1.) ________ is a physical activity that we do always to keep our body in good health
(a) driving (c) exercise (c) fighting
2.) Is dancing an exercise (a) Yes (b) No
3.) Exercise helps the body to keep fit and _________ (a) lazy (b) weak (c) strong
4.) _______________ is a state of relaxation (a) rest (b) lazy (c) eat
5.) We should fold our legs when sleeping (a) true (b) false
6.) Body building food is also known as ______ (a) carbohydrate (b) water (c) protein
7.) Yam, cassava and rice gives us __________ (a) vitamin (b) mineral (c) carbohydrates
8.) Fruits are good for our body (a) yes (b) no
9.) Which food gives us energy (a) mineral (b) vitamin (c) carbohydrates
10.) We can sleep on the following except __________ (a) mat (b) mattress (c) stone
11.) ______________ is the natural state of rest in which the eyes are closed
(a) sleeping (b) bathing (c) working
12.) Balanced diet is also known as _______________
(a) poor diet (b) worst diet (c) adequate diet
13.) It is always good to use mosquito net when sleeping (a) yes (b) no
14.) We eat _______________ to grow strong and healthy (a) food (b) sweat (c) biscuit
15.) Vegetable give us vitamins (a) true (b) false
16.) Rest and sleep reduces tiredness and _____________ of the body
(a) bones (b) weakness (c) skin
17.) All these are examples of proteins food except ______ (a) beans (b) oil (c) egg
18.) __________________ is a fruit juice (a) sweet (b) orange (c) milk
19.) We get calcium from _______________ (a) orange (b) bone (c) bread
20.) Is kitchen part of the home (a) true (b) false
Primary 2 Exam Questions (2020- 2021) First Term, Second Term and Third Term Examination
Home Economics Primary 2 First
Section B:
1.) List three types of exercise you know
(a) ______________________________
(b) ________________________________
(c) ______________________________
2.) Mention two things we sleep on
(a) ______________________________
(b) ________________________________
3.) List three kinds of food that you know
(a) ______________________________
(b) ________________________________
(c) ______________________________
4.) Name three fruits
(a) ______________________________
(b) ________________________________
(c) ______________________________
5.) Balance diet is also known as ___________________________________________
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