________

b.) Meal eaten at night is called _____________________________________

2.) State the difference between salary and wage _____________________________________



b.) Which of the two (salary or wages) is your teacher based on at his work place _____________

3.) What is wants? _______________________________________________________________


b.) Give two examples of goods that are wants

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

4.) What is needs? ______________________________________________________________


b.) List two examples of goods that are need

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

5.) Mention four sources of income

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

(c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________














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