Why division of labour is necessary in Agricultural Industry

Subject : Social Studies



Topic : Why division of labour is necessary in Agricultural Industry



Class : Primary 4



Term :  Second Term


Week : Week 10


Previous Knowledge : Pupils have previous knowledge of

Division of labour

that have been taught in their former lessons and classes


Behavioural Objectives : At the end of the lesson , pupils should be able to


  • Identify why division of labour is necessary in Agricultural Industry eg more acres of land can be cultivated and maintained
  • Identify the problems of agricultural Labour eg lack of problems
  • Investigate the ways to solve the problems of agricultural industry


Methods Of Teaching 

  • Discussion
  • Explanation
  • Dramatization
  • Dialogue
  • Story telling
  • Questions and Answers
  • Role Modelling



Instructional Materials 

  • Wall Charts
  • Pictures
  • Online materials
  • Textbooks
  • Scheme of work
  • Workbooks





Division of labour is very important in any organization, including the agricultural industry.

This is because no man knows everything and people working together brought better results.

Specifically, division of labour is important in the agricultural industry in the following ways:

1 It saves times: If the same farmer that planted the crops is the one that will harvest and take the produce to the market, lots of time would be wasted. As he leaves his farm for the market, some of the produce waiting for harvest on the farm would have spoilt before he returns from the market. Since there is division of labour, everybody’s time is put into proper use.


2 It increases the production of goods: Since everyone concentrates on his/her own unit, people become more familiar with what they do; hence they work faster and better. When labour is divided, the agricultural company can acquire more land and cultivate more crops.


3 It makes people to become specialists: When people do the same work every day, it makes them to become experts on the job.


4 Workers do not get tired easily: Since a worker concentrates on one aspect of the job which he gets used to, he/she does not get tired easily.


5 It reduces the price of goods: In division of labour, there will be mass production. This make the unit cost to be very low which will in turn reduce the price of the commodity.


We are going to use palm oil producing industry to explain how division of labour works in an agricultural industry.


The first stage is the planting of palm tree which will produce the palm fruit that will be used for the production of palm oil.

How division of labour is carried out in agricultural industry.


The second stage is the harvesting of the palm fruit from the farm. The fruits are then transferred to the processing sites.


Third stage is the threshing. This is the process of removing each fruit from the rest of the bunch.


The fourth stage is the steaming or cooking of the fruit in hot water. This makes the pulp of the palm fruit weak and easy for the oil to be extracted.


The last stage is the processing of the fruit to separate the oil from the skin and pulp. Each of these stages is undertaken by different people. This is called division of labour. Different stages of palm oil production

Some of the problems facing the agricultural industry include the following:


1 Lack of capital: Most of the farmers and manufacturers do not have enough funds to engage in the production of food and livestock. Some farmers cannot afford to buy the equipment needed for the cultivation of crops on a large scale.


2 Pests: Sometimes farmers lose their crops to pests.


3 Neglect of the sector because of oil: The agricultural sector does not receive enough attention from the government because of the oil and gas industry which is the major source of revenue for the government.


4 Low pricing of commodities: Lack of a pricing system or mechanism has led to the low pricing of agricultural commodities. Many buyers are not prepared to pay enough money for products. This has led to poor income for the farm

5 Diseases: Sometimes animals suffer diseases that kill a lot of them. For example, swine fever can kill all the pigs in a large piggery. Sometimes all the chickens in a poultry farm could die of disease.


6 Insufficient labour: Many people would rather work inside offices than on farms. So, there are not enough people working on the farms.


Ways By Which Problems of Agriculture can be Solved 

1. The problems facing the agricultural industry can be solved if the government can initiate better policies and set up systems of making easy loans and aid available to farmers and those involved in the agricultural industry.


2 More goods can be produced if more people are encouraged to take up different aspects of the agricultural industry, e.g., clearing the bush, making ridges, weeding, planting, harvesting, transporting, storing, processing and marketing.


3 A good pricing system should be put in place by the government to stabilize the prices of agricultural products and encourage farmers.


4 Pesticides should be made available to farmers and those involved in the agricultural sector, in order to curb and even stop the damage done to crops by pests. 5 The government should help farmers to get vaccines and medicines that will prevent those diseases that affect farm animals.




The topic is presented step by step



Step 1 : He revises the previous topic which was

Division of labour



Step 2 : The class teacher introduces the new topic

  1. Why Division of Labour is Necessary in Agricultural Industry:
  • Allows for greater specialization: With division of labour, each worker can focus on a specific task, becoming more skilled and efficient in that task. This can lead to higher quality produce and increased productivity.
  • Increases efficiency: By dividing up tasks, workers can complete them more quickly and with less waste. This can result in more acres of land being cultivated and maintained.
  • Saves time and money: Specialization can reduce the time and cost of training new workers, since they only need to learn one task.
  • Makes it easier to manage large-scale operations: Division of labour is necessary to manage large-scale agricultural operations, such as commercial farming or plantation farming, where there are many workers and tasks to complete.
  1. Problems of Agricultural Labour:
  • Labour shortages: Many countries face a shortage of agricultural labour due to urbanization and migration to cities.
  • Poor working conditions: Agricultural work can be physically demanding and workers may have to work long hours in harsh weather conditions.
  • Low pay: Agricultural workers may be paid low wages, making it difficult for them to support themselves and their families.
  • Lack of training and education: Many agricultural workers lack the necessary training and education to perform their jobs effectively and safely.
  1. Ways to Solve the Problems of Agricultural Industry:
  • Improving working conditions: Providing better working conditions, such as shade, water, and shelter, can improve the health and well-being of agricultural workers.
  • Increasing pay: Paying workers a fair wage can help to attract and retain workers, reducing labour shortages and improving productivity.
  • Providing training and education: Providing training and education can help agricultural workers develop the skills they need to perform their jobs effectively and safely, improving productivity and reducing accidents.
  • Encouraging mechanization: The use of machines and technology in agriculture can reduce the need for manual labour and increase productivity. This can also reduce the physical demands on workers and make their jobs safer.
  • Providing incentives: Providing incentives such as bonuses or profit sharing can motivate workers to work harder and improve productivity.


Step 3 : The class teacher allows the pupils to give their own contributions and he or she corrects them when the needs arise






1 What is the meaning of division of power in  agriculture

2 Mention two problems of agriculture

3. Mention in details how division of labour can be practised in agriculture

4. Mention four ways by which problems of agriculture can be solved





The class teacher gives out a short note and he or she goes round to do the necessary marking .



  1. What is one benefit of division of labour in agriculture? a. Reduced efficiency b. Increased costs c. Increased specialization d. Fewer acres of land cultivated
  2. Why is division of labour necessary in large-scale agricultural operations? a. To make tasks more difficult for workers b. To reduce productivity c. To manage many workers and tasks d. To increase training costs
  3. What is one problem of agricultural labour? a. High pay b. Excellent working conditions c. Labour shortages d. Overstaffing
  4. What is one solution to the problem of labour shortages in agriculture? a. Providing poor working conditions b. Reducing pay c. Encouraging migration to cities d. Offering fair wages
  5. What is one problem with poor working conditions in agriculture? a. Improved health and well-being of workers b. Decreased labour shortages c. Reduced productivity d. Increased safety risks
  6. What is one solution to the problem of low pay in agriculture? a. Increasing pay b. Reducing pay c. Encouraging workers to work more for less pay d. Providing poor working conditions
  7. What is one solution to the problem of lack of training and education in agriculture? a. Encouraging workers to work without training b. Providing training and education c. Reducing training and education d. Encouraging workers to work without safety equipment
  8. What is one solution to the problem of poor working conditions in agriculture? a. Providing better working conditions b. Encouraging workers to work longer hours c. Reducing pay d. Encouraging workers to work without safety equipment
  9. What is one solution to the problem of labour shortages in agriculture? a. Reducing pay b. Reducing productivity c. Encouraging migration to cities d. Encouraging mechanization
  10. What is one solution to the problem of lack of training and education in agriculture? a. Encouraging workers to work without training b. Providing training and education c. Encouraging workers to work without safety equipment d. Reducing productivity



Exercise A Choose the best answers for the following questions.


1 The breaking down of work into units so that each unit is undertaken by different people is called ____________. A job breaking B occupation C division of labour


2 Division of labor leads to ______________.A specialisation B poor job performance C laziness


3 When a person concentrates on a particular job and becomes expert in it, it s known as ______________.A export B specialisation C job specialist


4 One of the areas of specialization in agricultural industry is ______________.A crop farming B labour farming C land farming

B Answer the following questions in your exercise book.


1. What is division of labour?

2. Mention three (3) examples of agricultural industry.


3 .Write five (5) areas of specialization in agricultural industry.


4 .Mention two (2) importance of division of labour.

5 What is agricultural industry?


6 .Mention two (2) problems of agricultural industry.


7. Mention two (2) ways of solving problems of agricultural industry.


8. List two (2) stages of division of labour in the production of palm oil.


9 .Who is a livestock farmer?

10 .Who is a crop farmer?


11. Explain how division of labour works in a textile mill.


12 .Mention the raw materials for producing the following:


a) Beverage


b) Textile


c) Furniture

d) Shoe


13 Use your dictionary to look for the meanings of these words.


a) Expert


b) Concentrate


c) Harvest


d) Consume


e) Breed


f) Lumberman


g) Steaming


h) Threshing


i) Insufficient


j) Vaccine



Next lesson

Savings : Meaning , Types and Requirements For Opening a Saving account

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