Personal Hygiene And Physical Development Primary 5

Subject : Social Studies

Topic Personal Hygiene And Physical Development 

Class : Primary 5

Term :  Third Term

Week : Week 4

Previous Knowledge : Pupils have previous knowledge of

The effects of population Explosion on Population And Housing 

that have been taught in their former lessons and classes

Behavioural Objectives : At the end of the lesson , pupils should be able to

  • say the meaning of hygiene and personal cleanliness
  • explain the meaning of physical development
  • mention ways that we can make ourselves clean

Methods Of Teaching 

  • Discussion
  • Explanation
  • Dramatization
  • Dialogue
  • Story telling
  • Questions and Answers
  • Role Modelling



Instructional Materials 

  • Wall Charts
  • Pictures
  • Online materials
  • Textbooks
  • Scheme of work
  • Workbooks




What is the meaning of personal hygiene ? 

Personal hygiene simply refers to the steps that we must take to make our body very clean and neat . Growth is the irreversible increase in body size , weight or height . Development refers to the advance stage of growth when a child becomes a fully grown adult in which all the systems and emotions are fully grown , development and utilized . A child may be growing but not fully developed . The limbs may be abnormally short or the speech of the child is impeded .


  1. Personal hygiene refers to the steps we take to make our body ________ and ________. a) dirty, messy b) clean, neat c) tired, sleepy
  2. Growth refers to the ________ increase in body size, weight, or height. a) reversible b) irreversible c) temporary
  3. Development refers to the ________ stage of growth when a child becomes a fully grown adult. a) early b) intermediate c) advanced
  4. Personal hygiene helps in maintaining ________ health. a) physical b) mental c) emotional
  5. Brushing our teeth helps to keep our ________ clean and healthy. a) eyes b) mouth c) ears
  6. Washing our hands before meals helps to prevent the spread of ________. a) diseases b) happiness c) laughter
  7. Taking a bath or shower regularly helps to keep our ________ clean. a) clothes b) hair c) toys
  8. Keeping our nails short and clean helps to prevent ________. a) hunger b) accidents c) loneliness
  9. It is important to cover our ________ when we cough or sneeze. a) mouth and nose b) eyes and ears c) hands and feet
  10. Maintaining personal hygiene is important for our overall ________ and well-being. a) laziness b) health c) sadness

Please note that the correct answers to the questions are as follows:

  1. b) clean, neat
  2. b) irreversible
  3. c) advanced
  4. a) physical
  5. b) mouth
  6. a) diseases
  7. b) hair
  8. b) accidents
  9. a) mouth and nose
  10. b) health


How Boys And Girls Can Maintain Personal Cleanliness Or Hygiene

  • Make sure that you take your bath daily
  • Brush your teeth at least twice in a day .
  • Make sure that  you cut your fingernails short
  • Make sure that your under wears are always neat and clean
  • Boys should cut their hair low and girls should plait their hair
  • Wash your hands before and after eating
  • Wash your hands after using the toilet


  1. ________ that you take your bath daily. a) Forget b) Make sure c) Avoid
  2. ________ your teeth at least twice in a day. a) Ignore b) Brush c) Hide
  3. ________ that you cut your fingernails short. a) Skip b) Make sure c) Delay
  4. ________ that your underwears are always neat and clean. a) Ignore b) Forget c) Make sure
  5. Boys should ________ their hair low and girls should plait their hair. a) dye b) cut c) grow
  6. Wash your hands before and after ________. a) sleeping b) eating c) playing
  7. Wash your hands after ________ the toilet. a) ignoring b) using c) avoiding
  8. It is important to keep your ________ clean. a) toys b) books c) clothes
  9. Remember to cover your ________ when you cough or sneeze. a) mouth and nose b) ears and eyes c) hair and feet
  10. Maintaining personal cleanliness or hygiene is important for your ________. a) laziness b) health c) sadness

Please note that the correct answers to the questions are as follows:

  1. b) Make sure
  2. b) Brush
  3. b) Make sure
  4. c) Make sure
  5. b) cut
  6. b) eating
  7. b) using
  8. c) clothes
  9. a) mouth and nose
  10. b) health


Signs of Physical Growth And Development In Boys And Girls

  • Boys start to have erection at night during sleep
  • Boys start to have wet dreams
  • In girls , menstruations will start
  • Hair growth under the arm pit
  • Boys voice become bold and cracked
  • Girls develop broader hips
  • Boys develop broader chest
  • Girls develop noticeable breast growth
  • The growth of beard is noticed in boys



  1. Boys start to have ________ at night during sleep. a) growth spurts b) erections c) weight gain
  2. Boys start to have ________. a) taller height b) wet dreams c) longer hair
  3. In girls, ________ will start. a) voice deepening b) menstruations c) muscle growth
  4. ________ growth under the armpit is noticed. a) Beard b) Leg c) Hair
  5. Boys’ voice becomes ________ and cracked. a) softer b) bolder c) higher
  6. Girls develop ________ hips. a) broader b) narrower c) longer
  7. Boys develop broader ________. a) chest b) shoulders c) waist
  8. Girls develop noticeable ________ growth. a) breast b) foot c) arm
  9. The growth of ________ is noticed in boys. a) beard b) long hair c) eyebrows
  10. Both boys and girls may experience ________ spurts during growth. a) weight gain b) height c) hand growth

Please note that the correct answers to the questions are as follows:

  1. b) erections
  2. b) wet dreams
  3. b) menstruations
  4. c) Hair
  5. b) bolder
  6. a) broader
  7. a) chest
  8. a) breast
  9. a) beard
  10. b) height

 Factors That Hinders Growth and Development 

  • Malnutrition
  • Lack of exercise
  • Insufficient sleep or rest
  • Poor environment
  • Genes , Hormones or Heredity
  • Infections or Diseases
  • Sickness


  1. ________ can hinder growth and development. a) Malnutrition b) Laughter c) Friendship
  2. Lack of ________ can hinder growth and development. a) exercise b) entertainment c) education
  3. Insufficient sleep or rest can hinder ________. a) happiness b) growth and development c) creativity
  4. Poor ________ can hinder growth and development. a) environment b) weather c) hairstyle
  5. ________, hormones, or heredity can hinder growth and development. a) Laughter b) Genes c) Television
  6. Infections or diseases can hinder growth and ________. a) enjoyment b) development c) friendship
  7. ________ can hinder growth and development. a) Sickness b) Sports c) Music
  8. Lack of proper ________ can hinder growth and development. a) nutrition b) transportation c) fashion sense
  9. ________ can hinder growth and development. a) Education b) Television shows c) Technology
  10. Exposure to ________ can hinder growth and development. a) nature b) art c) harmful substances

Please note that the correct answers to the questions are as follows:

  1. a) Malnutrition
  2. a) exercise
  3. b) growth and development
  4. a) environment
  5. b) Genes
  6. b) development
  7. a) Sickness
  8. a) nutrition
  9. c) Technology
  10. c) harmful substances



The topic is presented step by step

Step 1 : He revises the previous topics

Step 2 : The class teacher introduces the new topic

Step 3 : The class teacher allows the pupils to give their own contributions and he or she corrects them when the needs arise






  1. _________ means steps that are taken to make our body neat and clean
  2. _________ is the irreversible increase in body size and height
  3. _________ is the advance stage of growth.
  4. People with retarded growth, most especially with the increase in height are called _________
  5. Speech difficulty is an example of _________ challenge,
  6. Mention four ways boys and girls can maintain personal Cleanliness or hygiene
    • _________
    • _________
    • _________
    • _________
  7. Mention four signs of development in boys and girls
    • _________
    • _________
    • _________
    • _________




The class teacher gives out a short note and he or she goes round to do the necessary marking .



Please kindly prepare for the next lesson by reading about


Physical Fitness and Population

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