The roles of nuclear family members

Subject : Social Studies


Topic :

The roles of nuclear family members


Class :

Primary  3/ Basic 3


Term :

1st Term / First Term


Week :

Week 2


Instructional Materials :

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • Textbooks On Social Studies
  • Online Materials
  • Picture Charts



Previous Knowledge :

The pupils have been taught

Members of the Nuclear and Extended Family 

in their previous classes


Behavioural Objectives :  At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to

  • Explain the roles of members of the family
  • state the roles of father in the family
  • state the roles of mother in the family
  • state the roles children in the family
  • Explain how these roles are performed



Roles of family members

All members of the nuclear and extended families have different roles to play to bring about the growth of the family.


1 The father is the breadwinner of the family. This means he provides money for the family’s food.

2 He provides the needs of the family such as food, shelter, and clothes.

3 He pays the children’s school fees, electricity bills and waste disposal bills.

4. He protects the children and other members of the family from any attack.





1 The mother cooks for the family and makes sure the members of the family feed well.

2 The mother assists the father in training the children and making sure they behave well in the society.

3 She cleans the house to ensure healthy surroundings.

4 She teaches the children how to perform domestic work. Domestic work is the type of work we do at home. It includes sweeping the floor, washing the plates and clothes, and mopping the floor.


The children also have their roles in their own upbringing. This is to ensure that the roles of other family members are not in vain.

1 The children help their parents to do household chores, such as sweeping and cleaning the house as well as wash the cars, clothes and plates.

2 The children run errands for the parents and other members of the family. This means they do the work people asked them to do.

3 The older children in the family help in training the younger ones.

4 The children assist in taking care of their parents when they are sick.

5 The children show that they are obedient by reading their books and doing their homework at the right time.



The topic is presented step by step


Step 1:

The class teacher revises the previous topics


Step 2.

He introduces the new topic


Step 3:

The class teacher allows the pupils to give their own examples and he corrects them when the needs arise


Evaluation :

  1. State three roles of the children in the family
  2. Who is the breadwinner in the family?
  3. Who teaches the children to perform domestic work?
  4. Write four roles of the children in the family
  5. Who prepares food for every member of the family
  6. Who maintains discipline in the family
  7. Whose job is it to make sure that every member of the family is housed and secured from harsh weather conditions
  8. Who add to the total number of people in the family by giving birth.
  9. Whose duty is it to make sure that the rooms are clean and well swept
  10. Who pays the children’s school fee


Conclusion :

The class teacher gives out ó brief note that is based on the topic that has just been taught.





Assignment :



Roles of extended family members

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