Pronunciation practice of three letter words

Subject  :  English Studies 


Class: Basic 1 / Primary 1 / Year 1


Term: Second   Term / 2nd Term


Week: Week 4



Pronunciation practice


Previous Knowledge: The pupils have previous knowledge of



Representation of Objects with number

that was taught in their previous lesson.



Behavioural  Objectives : At the end of the lesson, learners will be able to

  • Pronounce simple words
  • Identify simple words and pronounce them correctly in sentences



Instructional Materials 

  • Wall charts
  • Pictures
  • Online Resource
  • Textbooks
  • Laptop
  • Jolly Phonics Materials
  • Sound system
  • Bluetooth speaker 🔊


Methods of Teaching 

  • Role modelling
  • Questions and Answers
  • Explanation
  • Discussion
  • Recitation
  • Imitation
  • Story Telling
  • Dramatization



Speech Work


Pronunciation practice


  1. There is one cup on the table
  2. There are four cups on the table
  3. She has one bag
  4. She has two bags
  5. We have one book
  6. We have three books
  7. I have two eyes
  8. The four kittens litter the bin
  9. This is a pencil
  10. These are pencils
  11. This is a cup
  12. These are cups



Vocabulary New words 

  1. Egg
  2. Radio
  3. Car
  4. Desk
  5. Water
  6. Sun
  7. Pot
  8. Ruler
  9. Church
  10. Mosque



Explanation of written instructions

  • Come here
  • Go out
  • Sit down
  • Jump up
  • Dance



Indicating plurals of objects

Plurals of objects are used to refer to objects that are more than one. They may be four, eight, ten or fifty. Once they are more than one, then they are in plural forms

Examples are

One desk – Two desks

One ruler – four rulers

One book – eight books

One bag – seven bags




Introduction of three letter words by spelling and blending of letters to pronounce the words

  • Red
  • Let
  • Get
  • Met
  • Goat
  • Mill
  • Hill
  • Dog



Presentation  : 

The topic is presented step by step

Step 1 : The class teacher revises the old topic

Step 2 : The class teacher introduces the new topic

Step 3 : The class teacher allows the pupils to give their own contributions and gives room for pupils” participation


Class Teacher And Pupils Activities. Interaction or Participation 

This involves class teacher and pupils’ interaction, conversation, imitation or modeling through discussion, play method or just by recitation or asking and answering questions that are related to the topic that has just been taught

  • The class teacher makes pupils to identify these sound letters
  • The class teacher makes the pupils to pronounce the sounds




Write out the plural forms of these words

  • Clock –
  • Desk –
  • Door –
  • Bag –
  • Duster –
  • Pencil –
  • Chair –

Fill the gaps with either four, nine or eight

  • We saw ____ rats under the mat
  • My mummy has ___ hats
  • There are ___ cups on the table
  • James ____ dogs
  • Victor has ___ bicycle
  • Elizabeth has ____ pairs of shoes


Previous Lesson 

Representation of Objects with number

Next Lesson

Explain Synonyms with examples

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