
  1.  Pests can be categorized into _________ groups (a) 3 (b) 2 (c) 4
  2. The type of farming where food crops are produced for family consumption is known as ___
    (a) commercial farming (b) subsistence farming (c) tangua farming
  3. Which of the following is not an example of cash crop (a) cocoa (b) beans (c) timber
  4. ____________ is a farm record that shows the day-to-day activities on the farm
    (a) farm inventory (b) farm diary (c) purchase record
  5. The following pests are insects that bite and chew except _____
    (a) grasshopper (b) butterfly (c) aphids
  6. What is the first step in rearing farm animals?
    • a) Providing shelter
    • b) Feeding properly
    • c) Choosing the right animals
    • d) Giving water
  7. Why is it important to clean animal pens regularly?
    • a) To make them smell nice
    • b) To prevent diseases and keep animals healthy
    • c) To attract more animals
    • d) To make them look good
  8. What should you give animals to eat?
    • a) Junk food
    • b) Nutritious food like grains and vegetables
    • c) Sugary snacks
    • d) None of the above
  9. How can you protect animals from predators?
    • a) By leaving them outside at night
    • b) By installing fences and using guard dogs
    • c) By ignoring them
    • d) By keeping them indoors all the time
  10. What should you do if an animal is sick?
    • a) Nothing, let it get better on its own
    • b) Treat it for illnesses and call a vet if needed
    • c) Ignore it and hope it gets better
    • d) Sell it to someone else
  11. How often should you clean animal pens?
    • a) Once a year
    • b) Every day
    • c) Only when they start to smell bad
    • d) Never
  12. What should you do before breeding animals?
    • a) Nothing, just let them mate whenever they want
    • b) Separate male and female animals for breeding
    • c) Let them breed with any animal they want
    • d) Sell the animals before they breed
  13. Why is it important to keep records?
    • a) To have something to do
    • b) To keep track of important events like births and vaccinations
    • c) To make the farm look organized
    • d) None of the above
  14. How can you dispose of animal waste safely?
    • a) Throw it in the river
    • b) Use it as fertilizer for crops
    • c) Leave it in the field
    • d) Burn it
  15. Why should you provide shelter for animals?
    • a) To make them feel claustrophobic
    • b) To protect them from rain, sun, and predators
    • c) To keep them indoors all the time
    • d) To make them feel uncomfortable
  16. What should you do if you notice an animal behaving differently?
    • a) Ignore it
    • b) Watch for signs of illness or distress and take action accordingly
    • c) Punish the animal
    • d) Sell the animal
  17. How can you protect animals from diseases?
    • a) By ignoring them
    • b) By vaccinating them and providing proper healthcare
    • c) By feeding them unhealthy food
    • d) By leaving them outside in the rain
  18. What should you do if you need advice about rearing farm animals?
    • a) Ask experienced farmers or veterinarians
    • b) Make up your own solutions
    • c) Ignore the problem
    • d) Sell the animals
  19. How can you help animals feel comfortable?
    • a) By treating them with care and kindness
    • b) By ignoring them
    • c) By scaring them
    • d) By feeding them only once a week
  20. Why is it important to provide clean water for animals?
    • a) Because they don’t need water
    • b) Because water helps keep them hydrated and healthy
    • c) Because it’s fun to watch them drink
    • d) Because they can find water on their own
  21. Organisms that live and depend on other organisms called ‘host’ for survival are known as___
    (a) pests (b) parasites (c) diseases
  22. Which of the following is not an example of ectoparasites (a) tick (b) lice (c) tapeworm
  23. All the following are characteristics of commercial farming except ______
    (a) it is done on a large scale of land (b) food crops are basically grown
    (c) the use of modern farm tools such as machines
  24. Which of these crop is used in the textile industry (a) cotton (b) rubber (c) cocoa
  25. The following are common agents that cause diseases to crops except ______
    (a) bacteria (b) nutrient (c) fungi
  26. What do chickens need for shelter?
    • a) Nest boxes
    • b) Chicken coop
    • c) Rabbit hutch
    • d) Dog kennel
  27. What should you feed rabbits?
    • a) Grains and vegetables
    • b) Meat and bones
    • c) Candy and chocolate
    • d) Rocks and sand
  28. What is essential for snails’ habitat?
    • a) Dry environment
    • b) Moist and shaded area
    • c) Hot and sunny place
    • d) Concrete floor
  29. What do rabbits live in?
    • a) Chicken coop
    • b) Dog house
    • c) Rabbit hutch
    • d) Bird cage
  30. What do chickens drink?
    • a) Soda
    • b) Juice
    • c) Clean water
    • d) Milk
  31. What should you feed chickens?
    • a) Candy
    • b) Grass
    • c) Grains and vegetables
    • d) Rocks
  32. What do snails eat?
    • a) Fruits and vegetables
    • b) Meat
    • c) Candy
    • d) Bread
  33. What should you provide for rabbits to hop around?
    • a) A small cage
    • b) A big field
    • c) A swimming pool
    • d) A tree
  34. What is important for snails’ habitat?
    • a) Sunshine
    • b) Shade and moisture
    • c) Dryness
    • d) Wind
  35. What should you give chickens for nutrition?
    • a) Grains and vegetables
    • b) Candy and chocolate
    • c) Chips and soda
    • d) Toys and games
  36. Where do rabbits live?
    • a) In the water
    • b) In the sky
    • c) In the ground
    • d) In the trees
  37. What is essential for chicken shelter?
    • a) A rabbit hutch
    • b) A dog kennel
    • c) A chicken coop
    • d) A cat cage
  38. What is the primary food for rabbits?
    • a) Grass and leaves
    • b) Rocks and sand
    • c) Candy and sweets
    • d) Fish and meat
  39. What do chickens need for a happy life?
    • a) Dirty water
    • b) A small cage
    • c) Clean water and food
    • d) Loud noises
  40. What is important for snails’ food?
    • a) Dirt
    • b) Rocks
    • c) Fruits and vegetables
    • d) Plastic
  41. Animals with a simple stomach are called ______
    (a) monogastric animals (b) polygastric animals (c) ruminant animals
  42. An example of work animal is _____ (a) dog (b) camel (c) chicken
  43. The process of separating sick animals from the healthy animals is known as ___
    (a) culling (b) weaning (c) breeding
  44. _____________ can be used to control pests (a) fungicides (b) pesticides (c) insecticides
  45.  Animals that live in water are called__ (a) aquatic animals (b) arboreal animals (c) terrestrial
  46. The uppermost layer of the earth surface in which plants grow and animals live is known as_
    (a) rock (b) soil (c) water
  47.  __________ are any organism that is capable of causing damage to our plants
    (a) parasites (b) pests (c) diseases
  48. The breaking down of rocks into smaller particles is known as _____
    (a) watering (b) cracking (c) weathering
  49. ____________ are crops that complete their life cycle in more than two seasons
    (a) annual crops (b) biennial crops (c) perennial crops
  50. Which of the following is not an example of a simple farm tools (a) plough (b) hoe (c) cutlass
  51. The intensive system of rearing farm animals maximizes ________.
    • a) space usage
    • b) freedom for animals
    • c) natural behaviors
    • d) environmental benefits
  52. Animals in the extensive system have the freedom to ________.
    • a) roam and graze
    • b) stay confined in cages
    • c) eat only processed feed
    • d) receive constant medical care
  53. The extensive system is advantageous because it requires ________ land and labor.
    • a) less
    • b) more
    • c) no
    • d) unpredictable
  54. Animals in the intensive system may experience stress due to ________.
    • a) freedom to roam
    • b) controlled feeding
    • c) confinement
    • d) natural behaviors
  55. The extensive system is susceptible to ________ and diseases.
    • a) higher productivity
    • b) lower productivity
    • c) environmental pollution
    • d) predation
  56. In the intensive system, animals depend heavily on external inputs like ________.
    • a) natural pasture
    • b) fresh air
    • c) processed feed
    • d) sunshine
  57. Semi-intensive systems combine aspects of both ________ and ________ systems.
    • a) intensive, extensive
    • b) semi-intensive, extensive
    • c) extensive, natural
    • d) controlled, free-range
  58. The extensive system has minimal environmental pollution due to ________.
    • a) natural waste dispersal
    • b) confinement
    • c) controlled feeding
    • d) limited space
  59. The intensive system requires ________ land compared to the extensive system.
    • a) less
    • b) more
    • c) the same amount of
    • d) unpredictable amounts of
  60. Semi-intensive systems provide some freedom for animals while still controlling ________ and ________.
    • a) feeding, breeding
    • b) space usage, land
    • c) labor, costs
    • d) water, air
  61. The extensive system is advantageous because animals graze on ________.
    • a) processed feed
    • b) natural pasture
    • c) concrete floors
    • d) cages
  62. Animals in the intensive system are kept in confined spaces, maximizing ________.
    • a) freedom
    • b) environmental benefits
    • c) space usage
    • d) natural behaviors
  63. The semi-intensive system requires ________ compared to the intensive system.
    • a) less management
    • b) more management
    • c) the same amount of management
    • d) unpredictable amounts of management
  64. Animals in the extensive system have minimal stress due to ________.
    • a) confinement
    • b) controlled feeding
    • c) freedom to roam
    • d) dependency on external inputs
  65. The extensive system is advantageous because it has minimal ________.
    • a) productivity
    • b) environmental pollution
    • c) land and labor requirements
    • d) diseases
  66. All the following are examples of food crops except _______ (a) cocoa (b) maize (c) yams
  67. _____________ is the record that shows all the assets that are present on the farm
    (a) farm diary (b) sales record (c) farm inventory
  68. The _____________ record shows that amount of labour hired on the farm
    (a) sales (b) labour (c) purchase
  69.  A doctor trained to take care of farm animals and treat them when sick is known as _____
    (a) dentist (b) occultist (c) veterinarian
  70. ____________ is the removal of unwanted plants from the farm
    (a) weeding (b) harrowing (c) thinning
  71. Cocoa is used to produce _______ (a) Tyre/Dunlop (b) textile (c) beverages
  72.  Which of the following is an example of farm record
    (a) drawing book (b) photo album (c) farm diary
  73.  ___________ records shows that day to day activities on the farm
    (a) farm diary (b) farm inventory (c) sales record
  74. Rubber, cocoa and timber are examples of ____ (a) food crops (b) cash crops (c) herbal crops
  75. Which of the following crops is used for weaving (a) latex (b) fibre (c) cotton
  76. ________ are annoying insects that bother farm animals and spread diseases.
    • a) Flies
    • b) Birds
    • c) Fish
    • d) Ants
  77. Ticks are small ________ that attach to animals and suck their blood.
    • a) birds
    • b) arachnids
    • c) mammals
    • d) insects
  78. Lice are tiny insects that live on the skin of animals and feed on their ________.
    • a) fur
    • b) blood
    • c) feathers
    • d) scales
  79. Mites can cause itching and skin irritation in farm animals, similar to ________.
    • a) flies
    • b) lice
    • c) worms
    • d) ticks
  80. Worms are ________ parasites that live in the digestive tract of animals.
    • a) external
    • b) internal
    • c) flying
    • d) crawling
  81. Regular ________ helps reduce the presence of pests in animal pens.
    • a) feeding
    • b) cleaning
    • c) spraying
    • d) medication
  82. Proper sanitation involves disposing of animal ________ properly.
    • a) food
    • b) waste
    • c) medication
    • d) water
  83. Using ________ can keep pests away from farm animals.
    • a) dewormers
    • b) vaccines
    • c) pest repellents
    • d) antibiotics
  84. ________ are administered to treat and prevent parasite infestations in animals.
    • a) Vaccines
    • b) Dewormers
    • c) Antibiotics
    • d) Insecticides
  85. Quarantine involves isolating ________ animals to prevent the spread of parasites.
    • a) healthy
    • b) sick
    • c) old
    • d) young
  86. Flies are common pests that bother farm animals and spread ________.
    • a) diseases
    • b) food
    • c) water
    • d) medication
  87. Ticks are small ________ that can cause discomfort to animals.
    • a) mammals
    • b) arachnids
    • c) birds
    • d) insects
  88. Lice feed on the ________ of animals and can cause itching.
    • a) feathers
    • b) fur
    • c) scales
    • d) blood
  89. Proper sanitation involves disposing of animal ________ to prevent pests.
    • a) food
    • b) waste
    • c) medication
    • d) water
  90. Using pest ________ can help keep farm animals free from pests.
    • a) dewormers
    • b) vaccines
    • c) repellents
    • d) antibiotics
  91. Diseases of farm animals are illnesses or health conditions that affect ________ raised on farms.
    • a) humans
    • b) plants
    • c) animals
    • d) machines
  92. The causes of diseases in farm animals can include bacteria, viruses, parasites, poor ________, and environmental factors.
    • a) weather
    • b) nutrition
    • c) education
    • d) transportation
  93. Foot-and-Mouth Disease affects cloven-hoofed animals like cows and pigs, causing fever and blisters on the mouth and ________.
    • a) nose
    • b) ears
    • c) feet
    • d) tail
  94. Mastitis is an inflammatory condition of the udder in dairy cows, often caused by ________, resulting in reduced milk production.
    • a) parasites
    • b) viruses
    • c) bacteria
    • d) fungi
  95. Newcastle Disease is a viral infection affecting ________, causing respiratory and nervous system symptoms.
    • a) pigs
    • b) cows
    • c) chickens
    • d) goats
  96. Scours is diarrhea in young calves, often caused by bacterial or viral infections, leading to ________ and weakness.
    • a) dehydration
    • b) overhydration
    • c) hunger
    • d) strength
  97. Blackleg is a bacterial infection in cattle, causing sudden death due to gas accumulation in ________.
    • a) muscles
    • b) bones
    • c) organs
    • d) skin
  98. Diseases of farm animals affect their ________ and overall well-being.
    • a) nutrition
    • b) environment
    • c) health
    • d) education
  99. Farmers need to understand the causes of diseases to take ________ measures to protect their animals.
    • a) preventive
    • b) destructive
    • c) harmful
    • d) aggressive
  100. What are diseases of farm animals?
    • a) Illnesses or health conditions that affect animals raised on farms.
    • b) Medicines used to treat farm animals.
    • c) Food given to farm animals.
    • d) Equipment used on farms.
  101. What can cause diseases in farm animals?
    • a) Bacteria, viruses, parasites, poor nutrition, and environmental factors.
    • b) Sunshine and rain.
    • c) Farmers and veterinarians.
    • d) Plants and trees.
  102. What is one example of a disease that affects cows and pigs?
    • a) Foot-and-Mouth Disease.
    • b) Newcastle Disease.
    • c) Scours.
    • d) Blackleg.
  103. Which disease affects the udder in dairy cows?
    • a) Mastitis.
    • b) Foot-and-Mouth Disease.
    • c) Newcastle Disease.
    • d) Scours.
  104. What type of infection is Blackleg in cattle?
    • a) Bacterial.
    • b) Viral.
    • c) Fungal.
    • d) Parasitic.
  105. Why is it important for farmers to understand farm animal diseases?
    • a) To protect their animals’ health.
    • b) To harm their animals.
    • c) To sell their animals.
    • d) To ignore their animals’ health.

Rearing of Chicken, Rabbits and Snails Agricultural Science Primary 5 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 4

Section B

  1. What is a basic need for chickens’ shelter?
  2. What should you feed rabbits for good health?
  3. Where do snails thrive best?
  4. What do chickens drink to stay hydrated?
  5. What is important for rabbits’ habitat?
  6. Why is feeding important for farm animals?
  7. What should you keep track of when managing farm animals?
  8. How does sanitation contribute to animal health?
  9. What should you do if an animal is sick?
  10. How can shelters protect animals?
  11. What are the three main systems of rearing farm animals?
  12. Describe the intensive system of farming.
  13. What are the advantages of the extensive system?
  14. Explain why animals in the intensive system may experience stress.
  15. How does the semi-intensive system balance freedom and control for animals?
  16. Define farming?
  17. List two types of farming
  18. Define farm records?
  19. Mention three examples of farm records
  20. State five importance of farming
  21. What are parasites?
  22. Give two examples each
    (a) Ecto parasite:
    (b) Endo parasites:
  23. Pests are
  24.  Mention one example of the following pest
    (i) Insect:  (iii) Rodent:
    (ii) Birds:
  25. What are common pests and parasites of farm animals?
  26. Why are pests and parasites harmful to farm animals?
  27. How can farmers control pests and parasites through regular cleaning?
  28. What is proper sanitation, and why is it important for controlling pests and parasites?
  29. What are dewormers, and how do they help control parasites?
  30. Describe a situation where pests might bother farm animals.

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