Form of marriage Social Studies Primary 3 First Term Lesson Notes Week 7

Subject : Social Studies


Topic :

Form of marriage


Class :

Primary  3/ Basic 3


Term :

1st Term / First Term


Week :

Week 7


Instructional Materials :

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • Textbooks On Social Studies
  • Online Materials
  • Picture Charts



Previous Knowledge :

The pupils have been taught

Marriage practices in Nigeria

in their previous lesson


Behavioural Objectives :  At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to

  • explain forms of marriage 
  • mention types of marriage
  • Explain how marriage is contracted
  • State four objects used in marriage ceremony
  • Explain marriage practices





Form of marriage

This is different from types of marriage and it is also known as marriage customs.For marriage to be accepted as legal or lawful in Nigeria, it must be done in a proper way. The various,proper forms of marriage In Nigeria are:

  1. Traditional or customary marriage.
  2. Christian marriage.
  3. Islamic marriage.
  4. Court marriage or marriage by ordinances or marriage under the act.


1) _____ is different from types of marriage and is also known as marriage customs.
a) Traditional marriage
b) Court marriage
c) Christian marriage
d) Islamic marriage

2) In Nigeria, for a marriage to be accepted as legal, it must be done in a ______ way.
a) Traditional
b) Improper
c) Legal
d) Proper

3) The various proper forms of marriage in Nigeria include all of the following except _______.
a) Court marriage
b) Christian marriage
c) Friendship marriage
d) Islamic marriage

4) Which form of marriage is based on the customs and traditions of a specific community or ethnic group?
a) Christian marriage
b) Court marriage
c) Traditional marriage
d) Islamic marriage

5) _____ marriage is performed according to the rites and rituals of the Christian faith.
a) Traditional
b) Court
c) Christian
d) Islamic

6) What is another term for marriage by ordinances or marriage under the act?
a) Traditional marriage
b) Court marriage
c) Christian marriage
d) Islamic marriage

7) Which form of marriage in Nigeria is recognized and regulated by the Marriage Act?
a) Islamic marriage
b) Traditional marriage
c) Court marriage
d) Christian marriage

8) Traditional or customary marriage is often specific to a particular ______.
a) Religion
b) Ethnic group
c) City
d) Age group

9) In Nigeria, _____ marriages are solemnized in accordance with Islamic laws and customs.
a) Christian
b) Court
c) Traditional
d) Islamic

10) Which form of marriage requires the parties to go through a court or registry for validation?
a) Traditional marriage
b) Court marriage
c) Christian marriage
d) Islamic marriage

11) A _______ marriage is conducted in a church or chapel and is governed by Christian religious practices.
a) Court
b) Traditional
c) Christian
d) Islamic

12) What is the term for a marriage conducted according to the Marriage Act of Nigeria?
a) Traditional marriage
b) Court marriage
c) Christian marriage
d) Islamic marriage

13) Marriage customs that are specific to a particular culture or community are typically associated with _______.
a) Christian marriage
b) Court marriage
c) Traditional marriage
d) Islamic marriage

14) Which form of marriage in Nigeria may involve the exchange of dowry or bride price?
a) Islamic marriage
b) Court marriage
c) Christian marriage
d) Traditional marriage

15) What is the term used to describe a marriage conducted in accordance with Islamic laws and traditions?
a) Traditional marriage
b) Court marriage
c) Christian marriage
d) Islamic marriage

Traditional marriage

This is done according to the laws and customs of a particular people. It is also called customary marriage. Every community has its own method of carrying out traditional marriage. This type of marriage allows a man to marry many wives. When a man marries many wives, it is called polygamous marriage. Traditional marriage can take place anywhere in the community. It is usually hosted by the family of the bride that is the wife. It may take place in the house of the bride’s parents, the extended family’s compound or elsewhere.

The groom gets to pay bride price or bride wealth which is the money paid to the woman’s parents by the man’s parents.



1) Traditional marriage is also known as _______.
a) Customary marriage
b) Court marriage
c) Christian marriage
d) Islamic marriage

2) Traditional marriage is conducted according to the laws and customs of a _______.
a) Particular people
b) Government
c) Religious group
d) Foreign country

3) In a traditional marriage, a man may have the option to marry _______.
a) Only one wife
b) Two wives
c) Many wives
d) No wives

4) When a man marries many wives in a traditional marriage, it is called _______.
a) Monogamous marriage
b) Court marriage
c) Christian marriage
d) Polygamous marriage

5) Traditional marriage can take place _______ in the community.
a) Only in a church
b) Anywhere
c) In a government office
d) In a foreign country

6) Who usually hosts a traditional marriage ceremony?
a) The groom’s family
b) The bride’s family
c) The community elders
d) A government official

7) Traditional marriage ceremonies may occur in various locations, including the house of _______.
a) The groom
b) The religious leader
c) The bride’s parents
d) A court judge

8) What is the term used to describe the money paid to the woman’s parents by the man’s parents in a traditional marriage?
a) Wedding gift
b) Bride price
c) Groom’s fee
d) Marriage cost

9) In traditional marriage, the groom pays _______ to the woman’s parents.
a) Dowry
b) Bride price
c) Alimony
d) Wedding expenses

10) The money paid by the groom’s parents to the woman’s parents is known as _______.
a) Bride price
b) Groom’s fee
c) Wedding gift
d) Dowry

11) Traditional marriage customs and practices vary from _______.
a) Country to country
b) Community to community
c) Religion to religion
d) Season to season

12) Traditional marriage allows for the possibility of a man having multiple _______.
a) Children
b) Wives
c) Husbands
d) In-laws

13) The primary focus of traditional marriage is to uphold the _______ and customs of a community.
a) Religious beliefs
b) Laws
c) Traditions
d) Government regulations

14) In traditional marriage, the bride’s family often plays a significant role in _______.
a) Paying the groom’s family
b) Hosting the ceremony
c) Choosing the groom
d) Performing religious rituals

15) Which type of marriage allows a man to marry many wives?
a) Court marriage
b) Christian marriage
c) Islamic marriage
d) Traditional marriage

Christian marriage

Christian marriage is the type of marriage that is performed by a pastor or a priest in the church. The bride’s and groom’s relatives are always present during the occasion. Many other relations, friends and church members also attend. Christian marriage involves one man, one wife. This is a monogamous marriage.

 Once the bride and the groom are pronounced husband and wife, the wedding is done and they can begin to live together. Christian marriage does not allow divorce. Divorce is when a man and woman decide to end their marriage and separate, to live apart.


1) Christian marriage is performed by a pastor or a priest in the _______.
a) Courthouse
b) Mosque
c) Church
d) Registry office

2) During a Christian marriage, the presence of the _______ is common.
a) Government officials
b) Bride’s and groom’s relatives
c) Strangers
d) Neighbors

3) In Christian marriage, how many spouses are involved?
a) One man, many wives
b) Two men, one wife
c) One man, one wife
d) No fixed number

4) What type of marriage is Christian marriage typically considered?
a) Polygamous
b) Monogamous
c) Arranged
d) Civil

5) Christian marriage is often conducted in a _______.
a) Courthouse
b) Church
c) Temple
d) Park

6) Who officiates a Christian marriage ceremony?
a) Judge
b) Mayor
c) Pastor or priest
d) Lawyer

7) In a Christian marriage, what is the usual number of spouses?
a) One man, many wives
b) Two men, one wife
c) One man, one wife
d) No fixed number

8) When a Christian couple is pronounced husband and wife, the wedding ceremony is _______.
a) Just beginning
b) Complete
c) Paused
d) Postponed

9) What is the term for a marriage involving one man and one woman, as observed in Christian marriage?
a) Polygamous marriage
b) Monogamous marriage
c) Arranged marriage
d) Interfaith marriage

10) In Christian marriage, what is the attitude toward divorce?
a) Divorce is allowed
b) Divorce is discouraged
c) Divorce is prohibited
d) Divorce is recommended

11) Divorce, in the context of Christian marriage, refers to _______.
a) Marriage reconciliation
b) Separation of friends
c) The end of marriage and living apart
d) A joyful celebration

12) What is the common belief regarding divorce in Christian marriage?
a) It is an easy process
b) It is a complicated legal matter
c) It is not allowed
d) It is encouraged

13) During a Christian marriage, who typically pronounces the couple as husband and wife?
a) The bride
b) The groom
c) The pastor or priest
d) A government official

14) Christian marriage ceremonies often include the presence of _______.
a) Only the bride and groom
b) A few close friends
c) The entire community
d) No one except the officiant

15) What distinguishes Christian marriage as a type of marriage?
a) Multiple spouses
b) A specific location
c) One man, one wife
d) Divorce allowed

Islamic marriage

This is performed in the mosque by the Imam. Islamic marriage allows a man to marry as many as four wives, if he can take care of them. It is a polygamous type of marriage. An Islamic service called Nikkaiis performed by a Muslim leader at the bride parents’ house or in the mosque.



1) Islamic marriage is performed in the _______.
a) Church
b) Courthouse
c) Mosque
d) Temple

2) Islamic marriage permits a man to marry as many as _______ wives.
a) Two
b) Three
c) Four
d) Five

3) Islamic marriage is considered a _______ type of marriage.
a) Monogamous
b) Polygamous
c) Arranged
d) Love

4) Who typically conducts the Islamic marriage ceremony?
a) Priest
b) Rabbi
c) Imam
d) Pastor

5) In Islamic marriage, a man can marry up to _______ wives if he can provide for them.
a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) Four

6) What is the Islamic marriage service called?
a) Wedding
b) Ceremony
c) Nikkai
d) Celebration

7) Who performs the Nikkai in Islamic marriage?
a) The bride
b) The groom
c) A Muslim leader
d) A government official

8) The Nikkai in Islamic marriage can take place at the bride’s parents’ house or in the _______.
a) Church
b) Courthouse
c) Mosque
d) Beach

9) Islamic marriage allows for the possibility of a man having _______ wives.
a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) Four

10) Islamic marriage is often referred to as a _______ marriage.
a) Christian
b) Monogamous
c) Polygamous
d) Civil

11) In Islamic marriage, the Imam conducts the ceremony in the _______.
a) Church
b) Courthouse
c) Mosque
d) Temple

12) How many wives is a man allowed to marry in Islamic marriage if he can provide for them?
a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) Four

13) What is the maximum number of wives a man can have in Islamic marriage?
a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) Four

14) The Nikkai ceremony in Islamic marriage can take place in the bride’s parents’ house or in the _______.
a) Church
b) Courthouse
c) Mosque
d) Park

15) What is the term used to describe a marriage that allows a man to have multiple wives?
a) Monogamous marriage
b) Polygamous marriage
c) Arranged marriage
d) Civil marriage

Court marriage or marriage by ordinance

Court marriage can also be called marriage by ordinance or marriage under the marriage act. It takes place in the registry and not in a court of law. It is usually performed by the court registrar or local government official. It allows a man to marry only one wife. A man and a woman who marries another person when the existing marriage has not been dissolved (ended by law) have committed an offence called bigamy.



1) Court marriage can also be referred to as marriage by _______.
a) Love
b) Religion
c) Ordinance
d) Tradition

2) Court marriage takes place in the _______ and not in a court of law.
a) Church
b) Courthouse
c) Mosque
d) Temple

3) Who typically performs a court marriage ceremony?
a) Priest
b) Judge
c) Mayor
d) Court registrar or local government official

4) How many wives is a man allowed to marry in a court marriage?
a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) No limit

5) In a court marriage, a man can marry _______ wife/wives.
a) Many
b) Only one
c) Two
d) As many as he wants

6) Court marriage is also known as marriage under the _______.
a) Mosque
b) Church
c) Marriage Act
d) Temple

7) Where does a court marriage ceremony typically take place?
a) In a church
b) In a courthouse or registry
c) In a mosque
d) In a park

8) Court marriage allows a man to marry _______ wife/wives.
a) Only one
b) Two
c) Three
d) Many

9) In court marriage, a man and a woman who marry another person while their existing marriage is still valid have committed an offence called _______.
a) Bigamy
b) Monogamy
c) Polygamy
d) Polyandry

10) What is the term used to describe marriage by law, as performed in a court marriage?
a) Religious marriage
b) Ordinance marriage
c) Customary marriage
d) Arranged marriage

11) Who is usually responsible for officiating a court marriage?
a) A priest or pastor
b) A judge or court registrar
c) A family elder
d) A community leader

12) How many wives is a man allowed to have in a court marriage?
a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) Unlimited

13) Court marriage takes place in a _______.
a) Court of law
b) Church
c) Registry or courthouse
d) Mosque

14) Court marriage is a legal marriage and is governed by the _______.
a) Religious laws
b) Local traditions
c) Marriage Act
d) Family customs

15) What offense is committed when a person marries someone else while their existing marriage is still valid?
a) Monogamy
b) Bigamy
c) Polygamy
d) Civil marriage



The topic is presented step by step


Step 1:

The class teacher revises the previous topics


Step 2.

He introduces the new topic


Step 3:

The class teacher allows the pupils to give their own examples and he corrects them when the needs arise


Evaluation :

Assessment & Evaluation:

  1. List three marriage forms
  2. What is bride pride?
  3. Explain court marriage
  4. Who pays bride price and to who?
  5. Court marriage is also called ……………………
  6. What is divorce ?
  1. List three marriage forms:
    • Traditional marriage
    • Christian marriage
    • Islamic marriage
  2. What is bride price?
    • Bride price is the money or gifts paid by the groom or his family to the bride’s family as part of certain marriage customs and traditions.
  3. Explain court marriage:
    • Court marriage, also known as marriage by ordinance, is a legal form of marriage performed in a courthouse or registry office. It is officiated by a court registrar or local government official and is governed by civil laws.
  4. Who pays bride price and to whom?
    • The groom or his family pays bride price to the bride’s family.
  5. Court marriage is also called _______:
    • Court marriage is also called marriage by ordinance or marriage under the marriage act.
  6. What is divorce?
    • Divorce is the legal process through which a marriage is formally ended, and the spouses are no longer married to each other. It involves the dissolution of the marital contract and often includes arrangements for property division, custody of children, and support payments

1) List three marriage forms.
a) Monogamous, polygamous, arranged
b) Traditional, Christian, Islamic
c) Court, temple, mosque
d) Bride price, dowry, alimony

2) What is bride price?
a) The money paid by the groom’s parents to the bride’s parents
b) The money paid by the bride’s parents to the groom’s parents
c) The cost of the wedding ceremony
d) The wedding ring

3) Explain court marriage.
a) Court marriage is a legal form of marriage performed in a courthouse or registry office.
b) Court marriage is a religious marriage ceremony conducted in a church.
c) Court marriage is a traditional marriage ceremony in a community.
d) Court marriage is a form of polygamous marriage.

4) Who pays bride price and to whom?
a) The bride pays the groom’s family.
b) The groom pays the bride’s family.
c) The bride pays her own family.
d) The government pays both families.

5) Court marriage is also called _______.
a) Civil marriage
b) Traditional marriage
c) Christian marriage
d) Islamic marriage

6) What is divorce?
a) A joyful celebration
b) The end of a marriage and separation of spouses
c) A wedding ceremony
d) A traditional marriage ritual

7) In a monogamous marriage, how many spouses are involved?
a) Two
b) One
c) Three
d) None

8) What is the primary focus of traditional marriage?
a) Religious beliefs
b) Traditions and customs of a community
c) Laws and regulations
d) Government policies

9) What is the maximum number of wives a man can have in Islamic marriage?
a) Two
b) Three
c) Four
d) Five

10) Who officiates a Christian marriage ceremony?
a) Priest
b) Judge
c) Imam
d) Mayor

11) Which form of marriage involves the exchange of dowry or bride price?
a) Christian marriage
b) Court marriage
c) Islamic marriage
d) Traditional marriage

12) What is the term for a marriage conducted according to the Marriage Act of Nigeria?
a) Traditional marriage
b) Court marriage
c) Christian marriage
d) Islamic marriage

13) Islamic marriage allows a man to marry up to _______ wives if he can provide for them.
a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) Four

14) In Christian marriage, what is the usual number of spouses?
a) One man, many wives
b) Two men, one wife
c) One man, one wife
d) No fixed number

15) What distinguishes Christian marriage as a type of marriage?
a) Multiple spouses
b) A specific location
c) One man, one wife
d) Divorce allowed

16) What is the maximum number of wives a man can marry in a polygamous marriage?
a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) Four

17) In a traditional marriage, the groom pays _______ to the bride’s family.
a) Dowry
b) Bride price
c) Alimony
d) Wedding expenses

18) Who typically pronounces the couple as husband and wife in a court marriage?
a) The bride
b) The groom
c) The court registrar or local government official
d) A priest or pastor

19) What is the term used to describe a marriage that allows a man to have multiple wives?
a) Monogamous marriage
b) Polygamous marriage
c) Arranged marriage
d) Civil marriage

20) Court marriage is a legal marriage and is governed by the _______.
a) Religious laws
b) Local traditions
c) Marriage Act
d) Family customs

Conclusion :

The class teacher gives out ó brief note that is based on the topic that has just been taught.


Assignment :

Common drugs in our community

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