Dos and Don’ts of the society Civic Education Primary 1

Lesson Plan Presentation

Subject: Civic Education

Class: Primary 1

Term: Second Term

Week: 4

Topic: Dos and Don’ts of the Society

Sub-topic: Understanding Proper Behavior in Our Community

Duration: 40 minutes

Entry Behaviour: Students are expected to recall some behaviors they think are good or bad in the community.

Key Words:

  • Dos
  • Don’ts
  • Kindness
  • Share
  • Listen
  • Help
  • Cleanliness
  • Mean
  • Borrow
  • Interrupt
  • Homework
  • Litter

Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Define and understand the meaning of “Dos and Don’ts.”
  2. Identify and list appropriate behaviors in the community.
  3. Demonstrate understanding by categorizing behaviors as dos or don’ts.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Communication
  • Critical thinking
  • Social awareness

Learning Materials:

  • Flashcards with key words
  • Pictures illustrating dos and don’ts
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Examples of good and bad behavior in the community



Instructional Materials:

  • Wall charts
  • Pictures
  • Related Online Video
  • Flash Cards

Methods of Teaching:

  • Class Discussion
  • Group Discussion
  • Asking Questions
  • Explanation
  • Role Modelling
  • Role Delegation


Reference Materials:

  • Scheme of Work
  • Online Information
  • Textbooks
  • Workbooks
  • 9-Year Basic Education Curriculum
  • Workbooks


Content :



  1. Be kind to others.
  2. Share with your friends.
  3. Listen to your teachers.
  4. Help your classmates.
  5. Keep our school clean.


  1. Don’t be mean to anyone.
  2. Don’t take things that aren’t yours.
  3. Don’t interrupt when others are talking.
  4. Don’t forget your homework.
  5. Don’t litter in our community


Prepare for the next lesson by reading about


  1. Be _____ to others.
    (a) unkind
    b) happy

– c) mean
– d) kind

  1. __________ with your friends.
    a) Fight
    (b) Share
    c) Ignore
    d) Hoard

  2. __________ to your teachers.
    a) Ignore
    (b) Listen
    c) Argue
    d) Shout

  3. __________ your classmates.
    a) Ignore
    b) Help
    c) Tease
    d) Avoid

  4. Keep our school __________.
    a) Dirty
    (b) Noisy
    c) Clean
    d) Clumsy

  5. Don’t be _____ to anyone.
    a) Kind
    (b) Mean
    c) Happy
    d) Generous

  6. Don’t take things that aren’t __________.
    a) Yours
    (b) Important
    c) Small
    d) Shiny

  7. Don’t __________ when others are talking.
    a) Interrupt
    (b) Listen
    c) Shout
    d) Sleep

  8. Don’t forget your __________.
    a) Toys
    b) Homework
    c) Lunch
    d) Games

  9. Don’t __________ in our community.
    a) Clean
    b) Litter
    c) Help
    d) Share

  10. __________ to your elders.
    a) Shout
    (b) Listen
    c) Ignore
    d) Tease

  11. __________ your belongings.
    a) Forget
    (b) Share
    c) Hide

– d) Lose

  1. Don’t __________ your friends.
    a) Trust
    b) Tease
    c) Help
    d) Appreciate

  2. __________ the traffic rules.
    a) Ignore
    b) Follow
    c) Break
    d) Forget

  3. __________ our environment.
    a) Pollute
    b) Clean
    c) Destroy
    d) Ignore



Step 1: (The teacher revises the previous topic which was “Rules and Regulations”)

  • Briefly discuss the key points from the previous lesson.
  • Connect the concept of rules and regulations to the new topic on dos and don’ts.

Step 2: (The teacher introduces the new topic)

  • Define the terms “dos” and “don’ts” in simple language.
  • Show pictures illustrating examples of good and bad behaviors in the community.

Step 3: Teacher’s Activities

  1. Engage students in a discussion about behaviors they think are good or bad.
  2. Use flashcards with key words to reinforce understanding.
  3. Present examples of dos and don’ts in the community, encouraging students to share their thoughts.
  4. Discuss the importance of following dos and avoiding don’ts for a harmonious community.

Learners Activities

  1. Participate in the discussion by sharing their ideas about good and bad behavior.
  2. Practice using flashcards to reinforce key words.
  3. Identify and discuss examples of dos and don’ts shown by the teacher.
  4. Reflect on why following dos is important for a happy community.


  • Observe students’ participation in the discussion.
  • Ask questions to check their understanding during the lesson.
  • Assess their ability to categorize behaviors as dos or don’ts.

Ten Evaluation Questions Related to the Topic:

  1. What does “dos” mean?
  2. Give an example of a “don’t” behavior.
  3. Why is it important to be kind to others?
  4. Name a behavior that is considered a “do” in the community.
  5. Explain why we should listen to our teachers.
  6. Mention a behavior that falls under the category of “don’ts.”
  7. How can you help your classmates?
  8. What is the importance of keeping our community clean?
  9. Share an example of a “dos” behavior when you are playing with friends.
  10. Draw a picture showing good behavior in the community.

Conclusion on the Topic:

  • The teacher goes around to mark and assess pupils’ activities.
  • Reinforce the importance of practicing dos to make our community a better place for everyone
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