ENGLISH STUDIES   3RD TERM Simple sentences

Nursery 1



SUBJECT:      ENGLISH STUDIES             CLASS: NUR 1         

Simple sentences

1.What is this?  

It is a    Image result for a treein white background"(a) Table cup tree



2.What are these?    

They are  _________(a) baskets, balls apples )




3.What is this?         

It is a ____________(a) House, bed man )



4.What is this? (ball, Chair computer )

It is a _________(a) ball, cub)




5.What is this? 

It is a ________( man , boy , fish )



Use vowel “a” to fill the gaps

  1. C__t
  2. M___t
  3. C____n
  4. E___t
  5. F___n


Third Term Nursery

School Suggested Notes and Scheme of work For Nursery 1

Age 1 to 3 years

Third Term




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